Chapter 44

“What?” The people on the TV made an incredible voice.

“Yes, the young man named Chi Feng is very strong, and it seems to be a double quirk!” Kurogiri affirmed that he clearly felt two different quirk abilities in Chi Feng’s body, one is thunder and the other is He couldn’t say it.

“Chi Feng?” The person on the TV repeated, and then said: “Shigaraki Tomura, this student named Chi Feng will leave it to you. I don’t want to see the result today.”

“Smelly brats!” Shigaraki Tomura did not answer the words of the man on the TV. Instead, he was thinking back to Chi Feng and his group of stinky brats who hindered him.

Without Chi Feng, Shoto Todoroki, Bakugo Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku, even a symbol of peace, All Might would die on the spot!

Then the prestige of the Villain Alliance has increased, and it can absorb countless people for its own use, and then overthrow the pseudo-sacred place of Heroes Academy in one fell swoop.

But now it’s useless to say anything. The plan has failed. The Villain Alliance ended in failure this time. Fortunately, Nomu was brought back. Their losses were not heavy. The current Villain Alliance’s trump card is Nomu.

“No amount of upset is useless, including this failure. It will never be in vain. Try to gather the elite. Take some time to take your time. We can’t move freely, so a symbol like you is indispensable. .”

The voice inside the TV came out again, “Shigaraki Tomura, next time you must spread your horror to the world!”


“16..17…18…19..” Tsukauchi Nao is counting the number of people, but the students seem to be full of vitality, not at all like people who have just experienced despair.

“Guess, where did I go?” Aoyama Yuga Yuga smiled and fiddled with his hair.

“That’s it, it seems that what you have met is also a group of gangsters.” Tokoyami Fumikage was communicating with his classmates, and he did not hear what Aoyama Yuga said.

Kirishima Eijiro didn’t seem to have heard what Aoyama Yuga said, and said with a punch with both fists, “You still treat us as little ghosts.”

Aoyama Yuga felt like he was being ignored, but still fiddled with his hair without paying attention.(Read more @

“Anyway, students should go back to the classroom first. You can’t come and ask what happened right now, right?” Tsukauchi said, looking at the students.

“Mr. Criminal Police, Mr. Aizawa…” Tsuyu-chan hopped to the front of Tsukauchi and asked worriedly. Although there was no worry on her expression, it did not mean that she had no thoughts in her heart.

“He’s fine, he just suffered some skin injuries and a few broken ribs.” To make Tsuyu-chan feel at ease, Tsukauchi Naomasa gave a smile.

“Where is teacher 13?” Ashido Mina asked quickly.

“The treatment has been completed. The lacerations on the back and upper arm are very serious, but my life is safe.” Tsukauchi looked at everyone, “All Might is also no problem, it is said that one of your classmates called Chi Feng helped Very busy, we will invite him to the police station to work with him at that time.”

“Chi Feng?” After hearing this, everyone understood that the key person in this battle was Chi Feng. It is said that Chi Feng had demonstrated superb combat effectiveness under such circumstances, and the Villains who fought did not fight back. force.

In fact, Naomasa Tsukuchi was shocked. A student was so powerful and killed nearly forty Villains instead of defeating them. He killed them directly.

This is not allowed by the current law and society. Although this incident is a bit special, Chi Feng killed someone after all, so he has to go to the police station no matter what.

In the USJ facility, the principal looked at the devastated facility and said, “It seems that it is necessary to significantly strengthen the security measures in the school.”

“Transportation was originally an extremely rare quirk, but it is still on Villain’s side.” Midnight spread his hands and said.

The principal glanced at Midnight and said, “We also have rare quirks among our students. For example, today’s classmate Chi Feng, his quirk is very strong.”

“Chi Feng?” The marksman touched his waist and said: “He is indeed a rare talent in a century. If he carves well, he must be a good jade.”

At this point, the Villain Alliance attack came to an end. The police found two Nomu’s bodies and took them back for research. They hoped to make progress from the two bodies.

Chi Feng was informed that there is no need to continue classes this week, because Aizawa Shouta needs to rest and the school needs to be reorganized, so the students are closed.

During this period, Chi Feng had to go to the police station to report, and there must be an explanation and judgment about his murder.

After this battle, Chi Feng learned about his own shortcomings and the horrors of Nomu’s strength. Now the black Nomu is recovered by the Villain Alliance, and he may meet again soon. He must hurry to become stronger. After all, the Villain Alliance Now besides All Might, his biggest target is Chi Feng.

This battle also started the flag for the people of the Villain Alliance. People from all over the country knew about the existence of the Villain Alliance. Some villainous people who acted secretly seemed to have found a role model, found the mainstay, and were ready to move.

A feast of darkness and light began.

After Chi Feng returned home, the first time she went to visit Sister Ying, Inoue Ying was very worried about Chi Feng’s safety after hearing about what happened today. Even the store did not open.

Although the boss said a few words about Inoue Ying, he still understands her very well. The boss also knows that Inoue Ying asked Chi Feng to work here, but because Inoue Ying once lost her younger brother, the boss didn’t say much. , Which is to acquiesce in Chi Feng’s affairs.

“Sister Ying, I’m really okay, don’t you think I’m okay?” Chi Feng said bouncely in order to make Inoue Ying not worry.

Only then did Inoue Ying let go of her hanging heart. She looked at Chi Feng carefully and said, “Xiaofeng, why don’t you move to my place to live, you can’t take care of yourself alone, just take a look. You are all thinner.”

“Huh?” Chi Feng was taken aback, what a joke, let him live in Sister Ying’s house, it’s not over, it’s not that Chi Feng will do anything, he now completely regards Inoue Ying as his sister, without any Not thinking about it.

But in this way, if Chi Feng lives in Inoue Ying’s house, his secrets will be exposed. At the beginning, he said his speed is quirk and runs fast. Waiting for a long time, it will inevitably be exposed.

And the people of Villain Alliance stared at him. If he walks too close to Sister Ying, he will be caught by the Villain Alliance. When Sister Ying is taken away, he has no place to cry.

Villain Alliance should not continue to act in a short period of time, but he doesn’t know what the Villain Alliance will do next. After all, the current situation and the world have been changed, and any situation may happen.

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