Chapter 33 Three Thousand Thunders, Troubles and Winds

Shigaraki Tomura looked at the source of the sound and frowned slightly, “Kurogiri, go see what’s going on.”

“Want to go?” Aizawa Shouta broke through the crowd and directly wrapped a white bandage around Kurogiri. Kurogiri smiled, disappearing without a trace.

“It’s disgusting to send quirk…” Aizawa Shouta tweeted, and focused on Shigaraki Tomura. This guy could feel threatened to him.

“What’s the matter with this voice?” Bakugo Katsuki looked towards the distant sky.

The source of the sound is from the Villain Alliance, and there are a large number of people. Teacher Aizawa has no group attack skills. Teacher No. 13 wants to protect the remaining classmates, and its black hole attack is unlikely to make Villain scream so weird.

Then, this scream must have been made by some of the classmates. Thinking of this, Bakugo Katsuki already knew who it was.

Chi Feng!

“Damn it, Laozi can’t fall behind either.” Bakugo Katsuki suddenly violent, touched a Villain’s face, an explosion sounded, this Villain’s face is no different from the African black.

Standing on top of the yellow sand, Chi Feng panted slightly. The tricks released just now were a bit more expensive, after all, it was a group attack trick.

At this moment, almost all of the forty people in the desert area were lying on the ground. Everyone was scorched to varying degrees, and some of them were even dead.

Although Chi Feng is not a professional Heroes, killing will be punished, but he knows that the school will be responsible for today’s affairs, and he does not need to hide any strength.

He had hidden his strength before and didn’t want to be discovered by the people of Villain Alliance, because he still couldn’t protect himself, and he hadn’t reached that level. But now it’s different. Both his Thor’s Return and Air Manipulation have reached LV3, and he is still on the second level of Qi training. Basically, he has the means to protect himself.

If he wants to go, few people can lead him too much in speed at the moment, and he can’t stop it.

Chi Feng originally planned to kill these guys. He is not a soft-hearted person. These Villains should have been damned. Although he has acted as the position of justice, he is the adjudicator at this moment.

A few of the slightly stronger Villain stood up. These people looked at Chi Feng with fear in their eyes. They had never seen a student as strong as him.

He is simply a freak, and maybe even professional Heroes may not be as good as him.

At this time, Kurogiri appeared out of thin air. When he saw that they were all from their Villain Alliance lying on the ground, his expression couldn’t help changing, and he looked at Chi Feng.

“You did this?” Kurogiri asked.

“You don’t know what you are doing yourself? Is there anyone else here?” Chi Feng grinned. Kurogiri has a powerful teleportation function, but it is slightly lacking in actual combat, but Kurogiri cannot be underestimated.(Read more @

Chi Feng remembers that Kurogiri can send someone’s attack into the dimension, and then suddenly appear in front of you, causing him to be hit by his own attack even if he can’t hide.

“Very good…” Kurogiri smirked, “U.A High School really collects Heroes from all over the world. If you grow up, it is indeed a big threat to the future Villain Alliance.”

“Do you think you can get rid of me?” Chi Feng asked back.

“I don’t have time to quarrel with you, it will clean up you.” Kurogiri laughed, the teleport function was turned on, and the winged Nomu was released, and he disappeared.

“Finally came a tricky thing.” Chi Feng cheered up. He didn’t know what the characteristics of this Nomu were, speed, strength, or something else?

Kurogiri is not worried that Nomu will kill Chi Feng. Although this Nomu is not as powerful as the black Nomu, it is definitely not something students can deal with.

Chi Feng raised his hand to knock down those Villain who had stood up, and then focused on facing Nomu.

Nomu seemed to have received the order and fluttered his wings and whizzed towards Chi Feng.

“What a fast speed.” Chi Feng exclaimed. Nomu’s speed broke out in an instant, as fast as lightning.

But why didn’t he have lightning speed, surrounded by thunder and lightning, Chi Feng once again fully aroused Thor’s return, after avoiding Nomu’s first attack, Chi Feng stepped on the yellow sand and came behind Nomu.

Then it hit its back with a punch, “The air is shaking!”

With a “click”, the surrounding air seemed to be evacuated in an instant, and Nomu seemed to have been smashed into a cavity by a sledgehammer, and flew directly into the ruins.

As soon as Chi Feng opened his feet, he formed a horse step, with his right hand on the top and left hand on the bottom, facing the ruins where Nomu was located.

“Air compression, maximize!”


The power visible to the naked eye dispersed, the ruins were instantly squashed like a biscuit, and the smoke filled the sky. Chi Feng gasped for breath. Today, he is considered to have shown his strength. He is indeed very tired…. ..

Fortunately, Chi Feng has the strength of the second level of Qi training, and his physical strength is not consumed too quickly, but there is not much left. Nomu in the ruins looks a little thin and weak, should he not have the ability to continue fighting?


Chi Feng suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, looking at Nomu with his head on his head in disbelief, this guy still has such a strong power…

Nomu shot out directly from the ruins, and immediately knocked Chi Feng into the air. Chi Feng fell on the yellow sand and felt the turbulence in his stomach. He was injured…

Nomu’s eyes are absent, and he can’t feel the pain, just like a machine standing there looking at Chi Feng, seeming to launch the next attack at any time.

“It seems that I still have to use that.” Chi Feng took out the quirk supplement from the system warehouse and took a sip. An unclear warm current flowed through his body. After only a few breaths, Chi Feng was injured just now. Disappeared, and both quirks have returned to their peak state.

“Die.” Chi Feng said faintly. After standing up, he stood up with thunder and lightning in his right hand and air in his left hand. The two suddenly merged, and he shouted abruptly:

“Three thousand thunder and lightning trouble wind!”

I saw the strong thunder light between Chi Feng’s hands swept towards Nomu under the air envelope, and a huge tornado formed in an instant. The thunder light raged in the tornado, which looked like a thunderstorm.

Nomu got tired and suffered a crit in the thunder and lightning trouble wind, and his wings were also shattered. After Huang Sha was taken in, Chi Feng couldn’t see what happened to Nomu inside. At this moment, he was tired again. This trick It should be the strongest he has used so far.

Chi Feng knew that even if he made Nomu unable to breathe, he wouldn’t be able to kill him. Nomu doesn’t seem to have to breathe. The body structure is different from that of human beings, and the transformed ones are already like machines.

When the thunderstorm appeared, Kurogiri looked in that direction, his face changed. Didn’t he arrange for Nomu to clean up the kid there? How could such a change happen?

“Kurogiri, what’s the matter?” Shigaraki Tomura became a little irritated, and he explained why this situation always appeared in that area.

“I’ll check it out.” Kurogiri wanted to leave after speaking, but Shigaraki Tomura said, “Forget it, kill this troublesome teacher first.”

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