"You are so straightforward to say such a thing in front of me, are you not afraid that I will kill you first?" Chen Liuhe asked with a smile.

"I came to you to shake this out. I didn't even think I could live. The only requirement I have now is that even if you want to kill me, please ask me to watch Xu Shirong die before me!" Zhang Jiajia Road.

Chen Liuhe laughed: "A woman with courage!"

Having said that, he no longer ignored Zhang Jiajia and stood up and walked out of the office. Of course Wang Jinbiao knew what to do next, and followed Chen Liu with a murderous face.

Zhang Jiajia quickly followed.

Wang Jinbiao's men have been monitoring Xu Shirong, so it is not difficult for Chen Liuhe to find him. On a large bed in a villa, Xu Shirong, who is turning over the river with a woman, is grabbed.

When he saw the battle in front of him and Zhang Jiajia with a vicious look, Xu Shirong's face instantly turned pale, and he seemed to know that the catastrophe was coming, he turned around and wanted to jump out of the window to escape, but was pulled back by Wang Jinbiao, Without saying a word, a shot was hit on his thigh, which made him lose his ability to stand up!

The woman on the big bed covered with red fruits screamed. Wang Jinbiao, who was full of murderous intent, couldn't help but say that he directly rewarded a bullet and centered his eyebrows.

Regarding this, Chen Liuhe seemed to have never seen it, and his face was always cold as ice. He sat on the sofa and looked down at Xu Shirong, who has no gods, and said lightly, "Isn't it a surprise? Such a meticulous thing, you never thought that Almost exposed?"

"Six... Brother, I don't understand what you're talking about, what are you doing? I'm Xu Shirong, your good brother!" Xu Shirong said tremblingly.

"Oh, I don't need to continue acting with me now! I have a recording of your call and a video of your meeting with Wang Jinbiao, do you still want to quibble? If there is not enough evidence, I will not come!" Chen Liuhe Said lightly.

"How is it possible? Impossible! Sixth Brother, you must have made a mistake. There must be some misunderstanding! Someone must frame me!" Xu Shirong pointed to Zhang Jiajia in shock, "I know, it is her, Isn't that right, this bitch~ Brother, she can't believe her words, she is Zhang Yongfu's daughter!"

"Xu Shirong, it's time to die, don't pretend to be crazy and sell silly! Your recording of the conversation with the behind-the-scenes messenger, I gave it to Chen Liuhe, your conversation is clear! From the time Chen Liuhe left Hangzhou, you will I'm plotting this thing! It's really beautiful, but you can't think of it? Your every move is under my surveillance! I've been waiting for this day for a long time!" Zhang Jiajia said indignantly.

"You fart, you stinky lady, I am delicious and delicious for you, you still want to frame me!" Xu Shirong was out of control and wanted to hit Zhang Jiajia, but Wang Jinbiao stepped on his feet and could not struggle.

"Xu Shirong, talk about, why should I do this? Is it because of the promise of 50 million on the phone? I treat you not thin, I did not expect that you will betray me! It is only 50 million, is it smaller than yours? Life is worth it?" Chen Liuhe asked.

"Why?" Xu Shirong looked at Chen Liuhe and said emotionally: "Chen Liuhe, why do you say? With me Xu Shirong, you still have to support a Wang Jinbiao. Why can he take the position, he can take the place of Qiao's family? And I am still the boss of a small gang? I followed you earlier than he did, and everything about him should be mine!"

Xu Shirong glared at Chen Liuhe: "Chen Liuhe, you are not kind to me, I will be unrighteous to you!"

After hearing this, Chen Liuhe sneered and shook his head: "Xu Shirong, Xu Shirong, I can only say that you are not self-confident, do not know life and death, what can you say? People are different, you can't do Wang Jinbiao!"

"There's nothing to say! Now that things have been revealed, it's up to you to kill or kill! I just hate, I hate myself for making the wrong move and losing to the stuff in my crotch! I'm only one step away from success!" Xu Shirong's emotional collapse said that he no longer begs for sophistry and broke out in despair.

Chen Liuhe shook his head again: "You are wrong! From the moment you choose to betray me, your ending is already doomed, and you will only get farther and farther from success! Since the death of Zhang Yongfu and Feng Qi cannot make you learn from the past , Then use your death to sound the last alarm for you!"

In the face of death, Xu Shirong still couldn't face it calmly, he said to Chen Liuhe in anxiety: "Don't, don't kill me, 6th brother, anyway, I have known you and you for so long. Friend, she was the one I recommended to join the Chamber of Commerce, you can’t kill me, give me a way to live!"

Chen Liuhe looked indifferent and said indifferently: "Before dying, I can give you a chance to keep your whole family! Tell me, who is the man who talks to you on the phone, why would he wish to put me down?"

Xu Shirong shook his head in a panic, and his face was horrified: "I don’t know, I really don’t know. He took the initiative to find me. He promised that as long as I had done you, he would let me take the place of Wang Jinbiao and let me In Hangcheng, the clouds and rain, I don’t know who he is!"

Chen Liuhe stared at Xu Shirong halfway, then shook his head and said, "So what do I keep with you?" He said, he stood up and turned his head to Zhang Jiajia, "I promise you, I won't eat, you send him The last trip!"

Subsequently, Chen Liuhe went out in spite of Xu Shirong's mad begging.

A series of gunshots came from inside the house, and a whole bullet shot empty before calming down. Without looking at it, Chen Liuhe could also guess that Zhang Shijia's resentful emotion must smash Xu Shirong's head!

Not long after, Wang Jinbiao and Zhang Jiajia both came out. Zhang Jiajia took a deep breath and said, "Okay, my wish is over, you kill me!"

Chen Liuhe tilted his head and looked at her with a smile, said: "Why? This is reconciled? Your biggest murderous enemy is in front of you, don't you plan to take out the gun in your shoulder bag and kill it? I?"

Zhang Jiajia's expression changed, but there was no panic. She looked directly at Chen Liuhe: "No, I know I can't kill you, even if I try harder! It's useless! I have done everything I can!"

Chen Liuhe nodded gently, and said indifferently: "Go, I'm not as ruthless as you think!"

Zhang Jiajia was stunned for a moment, apparently did not expect Chen Liuhe to deal with her like this, she said: "You... I heard correctly? Do you mean to let me go?"

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