The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 648: Every pregnant baby! ! !

After hey, Chen Liuhe looked at Hong Xuanxuan sadly and said, "Let me tell me something about being a **** and a torii! You came to me not because of how smart you girls are, let alone to say You are as bright as a torch! But because you have no choice at all! Who else dares to cooperate with you in southern Beijing?"

Chen Liuhe shook the blood-scarlet wine in the glass and said lightly: "People who don't know your roots are not qualified to cooperate with you! People who can be seen by you and can help you And know you well! How can they go crazy with you mad ladies? Who will do it with you in the nine-death business? So you have no choice but Chen Liuhe!"

Xiao Yinyin looked at Hong Xuanxuan and Chen Liuhe said: "You are very smart, knowing that I am also an out-and-out lunatic! So you will seem to recklessly find me! Because you know my current situation is similar to yours! You need to accumulate chips for yourself! So we are very likely to promote cooperation!"

Hearing Chen Liuhe debunk all his thoughts, Hong Xuanxuan did not show any accident or embarrassment on her face. She calmly said, "Does this matter? No matter what abacus is in our hearts, and In the calculation of mind, but the result is good, we sat together with red wine!"

Chen Liuhe smiled gently: "Under the circumstances of knowing my situation, I can still form an alliance with me so recklessly, which shows one thing, your courage and ambition are directly proportional! You are not afraid of my enemies. To your head? Be careful to burn you to ashes!"

Hong Xuanxuan said lightly: "Afraid, of course I am afraid! But I don't seem to have a better choice! Only a lunatic can stand with me, doesn't it? Besides, this is Jingnan, even if your enemy's family will do something to me, I can keep them out of their wrists!"

She looked at Chen Liuhe and continued: "There is one more thing you said wrong, I have no guts and ambitions! I just want to live well! Who doesn't want to live longer?"

After hearing this, Chen Liuhe laughed, his smile was extremely bright, he raised his wine glass, and gently touched Hong Xuanxuan, said: "Then wish us a happy cooperation? In the near future, Hongmen will become me The back garden! It's the cornerstone of my northbound journey!"

"I hope so!" Hong Xuanxuan looked up and drank the red wine in one gulp. A flash of unknown color flashed in his eyes. No one knew what the color represented. It seemed to sneer at Chen Liuhe and seemed to have ulterior motives!

However, Hong Xuanxuan did not notice that the corners of Chen Liuhe's mouth also evoked a momentary inexplicable arc, which also means unspeakable. It seems that the two men are pregnant with each other, and it seems that they are behind their oral cooperation. They all hide their unknown thoughts and purposes!

There seems to be a calm game between these two non-fuel-efficient lamps! Of course, no one can think through their minds, so no one knows what idea they are!

Half an hour later, Chen Liuhe walked out of the suite, and suddenly he saw a lot of people squeezing in the corridor, but Xu Conglong and a group of people were furiously confronting each other.

Chen Liuhe lightly glanced at Hong Xuanxuan's men and said to Xu Conglong: "Let's go!"

The two got into the car. Xu Conglong stepped on the accelerator and asked Chen Liuhe curiously: "How is Sixth Son? Did you dry Hong Xuanxuan's lady? How does it taste?"

Chen Liuhe smiled and scolded: "Is your sixth son a kind of impatient person?" After a pause, Chen Liuhe said again: "Although I didn't do the kind of thing you imagined, I can be very responsible People tell you, is the girl's buttocks really elastic? No matter the fullness and hip shape, they are perfect, and they are a good raw material to support!"

Xu Conglong's face is full of kinkyness~ He smiled and gave a thumbs-up to Chen Liuhe, and said fartly: "Six sons, sturdy! Wherever you go is my role model for Xu Conglong's life, you dare to be the tigress Touch, please forgive me for the sake of the safety of my brother’s life, but I can’t give you a five-body gift! Only the admiration of the surging river is true!”

Chen Liuhe slapped it on the back of Xu Conglong's head, laughing and scolding: "Don't play tricks!"

"Brother, what did the lady look for you tonight? Have all the people set aside, and designate something unspeakable?" Xu Conglong asked with a joke.

Chen Liuhe looked out the window with a smile and said: "It was something that was talked about, very interesting thing!" He didn't think of concealing Xu Conglong, said lightly: "Hong Xuan Xuan wants to cooperate with me!"

"Cooperation? She is a Hongmen-born person who cooperates with Sixth Brother a hammer?" Xu Conglong sneered, and said: "Brother, did you agree?"

"Well, there are beauties in the arms, maybe there is still the whole Hongmen as a spoils, why don't you agree? This sale seems to be dangerous, but I don't seem to be losing money!" Chen Liuhe said lightly.

"Brother, you want to embank the girl, it's not a good stubborn thing, the mind is very poisonous, the city is deep enough, all day long like a deep girl complaining about conspiracies and tricks! Is a person who eats people and does not spit bones !" Xu Conglong said.

Chen Liuhe didn't answer anything directly, but looked up at the moon in the sky and said, "The moon in Jingnan is not much different from other places, but the people here, this land, is a lot more interesting! Since there are people If you want to have fun with me, then I will naturally accompany you to the end! I just hope to be more exciting!"

Xu Conglong couldn’t understand what Chen Liuhe meant. He just grinned and was with Liu Zige. He didn’t understand more things, but he knew that every time Liu Zihe said this expression When this is the case, someone must be unlucky!

Playing with his six-brother like a conspirator who has been fighting with the old foxes all year round? The old dead man is miserable!

"I heard that you sent Su Jing, the grandfather of Su Family, into the hospital a few days ago? This time it seems a bit miserable. Both of your ribs were kicked off by you!" Chen Liuhe lit a cigarette, and the wind was light. Said.

"That shaman, what kind of thing do you think you are? Squatting him for two days, finally got caught by the young man once, rushing to do it!" Xu Conglong said proudly.

Chen Liuhe nodded with a smile: "The Su family went to the old man, and the old man rarely praised you! He also scolded the old Su family directly!"

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