The next day was another damn Monday, and I struggled in bed for a long time before dragging my tired reluctant body and riding a small electric donkey to the company.

Of course, in the company, I don't have much to do. I'm used to spending two or three days to complete the two-week tasks given to me by the company, so I often work for two days and then have nothing to do with the company for two weeks. And the company also paid me a very high salary for programmers, more than 20,000 a month. So, while I hate going to work, I don't hate paychecking. On the contrary, I cherish my job.

But in the morning, when I was still in the company thinking about whether to immediately enter the backstage of the umbrella company to see what had been going on recently, my phone rang.

"Di Di Di, Di Di Di" I opened the earpiece neatly, "Hey, what's the matter with me?" "

Hello, Nanyang Daoist, I am here in Zhongfa Hardware Factory, the bucket you ordered here is ready, and now it has been sent to the community where you stayed".

This director Sun is the owner of this small hardware factory, I estimate that I gave him the name of Nanyang Dao people, and he did not understand the meaning of Nanyang Dao people, Nanyang Dao people mean that my hometown is called Nanyang Dao, and I am from that village, so I am called Nanyang Dao people. And this kid thought I was a Taoist priest in Nanyang, so he directly called me Taoist of Nanyang. It's kind of an honorific title that he thinks of. In fact, my relationship with Taoism has nothing to do with anything other than that I often call myself Lao Tzu. But I still kind of enjoy hearing others flatter me.

"It's put in the security booth there, and I said that the express delivery of Nanyang Dao people will be put down for the time being

" "Okay!" The director of the factory Sun looked relieved.

After I hung up the phone again, I immediately called the security captain and said that he should be more responsible, and there would be a lot of benefits later.

If I hadn't bribed the security captain in time, then my buckets would probably have been treated violently directly, and if I didn't lose them, I would have been considered Amitabha. In order to keep my bucket, I had to sell my principles and use money to buy off the security captain.

This month, the expenses are quite large.

After I gave the security captain a heavy profit

, I called Zheng Yan again, "Zheng Yan, my bucket has arrived, I heard that you have taken HVAC engineering in college, and you need your help here

" "Sure enough, it's not a good thing to find me, okay, I'll come over from work tonight, you first buy a four-point pipe, a four-point joint, a PVC material, a perm tool, and a hand knife to cut the pipe, don't forget".

Zheng Yan made a lot of lists for me in one go, although I didn't know what these were, I thought this, anyway, the boss who sold HVAC must know, so I recorded them one by one, and waited for noon to go to the hardware store to find the HVAC boss to buy all the things.

Here, the fat man is now assembling a new computer for the new employee in the company. I walked over and told him the news. He said that when I got it done, I would go to the base first. Nothing happened in the afternoon anyway.

Hehe, it's good to be a leader. You can go out casually. Oh, no, this IT department, just he, can be said to be a bald commander, so naturally no one can control him, it's really cool.

In the evening, when I went back, the fat man drank Zheng Yan and had already arrived first. And the fat man also got all the 10 water tanks completely upstairs to the living room first. Now the living room is full of buckets.

I saw this special bucket, the complete one is made of stainless steel, square, with a length of 1.5 meters, a width of 1.5 meters, and a height of 1.7 meters. It is estimated that it is used to collect rainwater. And what kind of structure is inside, I don't know.

"I said guys, you're really active now, I haven't arrived yet, you'll arrive first," I said as I took out the HVAC equipment and some pipes I bought at noon.

"I don't know why, I haven't enjoyed buying and buying on the weekend" I didn't expect such a sentence to come out of Zheng Yan's mouth, which almost thundered me half to death.

I thought they were addicted to reserves, and they would come over so early to help me continue to complete the construction of the base, but I didn't expect this Zheng Yan to spend my money and be addicted...

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