Some of the members of this group of special operations units are retired marines from the United States. Among them, there are also more than 10 anti-terrorist fist troops from the United States, Delta Force.

You must know that there are not many organizations in the world today that can compete with the well-equipped SAS special operations force of the United Kingdom and the extremely high combat quality, and the Delta Force is one of them.

The Delta Force currently has an establishment of 800-1,000 personnel, most of whom are support personnel, and only 250 real combat personnel.

And this combat unit of 250 people is equipped with 12 helicopter gunships alone. Not to mention, some other high-tech technologies. It can be said that the price of equipment on each person adds up to no less than a million - dollars.

And the selection of these personnel is also extremely harsh. The trail run performed by the average troop is 3 miles away. The Delta Force, on the other hand, is 40 miles of weight-bearing off-road.

In the general army, it would be nice to be able to touch the gun. The Delta Force will have more than 40 kinds of light and heavy weapons.

Then you said that this small UBM special combat team actually gathered more than 10 retired veterans of the Delta Army, and its combat effectiveness was terrifying.

What's even more terrifying is the leader of this special combat team, Asso. He is not from the Delta Force, but his background should not be underestimated. He is from the Navy SEALs, whose full name is the U.S. Navy SEALs.

This is not a vegetarian organization either. This Navy SEAL is a unit directly under the orders of the President of the United States, subordinate to the Special Operations Command of the United States, and is a killer weapon for the United States to carry out local wars and respond to emergencies.

And our Asso has another legend. It was in May 2011 that our comrade Aso was involved in a famous decapitation operation – the killing of Osama bin Laden.

In this operation, Comrade Aso led the Navy SEALs, divided into three Black Hawk helicopters, and outflanked bin Laden's hideout. Then the much-anticipated terrorist leader became the ghost of Comrade Aso's gun.

It stands to reason that this global live broadcast operation was very successful, and the military should give the commander this time, Comrade Aso, a reward, no matter how bad it is, 200 yuan plus a pennant is always needed.

The fact is that Asso was demoted and eventually forced to retire because he was no longer mentally fit to stay in the SEALs.

Is it the cause? It's very simple. That is, the officials actually did not want to kill bin Laden directly this time. Rather, it was an order given to the special operations team to capture him alive.

But we, Comrade Aso, saw bin Laden pick up his golden AK47 submachine gun and thought he was going to resist. In addition, this bin Laden made 911, and Aso was already on fire. And then they just shot it.

With his marksmanship, bin Laden could have been able to make bin Laden incapacitated and not die. But because of this, he was carried away by anger or something, and this kid directly shot his head. Hey.

After receiving instructions from the boss on the American side, Asso thought for a moment and gathered his soldiers, oh no, outlaws. There was a small meeting.

For the sake of convenience, I will not write in English here, and the following dialogues are actually in English.

There are more than 50 security personnel in the entire UBM China underground laboratory. Except for more than 10 bigwigs from the delta, the rest are all mercenaries recruited from all over the world, and Maozi's veterans are the most.

It is necessary to figure out which ones are the people who are old and beautiful, and which ones are the people who are hairy. It's actually quite simple. You see that the one who is full of muscles, without a bit of fat, is tall and big, firepower is supreme, and calls for support whenever there is a problem, that is Lao Mei, that's right.

And Maozi's mercenaries are generally full of stubble, with broad shoulders and round waists, tall people and big horses, and they have to bring a bottle of vodka before fighting, and if they fight, they will always rush to the front, then there is no doubt, that is Maozi.

If you want to say that they have something in common, it is that they both love to blow. Maozi started to brag after drinking vodka, and Lao Mei is yellow, and 24 hours of yellow jokes are full of rough edges.

It's also funny to think about it, the people of the two units of Mao Zi and the US imperialists, when they usually meet, they can't wait to kill each other directly, and now they want to cooperate and fight together. That's what kind of funny things are in the world.

After all, money can make ghosts grind. "

Dear Comrade Gvasily, what are you calling us over so early in the morning to do?" asked a Maozi. Maozi's soldiers liked to call people they didn't know as Comrade Gvasili. Of course, they knew this Aso and knew his name.

But they just don't like to call him Asso, and prefer to give all the old American soldiers all kinds of Russian names. In their words, it's more affectionate.

Asso replied expressionlessly, "

I have a business I want to talk to you about."

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