Chapter 42

After Midoriya Izuku left, All Might turned and rushed towards Shigaraki Tomura, shouting, “Carolina…”

“Nomu.” Shigaraki Tomura said lightly, and Nomu immediately stood in front of him.

“Smash!” All Might crossed his hands forward, but slashed on Nomu’s body, and a wave of waves was set off in the big lake behind Nomu, which shows how strong All Might is.

After the waves fell, All Might’s face gradually became serious. This Villain named Nomu did not show any damage. In other words, the boy Chi Feng said exactly what the Villain named Nomu had come to him.

Nomu rolled his eyes, stared at All Might and opened his mouth, as if laughing at him, and then suddenly hugged All Might with both hands, trying to restrain it.

“Sure enough, there is no effect at all.” After avoiding the opponent’s strong hug, All Might punched Nomu in the stomach, but the effect was the same, and Nomu was not hurt.

At this moment, All Might suddenly saw a hole in Nomu’s right waist, but it seemed to be healing quickly. Chi Feng said that it has the ability to regenerate, and it is true, but whoever can hurt it? Such a powerful Villain?

Who caused this wound?

“If you want to cause harm to Nomu, it will be more effective to cut out the meat little by little. Of course it will give you a chance then it is a different matter.” Shigaraki Tomura opened his hands, it seems that Nomu is his highest The masterpiece is average and can compete with the strongest Heroes All Might.

“Thank you for your special explanation.” All Might came behind Nomu, hugged it by the waist and fell back and smashed it. “If this is the case, it would be a piece of cake.”


There was a bang, and the gray smoke rose straight up into the sky. Shigaraki Tomura put his hands in front of his face. The wind and waves made it difficult for him to open his eyes.

“Okay, it deserves it.” Sato Rikido looked at All Might and slammed Kamui, shaking his fist and exclaimed, “That group of guys underestimate All Might!”

“Why does a back fall make it like an explosion?” Mineta Minoru touched his chin and said excitedly, “All Might is overwhelmingly strong.” They are safe now, some distance from the center.

“Obviously, in class, he is a novice teacher who needs to watch the stir-fry…” Tsuyu-chan also thinks that All Might is the strongest at this time, and All Might in class is more cordial.

“Come on, beat him!” Mineta Minoru suddenly shouted.

After the gray smoke disappeared, a wisp of Bloodline came out from the corner of All Might’s mouth, and gritted his teeth and said with difficulty, “Origin… Was it this kind of idea?”(Read more @

At this moment everyone discovered that Kurogiri used the teleport function to transfer Nomu’s upper body to All Might’s lower body, and Nomu’s hands were inserted into the flesh of All Might’s waist, locking All Might’s in a strange posture. action.

“Are you planning to plunge him into the depths of the concrete floor and block his actions?” Shigaraki Tomura said with a jealous smile, “That can’t be blocked.”

“Because Nomu’s strength is comparable to yours.” Kurogiri also restricted All Might’s ability to move, and said calmly, he knew best about Nomu’s strength.

“Hehehe…” Shigaraki Tomura smiled a few times and said to Kurogiri, “Awesome, Kurogiri, the opportunity just appeared so suddenly.”

Kurogiri frowned suddenly. All Might seemed to be trying to get out of this locked state with strength. The symbol of peace was really strong. This kind of power is really desirable.

But this is of no use. The fingers of Nomu’s hands are deeply pierced into All Might’s waist. All Might gritted his teeth and said, “There is my weakness, stop it.”

After giving up cuddling Nomu, All Might tried to break Nomu’s hand, but the next moment he discovered the problem, Nomu’s power was too strong.

“That’s the way you committed the crime for the first time… Give me awareness.” Even if All Might couldn’t move at this time, he didn’t forget to affect Villain’s heart. This group of Villain seemed to have planned for a long time, and it was against him.

“Kurogiri.” Shigaraki Tomura scratched his chin and looked at Kurogiri, as if giving some order.

“Although I hate things like blood viscera overflowing in my body, if it is a big man like you, I would be very happy to accept it.” Kurogiri said unhurriedly, “Nomu’s task is to make it fast You, who makes people unable to keep up, are bound, and then my task is to close half of your body in the door and tear you apart!”


At this moment of tension, Chi Feng walked over with his arms, looked at the three guys and said, “The three of you seem to have forgotten our existence, you think we will look at you stupidly. Tear All Might into two pieces?”

Shoto Todoroki was standing on the left side of Chi Feng. Bakugo Katsuki, who was not convinced, stood obediently on the right side of Chi Feng. Midoriya, who was carrying Aizawa Shouta, was relieved. He wanted to rush out to save All Might. He was He wouldn’t watch All Might die in front of him. Even if Midoriya died by himself, he wouldn’t let All Might die to save everyone.

Now Chi Feng, Shoto Todoroki, and Bakugo Katsuki are present, and Nomu and Kurogiri can’t be distracted. Only Shigaraki Tomura can move.

Shigaraki Tomura almost forgot to have Chi Feng, a difficult player, suddenly became a little irritable, and said to Kurogiri: “Hurry up!”

Kurogiri nodded in response and began to implement the plan to tear All Might into pieces.

“You are delusional!” Chi Feng tugged with both hands, and the thunder spear appeared and hit Kurogiri’s silver armor. This position seemed to be where Kurogiri needed protection, which was where Kurogiri’s weakness was.

“Don’t be too arrogant, kid!” Shigaraki Tomura rushed towards Chi Feng, and after solving Chi Feng, there would be no so many hidden dangers.

Shoto Todoroki naturally wouldn’t let Shigaraki Tomura succeed. Two ice streams shot at him. Bakugo Katsuki knew that he was not Shigaraki Tomura’s opponent in close combat. Now that he is smarter, he stands far away and uses quirk to attack Shigaraki Tomura.

The Thunder Spear hit Kurogiri’s body. Kurogiri relaxed a little with pain, All Might began to struggle quickly. Kurogiri seemed to be afraid of thunder and lightning.

Chi Feng’s eyes lit up and it was easy to handle, “I’m sorry everyone, please bear with me.”

Shoto Todoroki glanced at Chi Feng. At this moment, Chi Feng pressed his hands on the ground and said, “Thunder is shaking!”

“It’s really the enemy and me.” Bakugo Katsuki said, and suddenly used the explosion to rush into the sky to avoid Chi Feng’s attack.

Shoto Todoroki immediately raised an icicle under his feet and moved his body higher.

All Might is not so lucky. Thunder Concussion is an indiscriminate attack, but according to All Might’s physical fitness, Chi Feng directly ignores his end of harm.

The ground began to tremble for a while, and the lightning ran around on the ground continuously, attacking every Villain’s body, Kurogiri was overwhelmed immediately, and the teleport quirk that restrained All Might from being pulled down also failed. Although All Might was also affected. But this attack effect has no effect on him at all, just like Nomu, he is not affected at this moment.

Chi Feng only targeted Kurogiri, and the others were incidental. The purpose was to let All Might break free from Nomu and Kurogiri’s combination.

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