The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 655: No business

Hearing Chen Liuhe's words, Xia Zhengyang glanced sideways and said, "How are you bullying? That's his mother's blind dog eyes! I don't think there are any bad bullies in this world! The two little dolls are too self-righteous, Hit your eyes on your head, who is the prey and who is the hunter, I am afraid they can't figure it out!"

Xia Zhengyang never doubted Chen Liuhe's ability, and believed in his ability enough. Hong Hao and Hong Xuanxuan, although considered to be very young talents in the younger generation, seemed worse than Chen Liuhe. After so much heat!

Chen Liuhe is a real fox, still a kind of fierce fox who is willing to pretend to be stupid, but always eats people! Not to mention the two young people in their twenties, those old foxes in their sixties or seventies who are about to enter the coffin, dare not take it lightly in front of Chen Liuhe!

This is the intuitive feeling that Chen Liuhe gives to people. This is not a bragging, but a cumulative result of the game and the game! He deserves to be highly regarded by Xia Zhengyang!

"Hey, no matter who is the hunter or the prey, anyway, now I am the prey, no matter in Hong Xuanxuan's eyes or Hong Hao's eyes! I seem to be a soft persimmon that can be kneaded ~ pinched!" said Chen Liuhe.

"How are you going to mix in this muddy water?" Xia Zhengyang asked casually, he was not very interested in this kind of thing, but was a little curious about Chen Liuhe's response.

Chen Liuhe grabbed an apple on the table, took a bite, and said, "This thing seems complicated, but it's actually very simple. If Hong Xuanxuan can cooperate with me in peace, I don't mind helping her suppress Hong Hao! If Hong Xuanxuan wants to play with fire, I don’t mind burning her to ashes!"

"As for Hong Hao, that kid doesn't care for the time being. Since he is a wise man, he will definitely make the wise man's decision! He will only watch the fire from the other side! Because he is very clear, he is not moving, is the best response!" Chen Liuhe said with a good heart, the scale in his mind actually praised the overall situation long ago!

"Oh, your kid, still a virtue, like to play the role of playing pigs and eating tigers!" Xia Zhengyang said with a curse.

Chen Liuhe shrugged: "What can I do? Since they think I'm a prey, then I'll be a prey! It's just that they don't know that there are four tigers with teeth that are sharper than their teeth. The tiger's claws! Is this enough to make them hurt?"

Xia Zhengyang nodded and said, "I'm not worried about the two sisters of the Shang Hong family! But you also need to be clear that this game, in the end, is the game between you and Hong Tianqi or even the entire Hongmen! You guys The biggest shortcoming is that I am too arrogant and arrogant, so don’t eat a big loss and come to me in front of me to cry!

"What big loss can I eat? Even if I lose, there is nothing to lose? No matter how miserable it is, it is even worse than what I am now? I have nothing! I will go to your old man's nest when the big deal comes. Look at Hongmen, who dares to move me a hair!" Chen Liu reasonable said.

"You can do it without a business without hands!" Xia Zhengyang glanced at Chen Liuhe with disgusting eyes, and said: "In short, remind you, don't underestimate Hongmen, it's far from being as simple as it seems on the surface, Hongmen The resources are very large, spread all over China, let alone you, I have worked with them for so many years, and I dare not say that I have completely figured out their bottom!"

After a pause, he said again: "But you want to take this move, I'm not against it! You can make waves! But don't expect me to help you, there is no violation of discipline! But you are really at the end of the road , Lie behind me, I guarantee you foolproof!"

"It's all right! Old man, it's interesting enough to have you, and you don't have the pit that the white blind buddies have jumped the most in recent years!" Chen Liuhe said with a smile.

"Go away! Do you think I want to control you? I'm afraid that you will really poke the sky out of a hole, and I won't face down to see the old squad leader. I haven't been poked by the backbone of my life. You can't step into the coffin with one foot, and you can't guarantee it for the evening!" Xia Zhengyang cursed angrily.

"Come on! My goal for the rest of my life is to keep your elderly people as late as possible!" Chen Liuhe said with a hippy smile.

"Get out of here! Get out of here!" Xia Zhengyang kicked over, Chen Liuhe jumped away with a smile, and fart left the villa building.

Xia Zhengyang shook his head with a smile on his face, and his old eyes were full of relief!

It was night, and Chen Liuhe, who was ready to sleep, received a call, got up from the bed, drove a military off-road vehicle, and rushed out of the military area.

It took half an hour to travel along the way, and he arrived in only ten minutes.

The car stopped at the door of a night show, seeing the situation outside the night show, Chen Liuhe narrowed his eyes and his face went cold!

I saw a lot of people outside the night show. They seemed to be the customers who were kicked out. At the gate, they also guarded a bunch of thugs. Obviously what happened inside was cleared and cleared!

Chen Liuhe walked long and hurriedly, and was blocked at the gate. He didn't talk nonsense. He divided the seven or eight seemingly fierce thugs by knocking down three or five.

He wore a combat camouflage suit and military boots on his feet. This outfit, coupled with the coldness on his face, gave a great sense of visual impact!

Walking into the night scene, when he saw a scene in the disco, his face sank again for a while, and his eyes were full of rare brutality!

In the hall, there were many people, dozens of them, and a youth group was beating around. The young man was beaten and only curled up in the ground. His head was covered with glass fragments. Obviously, he was scooped with a wine bottle. Has broken his head!

"Xu Conglong, your courage is really fat! You dare to move even the people of our Su family, but it's okay to move, but you are too ruthless! Two ribs were interrupted, and the internal organs were bleeding. If it was not Su Jing that night It's estimated that the delivery to the hospital will be in your hands!"

A young man who looked about thirty years old sat on the sofa, and the Malaysian sword looked down at the young man lying in the pool of blood. This unbearable young man was none other than Xu Conglong!

"Su Qingsheng! I am a mud horse! I was blocked by you today, and I admit it, but if you have any kind of you, you will kill me, otherwise Grandpa I promise, as long as I walk out of this door alive, I will kill you!"

Xu Conglong, who was lying on the ground, said viciously, and he can see that this guy has a strong ability to fight, even if it is so, he can remain sober, and his bones are not generally hard!

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