
full name of Plan B is to intensify the second-order experiment of the T virus and the retreat plan of the core figures.

Of course, for outsiders, this is the second stage of the virus test. In other words, the effective virus is given to various species and the effect of infection in various ways.

This second phase is more dangerous, so the entire experiment, the core personnel are carried out in the United States through remote video surveillance.

And the life or death of the people here is not something that those international predators need to think about.

These things and details are all obtained by me from the email monitoring page in this admin background over the weekend. The company monitors everyone's emails. There is really no personal freedom. The United States, which claims to be free, democratic and equal, is speechless when these things happen. I

flipped through a few pages in this monitoring background and found that everything in the Resident Evil game had been completely manufactured by this UBM company.

What impressed me was that vicious dog, a good dog head, when he saw his prey, he hissed and grinned, and he was able to split his head from the middle, and after the cracking, it was not the contents of the skull, but two rows of teeth. Attack power, as well as nausea.

There are other flying bats, originally bats are terrifying enough, after this evolution, it is no longer afraid of light, it flies like lightning, and it is still constantly hitting the glass wall. Pain never seemed to know. Damn, it's good that I reinforced the glass outside my room, otherwise this bat would have been more difficult to do.

There are also some large animals, but it seems that this virus has little effect on large animals.

In the past few days, I have a clear understanding of this management background, and I also have a general understanding of the operation of this company.

This operation background is mainly for the purpose of production, which is for the use of Plan B. It is used for remote control guidance for key people in the United States.

This system also has an artificial intelligence system TI, but I can only see the daily report given to me by this system, and I can't directly control this artificial intelligence.

In other words, the authority of this AI TI is as big as that of this admin background. This AI is offline and free from external interference, which means that it can do whatever it wants.

From the daily reports given to me by this artificial intelligence TI, it seems that this artificial intelligence controls the entire building, including all the circuits in the basement, the air conditioning and ventilation of the water channels, and all the access control and elevator systems.

Judging from the daily reports given to me by this TI, he can see everyone's daily dynamics and everyone's movements, so from this point, it can be seen that his artificial intelligence has realized face recognition and real-time tracking functions.

TI also gives me a daily index called Hazard Rating to rate the hazard of the entire building. But as for the usefulness of his assessment of this index, so far it has not been seen.

artificial intelligence thugs

, TI didn't find out until later that this index was originally a function to destroy the entire core system, that is, when the system analyzes that the virus is out of control, it will start the destruction system of the entire building, and this self-destruct system is directly controlled by that TI. But whether the virus was deliberately spread or sealed underground is difficult to say. Or is this TI system itself a plan C, because people still don't agree on some things. Especially some things that directly cost you your own life. When it comes to a critical moment, it is possible to make a mistake or refuse to execute, so it may make sense for this TI to become the ultimate executive!

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