didn't say anything all night, and the next day everyone woke up and laughed when they saw their embarrassment.

In the apocalypse, how we wish that such a light-hearted and witty scene could go on forever.

When she woke up, Zheng Yan had already made breakfast. What is made is an omelette and toast. And three cups full of soy milk.

When I finished breakfast with the fat man, I drank soy milk. The stamina lost last night has finally been regained. Anyway, I didn't do anything last night.。。。

What to do today, the three of us said in unison - supermarket!

I set off immediately. Of course, this time we went straight to the taxi.

The fat man was still thinking about his bicycle, but in the end, he thought that it was the end of the day, and the car on the street was still not driving casually, so he was relieved to put the bicycle in my hallway and lock it.

We satirized the thoughts of fat people and small farmers along the way, and laughed at fat people who love to take advantage of small advantages. The fat man didn't show weakness, and moved out of his crooked reasoning, and he didn't care about anything. Anyway, in ancient times, what he did was right, and he became a hero who robbed the rich and helped the poor.

Laughing and laughing along the way, we soon arrived at the largest supermarket in Little Raccoon City, Little Raccoon First Peace Shopping Center.

Here the fat man did something I wanted to do early on, but couldn't do.

That is, this kid directly took two shopping carts, one with his left hand and one with his right hand, and pushed it upstairs.

Sure enough, this kid is a good shopper.

Soon we were one of us pushing a small cart, and the fat man was pushing two carts. Arrived at the food area on the first floor of this shopping mall.

This supermarket is also the first time to meet our fat man with two carts of customers, one after another to give way to the fat man. After all, it is a customer who comes, and there is no reason to be afraid that customers will buy less things. I wish you could push a hundred little carts.

At first, we discussed it at home, and this time we went shopping, mainly to buy some food for our daily life. I have already stocked up on long-term food, so this time I want to buy food that was eaten in the year when the crisis broke out. The shelf life requirements are not very strict.

Our fat man pushed the cart and went straight to the chocolate section. I saw this kid reach directly into the shelf with his left hand, and then walk forward like a bulldozer. I saw a whole row of Snickers bars, and he put them in his shopping cart.

I'll go, and this operation. I saw him repeat this action with his right hand, and the entire row of Defu chocolates on the right shelf fell directly into his shopping cart.

This fat man likes candy so much. Seeing the fat man's operation, the staff next to him who added goods to the shelves widened their eyes. However, after a while, he showed a happy smile, no, a big customer has come.

I can't care what fat people buy. I pushed the cart straight to the dehydrated food area.

Because vegetables and fruits are easy to spoil. However, now that science and technology are developed, the preservation of food has evolved on the basis of pickling, vacuum, high temperature, and smoked preservation in the past, and a new technology of vacuum dehydration preservation has evolved.

This new technology can greatly preserve the nutrients of fresh fruits and vegetables, so that they become dehydrated vegetables and dehydrated fruits, this dehydration does not destroy the existing nutrients, as long as it is re-soaked in water, and it is fresh again. So it's a perfect preservation technique.

Since this technology is still not widely used, only the larger supermarkets will have this kind of food, and the largest supermarket in Little Raccoon City naturally has this kind of food.

I pushed the cart and looked for it with Zheng Yan.

"Yes, right there," Zheng Yan pointed to the area where cereal was bought. When we walked in, we saw that there were a lot of dehydrated vegetables for sale. This is not only sold here, but also all kinds of cereals, all kinds of ready-to-drink breakfast porridge and cereals, barley, etc.

Perfect, Zheng Yan is busy now, I saw that she didn't look like a fat person, and she reached out and pushed all the shopping carts into one go. Instead, carefully compare the expiration dates of various dehydrated vegetables, and choose the freshest and longest shelf life dehydrated vegetables.

I looked at the expiration date, and this dehydrated vegetable can last for two years if it is stored properly.

Oye, I have had fresh vegetables for two years. Properly preserved, of course, I have a vacuum bag, and then put on a vacuum bag to preserve, it is estimated that the storage time can be greatly extended, so that it is estimated that in 3 years, we all have fresh vegetables to eat.

Zheng Yan asked me how much I wanted to buy, and I replied that it would be enough for the three of us to eat for three years.

"That's so much?"

"You won't feel too much then."

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