Chapter 57

The waiter enthusiastically sent Chi Feng and others out. To be honest, there are not many wealthy benefactors such as Pingyuan Xiongda. Their beef restaurant can eat well with an average consumption of 200 per capita.

Such three people as Pingyuan Xiongda are really rare, but they are not uncommon, so their service attitude is very good.

Looking at Pingyuan Xiongda’s appearance, Chi Feng probably couldn’t return home, so he helped him open a room nearby. After the incident, Chi Feng and Midoriya went back. Now Chi Feng doesn’t know what Pingyuan Xiongda’s quirk is, but look. He estimated that it would not be a good quirk.

After bidding farewell to Midoriya, Chi Feng bought some fruit. After opening the door and going in, Inoue Ying was not at home. Chi Feng suddenly panicked.

Normally, Inoue Sakura would definitely be at home. It was just after nine o’clock. Chi Feng put down the fruit and started looking for Inoue Sakura downstairs.

After half an hour, Chi Feng was in utter discomfort. Sister Ying didn’t know where she had gone. She didn’t even have a note at home.

It was not until this time that Chi Feng realized the importance of cultivation. He has been practicing quirk all the time. Although he practices every day, the progress is really too slow. If it reaches the fourth level of Qi training, which is the middle stage of Qi training, he will Can open up spiritual consciousness.

With divine consciousness, Chi Feng can see things around him clearly without using his eyes, and as he continues to practice divine consciousness, he can even see things within a radius of 100 meters or even kilometers.

In this way, finding Sister Ying will save a lot of trouble. Chi Feng has decided to buy a Qi Pill with the salvation points accumulated during this time.

Qi Pills are not available in the system mall, but the price is higher. It costs 1,000 salvation points. Moreover, Qi Pills can only be used below the third level of Qi training to have an effect. One can increase one level.

Chi Feng is now on the second level of Qi training to perfection, and he was just one step short of entering the third level of Qi training. Now it is most suitable to eat Qi Lian Dan. After the third level of Qi training is completed, he can hit the fourth level of Qi training by himself.

But at the moment, you have to find Sister Ying before you talk. He really doesn’t have the mood to think about other things after Sister Ying’s disappearance.

At this moment, Chi Feng heard the sound of the key, he immediately walked over and opened the door…

“Xiaofeng, you are back,” Inoue Ying saw Chi Feng’s eyes lit up at home and said, “I saw a cake shop nearby and ordered a cake for you. They made it a bit slow so they came back later.”

For Inoue Ying, Chi Feng is now his relative. During this time, she has been living in Xiaofeng’s house and Xiaofeng takes care of her. She doesn’t spend much money, and she still has some funds, so she decided to give it to Chi Feng. Buy a cake.

Inoue Ying doesn’t like to eat cakes, but she feels that she has been with Chi Feng for more than half a year since she met Chi Feng. During this time, she did not have a formal meal together, so she wanted to regard today as an anniversary. Bought a cake back.

Chi Feng looked down, Sister Ying carried a big box in her hand, and there should be a cake inside.

Seeing Sister Ying coming back safely, Chi Feng said quickly: “Sister Ying, it is not safe to go out this night. I will do this in the future.”(Read more @

Inoue Ying did not respond to Chi Feng, but walked to the table and said as he walked: “Today is the anniversary of our acquaintance.”

Chi Feng was about to talk, and Inoue Ying turned her head and said, “Xiao Feng, it’s nice to meet you.”

Chi Feng blushed and scratched the back of his head. This serious environment is really embarrassing. The temperature seems to have risen by a few degrees.

“Me too,” Chi Feng said sincerely, and before Inoue Ying could speak, he remembered something, and hurriedly came to the computer desk and took out the contents of the black bag.

“What’s this?” Inoue Sakura asked suspiciously while looking at the tightly packed box.

Chi Feng smiled, “The best beef, I just brought it back for you to eat.”

Inoue Ying just wanted to eat beef today. If it weren’t for the fear that Chi Feng would come back early and worry about her, she would go a long way to a miscellaneous shop to buy beef and bring it back.

Now Chi Feng says that she is happy with good beef, “I’m going to warm beef.”

Chi Feng stopped her, “I’m hot beef, Sister Ying, you just need to put the candle in.”

The two have a clear division of labor and get started quickly.

Ten minutes later, Chi Feng and Inoue Sakura sat together. In the center of the table was a 16-inch pink cake. The cake was full of various fruits, which was very beautiful.

On the side of the cake are two plates of beef, one is dry and the other is red oil. They all look very appetizing.

In addition, he put the love chocolates in the Chi Feng system warehouse on the table. This box of chocolates Chi Feng has long wanted to give Inoue cherry blossoms, but there has been no suitable opportunity.

“Today is a special day, Sister Ying, make a wish.” Chi Feng lit the candle on the cake and said to Sister Ying.

Inoue Ying puts her hands together and makes a wish with her eyes closed. Chi Feng is very pleased looking at her from the side. During this time, he and Ying Sister are very happy together. This is his unprecedented happiness, neither in this life nor in the previous.

Chi Feng can’t tell whether this feeling is love, friendship, or something else?

Chi Feng knows that he does not have the kind of love between men and women for Sister Ying. He is more like a family member. He seems to be a part of his own life. Although he is not related by blood, he seems to be more than a normal sibling. The family must be harmonious and happy.

Chi Feng was deceived by a woman in his previous life, causing the foundation to be completely destroyed. Originally, he planned to find the ancient road left by his predecessors after the foundation of the earth was built. It is said that that road has not been known how long no one has walked.

But as long as he finds that way, Chi Feng can leave the earth and go to another world. That world seems to be the real world he yearns for, a world that can live forever.

It is precisely because of this that Chi Feng went crazy at the time. The woman who deceived him seemed to know the secrets of his body, so she would be like this.

Before the foundation is built, the monks cannot do things about men and women. In the slightest, the foundation cannot be advanced, and the foundation is completely destroyed…

After the foundation is completely destroyed, Chi Feng is like a waste man, and he is the only heir left in the Taoist temple. The master has already driven a crane to the Paradise of Bliss.

After all, Chi Feng had nothing to miss on the earth, so he fell.


At this time, Inoue Ying smiled and blew out the candle, bringing Chi Feng back to reality. He sighed, since he is alive, he will be alive. Now he has class A classmates and teachers from Heroes, and Sister Ying, what else is unhappy?

“The wish is promised.” Inoue Sakura seemed very happy after blowing out the candle, and that wish was deeply ingrained in her heart.

Chi Feng asked deliberately, “Sister Ying, what wish did you make?”

Inoue Ying flicked Chi Feng’s head with a finger and smiled and cursed: “Of course you can’t say a wish. It won’t work if you say it.”

“Yes, yes, it won’t work to say it.” Chi Feng laughed and started to help Inoue Sakura cut the cake. The two smiled happily in this beautiful atmosphere, as if nothing else in this world is important. Those memories, those past pains, are getting less and less in the hearts of Chi Feng and Inoue Ying…

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