The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 7172: Mainly anti-customer

"You want them to withdraw their troops at this time? Not to mention me, even the God you talk about can't do it." Chen Liuhe shrugged.

"So?" The atmosphere in the study became sinking again and again, almost reaching freezing point.

"So, besides resisting and fighting to the death, I really can't think of any other way." Chen Liuhe smacked his lips a few times and said very calmly.

Paz, Onate, and Hewei all narrowed their eyes fiercely, and their sharp rays were like sharp blades that were going to cut Chen Liuhe into pieces in an instant!

What kind of response is this? Isn’t saying this the same as not saying it? Isn't it obvious that the two major families are going to die?

"Fight to the death? That sounds nice! There is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us! Why fight? This is striking an egg against a stone, this is self-destruction!"

Hewei said angrily: "Chen Liuhe, what do you want to do? You personally pushed the situation to this desperate situation, and now you want our two families to die? What are your intentions?"

"Do you think that the six ancient ancient families are targeting us now and have no substantial relationship with you, so you can sit back and relax?"

Hewei said angrily: "That's because they don't know the truth about last night. As long as we tell the truth about what happened last night, do you think they will still lock their eyes on us? They will do whatever it takes. I’ll kill you first!”

Chen Liuhe raised his eyelids and said: "Then what? Let the six ancient divine families come to surround me and kill me in one fell swoop! I die, what happens next? Even your last hope is shattered. Your destruction will become a foregone conclusion that no one can change!"

After a pause, Chen Liuhe said again: "You can announce the truth about last night at any time, and I will never stop you!"

At this point, Chen Liuhe sneered: "But I can guarantee that if you do that, I may not necessarily die, but I will definitely watch the destruction of your two families and ignore it!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire study fell silent again, a deathly silence, as if the air had solidified and breathing had stagnated!

Full of anger surged in the hearts of Paz and the other three people, but they also felt a sense of frustration that they had no way to vent!

At this moment, they seemed to realize belatedly that they all seemed to have fallen into the deep hole that Chen Liuhe dug for them, and unknowingly, they were severely manipulated by Chen Liuhe.

This one was really too fierce and cruel, and it directly pushed the two big families of Schnoya and Pulic to the edge of the cliff!

Even if they turn around now, it's too late. They can't change the situation and can't save anything.

All this is Chen Liuhe's conspiracy, a long-planned conspiracy!

Thinking of this, whether it is Paz, Onate, or Hewei, these three powerful and powerful existences can't help but feel chills running down their spines and hairs in their hearts!

They looked at Chen Liuhe, their eyes full of anger and gloom, but they were all trying to hold back and not have an attack.

It's not that they don't want to cut into pieces the man who personally pushed their family to the edge of the abyss, but they know very well that the situation is already like this, so what if they kill Chen Liuhe, the culprit?

Not only will it not solve any problems, it will also make them perish faster!

We can't just turn against Odin and the ancient divine families before they take action, and fight to the death, right?

"Chen Liuhe, you deserve to die! We have tried our best to help you, and this is how you repay us? Is this the consequence of becoming an ally with you?" Hewei gritted his teeth, with a fierce look in his eyes: "What will this do to you? benefit?"

"I can tell you responsibly, if we really want to perish, you will definitely not end well!" Hewei was furious.

Chen Liuhe seemed to have not sensed the overwhelming anger and resentment from the three of them. He remained calm and said: "I have already said that what happened this time was an accident! This was not my plan in advance, and I never thought about it. I want to push your two families to the forefront and play the role of cannon fodder!"

"I can only say that no one expected Satan's sudden entry." Chen Liuhe said solemnly.

The eyes of the three people flickered, with a cold aura. Paz took a deep breath, stared at Chen Liuhe and said: "This is not a reason! Even if you say a thousand words, you can't deny that the current dead situation is caused by you. of."

"That's right, now that the situation has come to a point, you can't just use an unexpected sentence to prevaricate us! This is related to the survival of the family, and the life and death of hundreds of people in our family!" Onate also said in a deep voice.

Chen Liuhe glanced sideways at the three of them and said, "Don't look at me with that bitter and hateful look. I hope you will remember clearly at all times that we are in the same boat. If there is an internal fight now, it will only Let our opponents see the joke and reap the rewards!"

"If it weren't for this, do you think you could still be sitting here safe and sound?" Hewei snorted angrily.

It’s no wonder that these three old foxes couldn’t keep their composure. The current situation is really too dangerous and dangerous, and they have reached a critical point of life and death.

What is at stake is not as simple as a few human lives, but two ancient divine families that have been passed down for centuries!

"Chen Liuhe, what we just want to know now is how you can break the deadlock in front of us!" Paz asked stiffly.

"The overall situation has been decided and it is difficult to change! Now there are only two choices before your two families!"

Chen Liuhe said unhurriedly: "Either, use all the strength of the whole clan to make a last-ditch fight! Fight to the death with the opponent!"

"Either, choose to escape, move the whole family, go as far as you can, and live as many lives as you can." After saying that, Chen Liuhe looked at the three of them with a very calm look.

"What kind of nonsense is this? What's the difference between saying it and not saying it? After all, you still throw your hands away and want us to fight to the death with the Odin family and others, so that you can reap the benefits?"

Hewei angrily scolded: "Do you think it's as simple as you think? You want to stay out of it, it's just a fantasy."

Chen Liuhe's eyes gradually became sharper, and the aura on his body was no longer calm. In an instant, it was fierce. An aura so strong that it was almost breathless emerged like a torrent, and instantly filled the entire study.

"Talking to you properly doesn't mean I'm afraid of you, it's just because I know anger can't solve the problem."

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