That is, now that the powerful demigods are in front of him, they cannot pose a threat to him at all.

If it were a demigod, it wouldn't be enough for him to fight!

But if two demigods are together, they can have a good time with him.

But it was just a joke, and it was not very likely that it would threaten his life.

Even though this battle was so fierce, it seemed that everyone was in the same boat, but only Chen Liuhe knew that he still had a lot of skills that he had not yet used, and he had not used all his strength.

If you really want to fight hard, it will be far more than this battle situation...

"This kid is very good at close combat. Physically, we can't beat him. We can't let him take advantage of us." The strong man in the demigod realm of the Kresh family shouted in a low voice. He looked at Chen Liuhe with ferocious eyes. The desire to kill.

Such a powerful enemy cannot let him live for a moment longer.

I didn't know Chen Liuhe's strength before, and thought that Chen Liuhe was just a worthless waste, so I wasn't that concerned about him.

But now, Chen Liuhe must die!

"Then let's not waste time with him and send him directly to see God."

The disciple Odin said sternly: "Let him open his eyes and see clearly how ridiculous his arrogance is. People under the demigod realm will never understand the power and terror of the demigod realm!"

"Boy, I admit that you are a loser, but you will inevitably die! You can die under the joint efforts of the two of us tonight, and it is not an injustice! Let you see the brand new world of the demigod realm!" Heavenly Disciple Odin roared angrily.

At the same time, his aura skyrocketed, skyrocketed crazily, and the scene was mind-numbing.

Countless dazzling lights penetrated from his body, as if the night was being stirred like a rolling river.

A sky curtain quickly formed amidst this thrilling momentum, turning the night into day.

At the same time, people in this area felt like ants being controlled by an inexplicable force that was too powerful to contend with!

The extreme pressure made everyone's liver and gallbladder burst. Some people even lay on the ground, trembling all over. No matter how hard they tried, they could not get up.

The pained expression on his face looked like he was about to be crushed to pieces by the endless pressure.

This was indeed the case. Blood began to seep out of the skin on their bodies. Along with the screams, cracks began to appear in their skin.

The power of the field!

This is the legendary realm of God!

It is also a super powerful killing technique that can only be understood by those in the demigod realm!

The moment the disciple Odin's domain was revealed, he changed from his previous decline and transformed into a god, dominating the audience like a god!

At this moment, it seemed that everyone was as small and fragile as an ant in his eyes!

This kind of power is like being sent down by God. It is difficult to describe it in words. The terrifying level is beyond cognition!

Chen Liuhe, who was at the center of the storm, clearly felt great pressure at this moment and was seriously affected.

His expression was no longer indifferent, it was full of solemnity, and his eyebrows were deeply frowned together.

His body seemed to be under extreme pressure. The most obvious thing was that his body sank a little, and the ground beneath his feet completely shattered and collapsed.

Beads of sweat emerged from Chen Liuhe's body.

This kind of power is indeed terrifying, making Chen Liuhe a little unbearable.

"Boy, do you feel fear and despair now! This is the gap between you and me, like a chasm!"

Odin, the heavenly disciple who has released the realm of God, is arrogant among the heroes. He has a stern look on his face and looks invincible.

"Do you think that because you have some strength, you can do whatever you want? I can only say that you are a frog in the well, and you don't know anything about power." Tiantu Odin looked down at Chen Liuhe as if he had a chance to win.

In his divine realm, he is a god, he can dominate everything, and he is 100% confident that he can kill Chen Liuhe!

The expression on Chen Liuhe's face was slightly labored, and his body was slightly bent under the pressure.

"Is this the power of the Realm of God? It's interesting." A slightly hoarse voice came from Chen Liuhe's mouth.

This was the first time he felt the power of the domain. Indeed, it could only be described as terrifying.

This kind of power is very strange and powerful, as if the entire area is controlled by some kind of rules.

In the field, Chen Liuhe actually had the illusion that he was extremely insignificant.

However, after a short period of adaptation, Chen Liuhe stabilized his mind and adapted to the impact of this pressure.

He slowly stood up straight, his feet as steady as Mount Tai, and his body standing like a mountain.

"You are still pretending to me at the end of Qiannu!" Seeing Chen Liuhe's unyielding look, Tiantu shouted angrily: "Get down!"

The roar was so loud that it seemed like it could make people's heads explode.

Chen Liuhe suddenly felt an infinite power bombarding him, hitting his consciousness heavily.

This caused Chen Liuhe's body to shake suddenly several times, and the ground beneath his feet shattered. His whole body seemed to have endured a huge force of ten thousand kilograms, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Are you still holding on?" Seeing this scene, Tiantu frowned.

This is very strange. In his field, Chen Liuhe can still hold on until now, which is a bit incredible.

"Old man, you want to kill me for just this little thing? Do you think too highly of yourself, or do you think too little of me?"

Chen Liuhe raised his head and looked directly at the opponent, with a sneer on his face. The power of this domain seemed to be unable to have much impact on him.

This scene is undoubtedly incredible.

"In my domain, I am a god! Do you think you can be an enemy of a god?" The disciple Odin was furious. He stepped out, as if the sky was falling apart, the whole area was shaking, and countless powerful waves rolled into the sky. , rushed towards Chen Liuhe from all directions, and wanted to smash Chen Liuhe to pieces on the spot.

"Break it!!" Chen Liuhe also shouted loudly, his body burst with golden light, and he punched the ground.

"Boom!" The destructive power seemed to collapse the earth, and countless air waves surged out in circles like tsunamis!

Wherever it passes, the power is terrifying, crushing everything.

"Bang bang bang~" After the shocking exchange of blows, Chen Liuhe stumbled back a few steps.

I have to admit that in this field, there is a kind of ebb and flow. The disciples become stronger, but his strength is somewhat suppressed.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of others, Chen Liuhe's transformation has been difficult to describe in words.

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