- Let's call the house I rented here as a base for the time being.

Speaking of which, I have recently renovated these renovations, and the nearby residents are also quite depressed.

The reason for this is more subtle, and the neighbors in the neighborhood did not bring it up in front of me, but judging by the way they passed by me, and what they talked behind my back. Obviously very unhappy with my renovation disturbances.

One is that they will more or less decorate by themselves, and they are not as free as me to decorate. Including the construction team can enter freely, because they are unthinkable.

The second reason is that they see that I am doing renovation every day, and there are also a few parking spaces below for storing my materials. Those of them who got rich first looked down on people like me who occupied their parking spaces the most, and they were still a few dilapidated Wuling Light. As a result, they have nowhere to park.

car of faith

, I guess these neighbors are going to start playing on the topic and venting their frustration.

In fact, it was not bad, as I expected, they really went to the property to complain, and these were suppressed by the oil-headed manager of the property.

"I don't see it, this kid is quite righteous!"

But I also have a secret fire in my heart, Lao Tzu rented a house by himself, paid the same property fee and parking fee, except for the elders, no one dared to point fingers at me like this, so he lowered his voice and shouted "Your uncle, you are talking more, be careful that Lao Tzu beats you."

"Hehe", I didn't expect that after a few cruel words with a few neighbors, these neighbors stopped a lot. I didn't go to the property anymore to file a complaint, which also allowed my doomsday reserve to go smoothly.

Otherwise, with their interference, there may be some kind of chaos.

In the past week, I have been doing thermal insulation and humidity insulation work in other rooms, which is a lot of work, so there are a lot of workers.

I opened the security door from the outside and entered the house. I suddenly heard the sound of their drizzle coming from inside the house, and I shouted in my heart that it was not good, numb, talking so quietly, it was either a traitor or a thief.

I saw that the wall insulation brother A said to another older worker,

"I think this kid is quite rich." Buy such a nice house. There must be a lot of good things in this!

" Another worker may think that this person is going to use his brain, so he quickly said, "Don't think about it, do your own work, if the owner hears it, be careful that you can't eat and walk around!" "I'll

just talk about it" The little worker A said

I was in a cold sweat when I heard it in the back, I thought that the end of the world, the most terrifying thing was not the zombies, but the human heart. Unexpectedly, even if there is no crisis, the most dangerous and dangerous thing is the human heart. It seems that I have to be on guard. "

Ahem" I cleared my throat and strode in.

"The boss is back, the project here is almost done, you see, I made it for your heat and water insulation, to ensure that the whole room, the air conditioning is played for an hour in summer, and it is cool all day

" "Is it really so amazing?

"That's a must, we listen to your orders and use the best imported materials from the United States," added another master. I saw him point to the English bag.

"Haha, that's good" I didn't talk to them, and roughly checked the room. And it was exactly as they said.

But the difference is that this TM also has a good side effect. TMD is also very good at sound insulation. After making an indoor insulation layer, the sound on the main road outside is almost inaudible. The whole room was very quiet.

I said, if it were Heian period, I would have the money to arrange it like this...

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