The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 7162: scary atmosphere

Especially when she felt the changes in Chen Liuhe's body, her body couldn't help but tremble slightly again.

"Sister Caixia..." Chen Liuhe called softly again, and his hot breath blew into Wen Caixia's ears, making Wen Caixia panic.

"Well..." Wen Caixia responded.

"Go to sleep." Chen Liuhe clung to Wen Caixia and hugged her tighter.

But even in this state of almost burning with desire, Chen Liuhe made no further move.

This is respect for Wen Caixia, and it is also love for Wen Caixia.

Wen Caixia could naturally understand what Chen Liuhe was thinking. She gently held Chen Liuhe's palm and put it against her lower abdomen.

The corners of her mouth also turned up in an infinitely gentle arc, she closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

She is not afraid of what Chen Liuhe will do to her. Even if he does, she will not resist or refuse. At best, she will just be a little disappointed.

But will this man let her down? Obviously not, this man has never let her down.

There was no words for the whole night, Chen Liuhe just held the beauty in his arms tightly, silently enjoying this hard-earned tender moment, cherishing it extremely.

However, in other places, things are not so peaceful.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, and the night sky in Washington was extremely dark.

But in the luxurious manor of the Consenro family, the lights were bright.

Ever since he got older, Hille Consuelo, who had the habit of resting on time before eleven o'clock in the evening, didn't feel sleepy at all at the moment.

In the huge conference hall, the heads of several major families gathered.

In addition to Hille Consenro, the heads of the other five major families were also present.

These elderly guys had serious expressions on their faces, and there was uncontrollable sadness in their eyes.

The conference hall was very quiet, the smokers were puffing away, and the non-smokers were sitting there without saying a word.

There was an atmosphere of heaviness and tension in the air.

They were all waiting, waiting for some news to come back.

"I have been restless. I have a very bad premonition! I haven't felt this way for many years." In the silence, someone spoke. The speaker was the head of the Saint Xia family, Keya Saint. West Asia.

"Two hours have passed and there is still no news. This is definitely not a good phenomenon." Hamosi Tianyi also said in a deep voice.

"Are we worrying too much? The lineup tonight is so strong, and it is personally led by the elders of the Odin family. This power, let alone little Washington, is enough to wipe out everything even if we look at the entire world."

Gud Sicilip said solemnly: "In this world, we cannot say that there are absolutely no people who can touch them, but if we want these people to disappear quietly, I think it is absolutely impossible. No People are so powerful.”

"Unless God comes." Gude said with certainty.

"I think Gude's words are very reasonable. Regardless of whether it is the Schnoya family or the Pulic family, they are not weak, but if there is a fierce battle, it is impossible to wipe out all the powerful people such as the Tiantu elders. , or in a short period of time." Verona Guding, the head of the Guding family, took a long breath of cigar.

"So many powerful people disappeared inexplicably without any news. This is too bizarre, and we can't help but speculate in the worst direction." Henry Uh-Wright, the head of the Uh-Wright family, said solemnly.

Everyone's hearts were filled with breathlessness and palpitations.

In this battle, almost all the Shengu family behind them participated.

But until now, all contact has been lost, and not a single bit of news has been sent back.

This group of people really seemed to have disappeared from the world, so weird and creepy.

Let them make random guesses and break their heads, but they can't guess what happened tonight.

Hiller Consenro, who was sitting at the head of the table, remained silent. His face was cold and his eyes were dark, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Not long after, the people who went to conduct a thorough investigation returned, but they did not bring back any useful information.

Heavenly Disciple Odin and other powerful men were still nowhere to be found.

They went to the agreed place tonight and carefully inspected it, but found no special traces.

Everything was so calm and ordinary that it was incredible.

After receiving this news, the faces of all the family heads became even uglier.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Even if an accident happens to the Odin family and other powerful people and they do other things, the news will definitely come back.

There is no way there is no news at all!

"What about the Schnoya family and the Pullic family? Is there anything unusual happening with them?"

Hiller Consenro took a deep breath to keep his head calm: "Where is Paz Schnoyer? Is there any news about him? This game tonight was arranged by him."

"Nothing unusual was found. Everything was calm, including the Shen'en family and the Chasidro family. No special measures were taken." The slave of the Consenro family reported truthfully.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. They are all calm, but our people have disappeared? There must be something unknown happening here!" Hiller's eyes were grim.

"Is there really an accident?" Hamosi asked sharply.

"How is it possible? Such a powerful force wants them to disappear? Do you think there really is a God?"

Keya Sancia said: "Who in the whole of Washington has such extraordinary ability? Why, the Schnoya family and the Pulic family? Are they that capable?"

"Unless their whole clan is dispatched, we will definitely receive news of such a big movement. Besides, do they dare?" Keya said.

"There will be no results from our discussion here! This matter is too big, we must report it to the Shengu family behind it!"

Hiller said solemnly: "No matter what the truth is, it is beyond our control. We must let the Shengu family come forward! I believe they can find out the truth!"

Everyone nodded and immediately began to contact the Shengu family behind them!

Indeed, this matter is too big and beyond the scope of their control. So many powerful people disappeared overnight, and their lives and deaths are unknown. It is a shocking thing for the Shengu family behind them!

No one dares to be careless in this matter.

Through the phone, Hiller truthfully reported the matter to the Odin family.

As imagined, the Odin family was also shocked beyond belief after learning the news.

Obviously, before this, no one would have thought that things would evolve to this point.

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