The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 7182: God doesn't agree

Chen Liuhe cursed the quintessence of the nation again. Even though the three of them were powerful and even superb, they were still mortal bodies. If they really faced the dense and overwhelming bullets, it would be a narrow escape.

"Rooftop!" Chen Liuhe shouted loudly, and then quickly climbed towards the top of the building.

With the strength of the three of them, it is not too difficult to do this kind of climbing exercise that is extremely extreme in the eyes of ordinary people.

The three of them climbed very quickly. In a short time, they passed the flaming floor and were almost reaching the rooftop of the building.

"Chen Liuhe, I have a bad feeling in my heart. I always feel that things are not that simple tonight." An Peixieying looked at Chen Liuhe and shouted.

Chen Liuhe narrowed his eyes and calmed down for a moment, then winked at An Bei Xieying and Xinghai: "Go up first and then talk."

Regardless of whether the two women understood it or not, he took a step forward and flew up like a wild goose. His speed increased a lot, and he was several feet away from the two women.

Ampei Xieying and Xinghai also seemed to understand Chen Liuhe's meaning. They did not follow Chen Liuhe closely, but slowed down a little.

Just when Chen Liuhe grabbed the edge of the rooftop with one hand and turned over, he was about to jump onto the rooftop!

"Whoosh!" A sudden change occurred.

A flash of cold light passed through the night, sharp and dazzling, making people's nerves tremble so hard that their hearts would stop beating.

The cold light suddenly arrived, pointing directly at Chen Liuhe's body. It came so suddenly that it was impossible to prevent it.

Although the cold light is small and narrow, it definitely contains soaring murderous intent and terrifying power, and it is rushing to cut Chen Liuhe in half!

Absolutely unexpected!

Absolutely frightening moment!

Just when the cold light was about to pass over Chen Liuhe's body and cut Chen Liuhe in half!

At this critical moment.

There was a crisp "ding" sound that stung the eardrums.

I saw that the cold light was actually cut into two halves, passing through both sides of Chen Liuhe's body, but did not hurt Chen Liuhe at all.

Everything happened so fast, in the blink of an eye.

Chen Liuhe's reaction speed was also astonishingly fast.

With his feet firmly on the ground on the rooftop, Chen Liuhe stood facing the wind, holding a dark short blade in his hand.

The short blade has a strange shape, like a curved crescent, and the blade is extremely sharp!

"Death!" Before Chen Liuhe could catch his breath, suddenly, a thunderous shout exploded, and the wind roared across the rooftop!

Murderous intent surged across the sky, drowning Chen Liuhe in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow was seen rushing towards Chen Liuhe, and a thunderous attack suddenly started, as powerful as a tsunami.

"Seeking death!" Chen Liuhe narrowed his eyes fiercely, without panicking at all. He took a step back and dodged the first attack.

Immediately, Chen Liuhe stepped forward again, and the black moon in his hand exploded with an astonishing killing light, cutting a gap in the night.

"Poof" blood flew out, and the attacker was scratched by a knife.

Chen Liuhe took advantage and took another step forward.

"Dong" This step was so powerful that the ground roared and the hard cement ground broke into pieces.

"Bang!" Chen Liuhe's body was like a humanoid beast, slamming into the opponent's shoulder!

The force of this collision was so strong that the attackers fell back one after another.

The sneak attacker who should have taken the absolute initiative was unexpectedly repulsed in an instant, and it was Chen Liuhe who turned out to be the main attacker!

"Bang bang bang~~" Gas explosions sounded one after another on the rooftop, and the dark night was shaking violently, as if it was about to be shattered at any time.

Chen Liuhe's attack was as fierce as a tiger's. He opened and closed his hands and feet in a wide range of motions, and his dazzling power shone endlessly.

In the blink of an eye, after dozens of moves, the retreating attacker was knocked away with one punch from Chen Liuhe!

At this time, Anbei Xieying and Xinghai also climbed up to the rooftop and stood behind Chen Liuhe!

They all saw what happened just now, and they couldn't help but feel chills running down their spines, and they were filled with fear.

If they hadn't sensed the danger in advance and taken psychological precautions, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

They asked themselves, if they had climbed to the rooftop first just now, they would have been unable to avoid the sudden killing light!

The end result is probably to be cut off from the waist!

Only people like Chen Liuhe can deal with any crisis at any time.

"You really surprised me. I underestimated you." In a dangerous situation, Chen Liuhe's face did not panic, but instead was filled with a joking sneer.

He stared at the dark night ahead. There was a black shadow standing there, it was the person who had just attacked him.

After a brief confrontation, Chen Liuhe knew that the opponent was very strong. Even if he did not reach the semi-sacred realm, he was not far behind!

Its strength must be higher than that of Ampei Xieying and Xinghai.

"So, put away your arrogant face from now on. Not everything in this world can be planned by you." Xinghai did not miss this rare opportunity to attack Chen Liuhe.

Chen Liuhe shrugged, still looking at the black shadow, and said: "I originally thought that these people would not attack me now. After all, they want to recharge their batteries and use all their strength to attack Shi Nuo. On the Ya family and the Pulic family.”

"But I never thought that these guys would dare to think reversely and play tricks on me that I didn't expect."

Chen Liuhe smacked his lips a few times and said: "The plan is very good, every link is linked, and it has indeed brought me a lot of crises and troubles, but it is a pity that I have my own destiny." , your plan is doomed to fail."

"Chen Liuhe, you really have a problem. The strength you showed just now proves our guess." The black shadow spoke, his voice hoarse and filled with murderous intent.

"Don't tell me that you made such a big noise tonight just to test me?" Chen Liuhe sneered.

He didn't want to expose his strength, but in the situation just now, there was no other way.

"I'm here to take you to see God." The shadow snorted coldly, took a few steps forward, and walked out of the dark shadow.

This is an old man wearing a black robe, with a strong breath and eyes like an eagle.

"By you?" Chen Liuhe raised his eyelids and flicked the blood beads on Wu Yue with disdain.

"If you don't die tonight, God won't agree." At this moment, another cold voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a black shadow slowly walking out of the darkness. This was also an old man, with a fierce expression and murderous eyes.

The moment the old man appeared, Chen Liuhe's eyes narrowed subconsciously, and he felt a hint of danger from the other man's aura.

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