I also have nothing to do in the afternoon, and I'm one of the most idle programmers anyway. I'll take the time to search the Internet for doomsday equipment.

It is said that it must be a Swiss Army knife. That is, the kind of knife that has a lot of functions.

I have this kind of knife, but the biggest use of this knife is to cut my nails. There is also the use of beer for fat people, and to be honest, other kinds of knives and drills are not used at any time.

This kind of Swiss army knife, I think it can only be used for fun, and it is absolutely useless to deal with zombies in the apocalypse, and it is better to use this to get a kitchen knife directly to the kitchen.

There are also some netizens who take the route of surviving in the wild and have to prepare a flint and steel.

This kind of flint and steel is composed of magnesium rods and flint with rare metals, when used, first put some flammable dead branches and weeds underneath, it is best to knead these flammable dead branches and weeds into a ball so that it is made into flint, and then scrape off some magnesium powder with a knife or other sharp things, scrape it on the velvet just made below, and then scrape the flint with a knife, and the spark made by the flint ignites the magnesium powder. Since the burning temperature of magnesium powder is extremely high, it is easy to ignite the flint underneath. This completes the plan to make a fire.

But this thing doesn't work for me at the moment.

Because I have electricity here, I don't need to make a fire at all. Cook directly on the induction cooker, cook rice in the rice cooker. Lighting can be done with a flashlight and an electric light. Moreover, the most I can use here is a gas stove, and if I start a fire directly, then how the smoke is emitted is a problem, and there is a risk of exposure.

The most important thing is that I am not prepared to survive in the wild, although the wild land is vast and sparsely populated, and there are few zombies. If you're lucky, it's not impossible to find a paradise.

But I was born and raised in the city, and the ability to survive in the wild was basically lost. Maybe in the wild, it is possible for fat people to survive, but I can't.

Some netizens said - "A knife at the beginning, the equipment depends on picking up"

knives, I haven't considered it, but netizens often recommend tactical short knives, as the so-called one inch long and one inch strong, this kind of short knife obviously has a congenital disadvantage for long knives.

This kind of tactical short knife, in my opinion, is more suitable for the Wilderness Survival Party. This short knife is used to cut wild vegetables, scrape fish scales, and chop small trees.

As for taking this short knife and zombies, then I'm not stupid enough to that point, or I don't have the strength to use this short knife.

In the face of these zombies, I think the best way is to run, if you can't run, if you fight, it is also far away, preferably 50 meters.

At such a distance, only M4, AK47, bazooka and the like will do. Of course, I can't get my hands on any of these things.

That can only be the next best thing, that is, the zombie's hand tries not to touch me. I have a habit of cleanliness, and if a zombie touches me somewhere, I won't stop if I don't wash it a thousand times.

In the face of such a me, if you tell me to take a short knife to fight the zombies, then I won't die.

I looked around, and a lot of doomsday survival posts are wild parties, and there are fishing hooks and fishing lines. It's the rhythm of getting ready to go fishing in the wild...

However, there is also a piece of equipment recommended by netizens that has won my heart, that is: ABC All-Steel Offensive Anti-Riot Shield

This shield is round, with strip-shaped protrusions on the front, and some dot protrusions to enhance the stability of the attack. On the back is a nylon bracelet plus a steel grip. Made in Russia, it has a diameter of 60 cm, a thickness of 4 mm, a weight of 5,000 grams, and is tempered as a whole, eliminating brittleness, and extremely strong. When using, first put the gloves into the nylon bracelet, and then hold the steel grip with your hand, so that it is very stable to hold, and you can advance or retreat.

This shield is made of heavy all-steel, completely ignoring the attacks of all kinds of swords and small-caliber rifles, but the disadvantage is that it is a bit heavy, and it is impossible to use it for a long time without practice.

Hehe, although this thing is relatively heavy, it is not suitable for long-term use by the field party. But for an al-Qaeda party like me, it's very suitable.

If you go out for a short distance and have this shield, then everything is easy to say, you can hide in the back, avoid the attack of zombies, and you can also take the initiative to use the shield to hit zombies.

However, this thing still has to be discussed with the fat man and Zheng Yan. After all, now that we're a family, I still have to ask their opinions.

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