The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 7141: One punch difference

After thinking about this clearly, Heavenly Disciple Odin felt a little more at ease, and his proud posture was revealed again.

Amidst the awe-inspiring fighting spirit, I am full of victorious thoughts!

"I'm just going to kill you. There's no need to mobilize an army. I'm enough for you." Heavenly Disciple Odin laughed ferociously.

In an instant, a killing light flashed in his eyes, and a powerful light surged through his body, like a torrent rushing backwards.

A strong wind howled, and Heavenly Disciple Odin disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Chen Liuhe. He didn't have any fancy moves, he just punched out.

But this punch, with the momentum of thunder, was extremely powerful, as if it was going to shatter the space, and a strong aura of destruction arose!

All of this, lightning and flint, Tiantu's speed is too fast, so fast that even the brain can't react, let alone seeing it with his eyes!

If this punch is carried out, it has the power to kill!

However, Chen Liuhe still stood where he was, with the expression on his face not changing.

It felt like there was too little time to react.

The fist struck, just when Chen Liuhe was about to die.

Suddenly, his body became blurry.

"Buzz" the fist passed through Chen Liuhe's body without any hindrance and with great ease.

The next moment, Chen Liuhe's body burst open like a bubble.

This is an illusion! !

Tiantuo Odin's expression suddenly changed, and he could even be said to be shocked.

This scene is undoubtedly astonishing. What is astonishing is not the illusion created by Chen Liuhe. What is astonishing is that in this situation, with the super perception of the disciple Odin, he did not notice all this in advance. This is the most terrifying thing. thing!

You know, Heavenly Disciple Odin is not an ordinary strong man, he is a real strong man in the demigod realm, and he is the top existence in the world.

In this world, someone could hide everything from under his nose. How unbelievable is that?

However, the fact happened right in front of his eyes, and he was not allowed to be too shocked!

"Woooooo~" Suddenly, a deafening roar sounded from one side. It was the howl of the wind stirred up by the super strong road!

Tiantuo Odin's scalp exploded, and a super dangerous aura hit him crazily. He didn't even think about it, and his body flashed almost instinctively.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and a punch hit the place where he had just stood. The space seemed to be collapsed, and there were countless cracks like glass.

"The speed is indeed fast enough." A sneer came out, and a vague body appeared in the air, and Chen Liuhe seemed to be reorganized out of thin air.

"But, do you think you can be faster than me?" As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Liuhe approached again and slapped the disciple Odin with a palm.

The whole process was so smooth that it was indescribably fast. It had completely exceeded the limits of the human body. To the naked eye, it looked more like an alien transposition.

After just one meeting, Heavenly Disciple Odin was frightened. Chen Liuhe seemed to be more powerful than he expected!

This speed alone is shocking.

"Boom!" At the critical moment, Heavenly Disciple Odin followed up with a punch, striking a blow with Chen Liuhe's palm.

The air waves surged, the space was turbulent, and the incredible power bombarded together, forming a shock wave visible to the naked eye, sweeping in all directions, and layers of cracks appeared on the ground.

What is even more shocking is that under this blow, the body of Heavenly Disciple Odin flew backwards as if he had suffered a terrifying shock!

Looking at Chen Liuhe again, he just took a step back and stood there, motionless.

The body is as tall and straight as a towering peak!

This scene is shocking!

Everyone's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, looking at Chen Liuhe with incredulous eyes.

This unskillful fight between the two ended with Chen Liuhe firmly gaining the upper hand?

How can this be? Everyone was astonished as if they had seen a ghost.

Afterwards, everyone's eyes were filled with extreme fear, unable to accept this fact!

There is no doubt about the strength of Heavenly Disciple Odin. As a senior elder of the Odin family, his rank is as high as that of a god!

But even such a strong man suffered a big loss in front of Chen Liuhe. He was completely defeated and at a disadvantage!

Although it was just a simple blow, the strength seemed to be determined!

My scalp was numb, my hands and feet were cold, and my heart was trembling.

This is the mood swing for everyone at this moment.

Silence, the whole place is dead silent!

Chen Liuhe shook his arm slightly and said indifferently: "You don't seem to be as strong as you thought. Could it be that you are really an old man and your body is no longer useful? It's just a palm."

The understatement was like thunder, hitting everyone's nerves!

The sound of pouring cold air sounded one after another,

Even Paz Schnoya and Hewei Pulic were stunned and looked like they could not recover.

Chen Liuhe's sudden display of power was like a thunderbolt that struck their hearts.

This is something that no one can imagine, a scene that no one can predict!

Paz already knew that Chen Liuhe was not a simple man, he would be a powerful man with deep hidden powers, extremely powerful.

But no matter how much he dared to think, he could never think of Chen Liuhe as stronger than a demi-god realm expert.

"How is it possible? Chen Liuhe, how did you do it? Even if you hide your strength, you can never be so outrageous!" Odin, the disciple who came back to his senses, roared in fear. .

He couldn't believe what just happened, but the severe pain in his arm forced him to admit the fact.

"Not only are you weak in strength, but your brain is also aging? Are you still unwilling to believe the facts before your eyes?"

Chen Liuhe said sarcastically, with a look of pride on his face. It was obvious that he was also very satisfied with the talent's performance.

This is the first time in such a long time that he has used all his strength to blow away a powerful demigod in one fell swoop. It feels pretty good.

"The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind." Chen Liuhe said slowly: "Tonight's game is indeed what it means, but you foreigners have forgotten that there is another sentence behind it, you don't know the slingshot under the tree."

"I have already said that I planned this situation with my own hands. How could I not be sure and confident enough?"

Chen Liuhe said with a smile: "Without absolute control, how could I dare to play with you like this? Do you really think I am out of my mind and here to die?"

"Chen Liuhe!!" Heavenly disciple Odin was furious. The feeling of being played made him about to explode.

"So what? Your physical strength is terrifying at best! I don't believe how strong your true strength is!"

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