Chapter 76

Chi Feng doesn’t doubt that Sister Ying’s dream will come true. It’s just that Chi Feng can’t figure out how alien creatures will fall into the earth with meteorites.

Normally, there is no such thing. The aliens are too far away in this world, but since Inoue Sakura can dream of such a disaster, it means that it may still happen.

“Sister Ying, how many times have you had this dream?” Chi Feng must ask the details. He remembers the last time Sister Ying said that she dreamed of a fire a dozen times before it became a real disaster.

“The first time, but I feel very real, just like the real scene.” Inoue Sakura said with some fear. She had a weird dream just now after squinting for a while. She was very afraid that this dream would become a reality.

Chi Feng frowned. It seems that things are not that simple. Before all the unknown has happened, he must improve his strength, otherwise it will be difficult to save if the disaster strikes.

“Don’t worry about Sister Ying, you will be fine if you sleep well.” Chi Feng comforted, and he waited for Inoue Ying to fall asleep before returning to the room.

“The system, how to turn on the storage function?” Chi Feng asked the system in his mind. So far, he can only store system items in the system warehouse, but not external items. As a result, there is no place to put his Dark Night Legend suit. He can only hide.

The system’s answer is very simple: “1000 save points.”

Chi Feng gritted his teeth. In addition to the 500 points he earned tonight, he also saved 600 rescue points. Now that the function of storing external items is turned on, Chi Feng can only agree, otherwise he will not be able to carry all the equipment on his back. It’s too eye-catching.

“Turn it on!” Chi Feng directly let the system deduct 1,000 rescue points and turned on the storage function of external items.

Soon Chi Feng realized that there was an extra room in his mind, about 20 square meters, not very big.

After understanding the system, Chi Feng finally understood that he could only use rescue points to increase the storage space, one thousand rescue points plus 10 square meters.

Chi Feng has no dissatisfaction with this. It is not difficult for him to earn salvation points now. Apart from the obstacles of professional heroes and police officers, he is still very easy to earn salvation points.

Transferring the Dark Night Legend suit hidden somewhere directly to the space warehouse, Chi Feng nodded with satisfaction. This is much more convenient. Not only that, but he can also store some snacks and food, so he won’t be hungry when he travels a distance. To die of thirst.

Three days have come, and the maritime exchange meeting is officially launched, and the boat departs on time at 8 pm.(Read more @

Chi Feng arrived at the port by car, and without careful observation, he could see a huge cruise ship floating on the sea not far away, magnificent.

Looking around, Chi Feng found that he was the only one who came by taking a taxi. The others seemed to be figures with faces and faces, all dressed in fashion and in various poses.

Most of them are private cars or special cars. Chi Feng has seen many luxury cars and many men accompanied by beautiful women.

Chi Feng just took a few glances and then ignored him, and walked directly to the direction of the cruise ship. At this time, he was already the identity of the legend of the night, with a long sword hanging on his back. When passing by the crowd, many people consciously stepped aside. After all, Those who dare to hang their weapons behind their backs so blatantly these days are not so simple.

“Please show your ticket.” A woman in professional attire stopped Chi Feng at the entrance and said with a smile.

No matter how weird Chi Feng dresses up, don’t want to mess around in this kind of place. Although the master Ruyun here is just a receptionist, she is not afraid of anyone.

Chi Feng took out the ferry ticket from his arms, and the female receptionist took a look at it and said respectfully: “Please, please, your room is at No. 808 on the fifth floor, I wish you a good time.”

Chi Feng said thank you and boarded the big cruise ship. He thought about other guests and found that there were few people who made the woman polite. It seems that the status of the quirk guy is not low, and he can get this. VIP boat tickets.

After arriving on the fifth floor, Chi Feng quickly found room 808. After receiving the room card, he went in and found that it was extremely luxurious. There is a large bathtub in the room of more than 100 square meters, and various facilities are available. , Just a beauty.

“That’s right, this ferry ticket is not lost.” Chi Feng smiled cheerfully. At this time, there was a sweet voice in the room. “Dear VIP, there is a cafeteria on the third floor of this cruise ship. Please enjoy it.”

Chi Feng happened to be a little hungry, and the exchange meeting did not start until 9 o’clock, and there was one hour left.

Coming to the entrance of the third floor, Chi Feng saw a person lining up to enter. It seemed that he had to spend money to eat in.

When it was Chi Feng’s turn, he showed his room card, and the man said politely: “Vip, you don’t need to pay, you can go in and enjoy it directly.”

“Thank you for that.” Chi Feng took back his room card and walked into the restaurant. This thing is really good, and there is no money for eating.

Looking at the dazzling array of food, Chi Feng swallowed. To be honest, he has never been to this kind of place since he came to the island country, and he has not eaten too many good things. He remembers the best one to eat except for Sister Ying. Aside from that meal, it was the seafood celebrity that Pingyuan Xiongda had eaten with.

Chi Feng looked around, his consciousness swept out, and he found that there was no camera. What’s the matter?

But when I think about it, I’m relieved. The people here are generally of high quality and don’t know how to do anything in the restaurant, so there is no need to install surveillance.

Although Chi Feng has quality, after all, he is slightly different from the people here. After seeing so many delicious things, he has decided to get some food for Sister Ying.

If he eats by himself, then he can eat enough here, but there is still a sister Ying in the family, even if someone says that he has no quality and his moral character is not good, he will take it back and feed it to sister Ying.

Women, they just like desserts or those that look good. Chi Feng will naturally not miss it. He first took a few plates and filled it with food and then found a place by the window to sit down. At this time the boat had started. , But because it is night, the scenery outside is not very clear.

Chi Feng didn’t come to enjoy the scenery either. After eating all the food on the plate, he made another plate and placed it on the table. Only then did he get up and start wandering around the table where the food was placed.

The guests here are a little speechless when they see Chi Feng dressed up. They have a big sword and a helmet after eating. Don’t have a problem with this person.

But what surprised Chi Feng was that the guests on these cruise ships didn’t seem to recognize him. He remembered that the photos of the new equipment of Underworld Legend were exposed on the Internet, how could no one recognize him?

At this moment, Chi Feng saw an acquaintance who walked in from the entrance with extremely dazzling blue hair, and he was not charged either.

The blue-haired youth didn’t seem to recognize Chi Feng, but gave Chi Feng a slightly surprised look in his eyes.

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