I turned on my computer and found a car rental company in the evening.

This company has a lot of models, there are small cars, midsize cars, large cars, luxury cars, small SUVs, mid-size SUVs, large SUVs.

There are also many car rental packages, including monthly, annual, weekday packages, and quarterly packages.

With so many options, I'm dazzled.

The fat man still has a little research on cars, and he said directly, "Just choose that large SUV." This thing pulls a lot of goods, and the power is fierce, and when the time comes, it will directly knock the zombie away"

I estimate that what the fat man said is quite reasonable, large SUVs are generally heavier, and the body is very wide and tall. It can be loaded with a lot of goods, or four-wheel drive, which can adapt to various terrains. And generally this kind of large SUV is equipped with a front bumper guardrail, and there is no problem at all with this crashing into a zombie.

But after looking at the price, it is still a little heartache, Nima rents a car for 500 yuan a day. I rented it for 3 months and the package price is 30,000 yuan.

The package is already very cheap, but if there is no discount, it will cost 45,000 yuan.

30,000 yuan, to be honest, you can buy a second-hand Wuling Light. But in this kind of road condition, it is more reliable to rent a large SUV. It is estimated that Wuling Light will not be able to drive such a muddy road.

So I paid a 5,000 deposit online and settled on this large SUV VOL-XC90. The lease period is 3 months and the total price is 30,000.

The next day, we rushed to the offline store of Tianchao Car Rental early in the morning, and then after paying the final payment of 25,000, we picked up the car smoothly.

It was the first time for the boss to receive such a big order, so before we drove out, we deliberately gave the car a fine car wash. Wash this car cleanly.

But we're going to take it to the dirt road, and I think it's washed in vain.

A luxury large SUV is luxury, anyway, the fat man and Zheng Yan are very satisfied with this XC90. And my main concern for this car is whether this thing can run on that dirt road.

We went all the way west, and because of Zheng Yan's presence, Fat Paper didn't smoke in the car. Instead, he left the window open, put his hand on the window, and blew the wind. Lin'an is in the west of Little Raccoon City, and Qingshan Lake is in the east of Lin'an, so this Qingshan Lake Town is also considered to be a three-regardless zone between Lin'an and Little Raccoon City.

And Zheng Yan, who was sitting in the back row, was blown by the wind from the fat man's car window and her hair was messy.

However, some girls have messy hair, but it is more tempting. Who are the girls? Pretty girls, of course. Ha ha.

Passing by the entrance of Qingshan Town, you will enter Qingshan Village, and then there will be some mud roads. But fortunately, it didn't rain today, and the dirt road was easy to walk, but it was dusty for a while.

After going around the winding muddy road in the mountains for half an hour, I finally came to Mr. Zheng's house. Oh, it's not his house anymore. It's our house.

We pushed the big iron gate of the yard open and parked the car in the yard.

This yard is a yard facing south. The ground of the entire yard is not hardened, which means that when it rains, the yard is a muddy mess.

The other three sides of the yard are surrounded by walls up to 3 meters high, and the walls are covered with glass slag, and the gates are two large iron gates with barbed spear heads on them.

After closing the gate, it can be said that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The size of this yard is estimated to be 60 square meters. The length is 10 meters, and the width is 6 meters. There is also a vegetable patch in this small yard, but it is no longer visible as a vegetable patch, and it is completely overgrown with weeds. And next to the vegetable patch, near the kitchen, there is a small well. This was a surprise to me.

There was a well, and the problem of drinking water here was solved.

The house is a two-room house with only one room in depth. There are 3 floors in height and no basement. To the left of the entrance door is the kitchen, with a separate door, facing the vegetable patch. On the other side is the room on the first floor, which is now visible as a small living room. The second floor above the third floor, the two rooms on the second floor are bedrooms, and the third floor is a storage room, which looks like some miscellaneous items are stored.

There can also be a small attic on the third floor, you can go out to the roof of the third floor, there is a flat-roofed roof, estimated to be the size of a room and a half, it is open, it is estimated that you can dry grain in the past.

So this house has 3 and a half floors.

From the current point of view, the house is a brick-concrete structure with load-bearing walls, or all the walls are load-bearing walls, and the floor slab is a combination of steel bars and cement integral pouring plus concrete steel beams.

This kind of farmhouse self-built house, generally regardless of the cost, the materials are quite assured, so that the house looks like it has been 20 years old, but there is not a single crack or trace of water leakage. It can be said that the houses developed by developers in the city are all garbage compared to this.

There is no way, the developer saves costs and can only cut corners.

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