Chapter 11 The Dark Horse Chi Feng

Suddenly, Midoriya’s heart was like a mirror. Although the tears in his eyes were still flowing, a flame burned in his heart, and this flame went through his whole body.

He suddenly jumped up at his feet and rushed towards the huge machine, his right hand gathered strength, even the clothes were torn apart, but the firm eyes resolutely decided, “I want to lift my anus and close my abdomen, and then shout in my heart…”


With a sudden punch, the core of the huge machine was instantly cracked, and a cloud of white mist erupted in the air, declaring the power of this punch.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, and the seemingly timid Midoriya actually broke out such a powerful force in this situation. Is it courage or responsibility?

Midoriya felt like he was going to die during the fall. He had no sensation in his right hand, and was drifting in the wind like a puddle of mud.

Just when he was about to fall to the ground, Uraraka Ochaco barely caught Midoriya with no gravity.

“Saved…” Midoriya let out a sigh of relief and slumped to the ground. Only then did Uraraka Ochaco free up energy to remove the heavy objects on her body, and stepped forward to care about Midoriya.

In Midoriya’s heart, a man reminded him. Looking at the crowd, Chi Feng’s back was infinitely magnified. It seemed that this man knew him from the beginning and knew that he would take action from the beginning.

Even if he breaks his hand or his foot, he will stick to what he chooses and never give up.

The practical test is over.

The overall results were announced on the big screen:

First place: Bakugo Katsuki770

Second place: Kirishima Eijiro3935

Third place: Uraraka Ochaco2845

Fourth place: Shiozaki 3632

Fifth place: Kendo Itsuka2540

Sixth place: Ida Tenya529

Seventh place: Midoriya Izuku060

Eighth place: Chi Feng5010

Ninth place: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu4910

Tenth place: Tokoyami Fumikage4710

Eleventh place:…

Everyone is talking about this result, the first place Bakugo Katsuki is undoubtedly the hottest topic, followed by the alternative score of Midoriya Izuku.(Read more @

Some people also talked about Chi Feng, because Chi Feng is from China, so they have a new understanding of Chinese people.

“This player called Chi Feng is very unusual.”

In the quiet observation room, the marksman said lightly, which attracted the attention of some teachers.

“What to say, I feel that this Chi Feng’s performance is not outstanding, it seems that his shots are very few.” Cement Secretary said with his arms.

“Didn’t you find that the locations he went to were very remote, and he gradually approached the center until he got a score of 40 or 50 points. The most important point is that his quirk is very strong!” the sharpshooter analyzed.

“Yes, this kid’s quirk seems to be the most overbearing in all elemental systems.” At this time, Aizawa Shouta said casually, his eyes seemed to be half-squinted forever.

“What quirk?” Teacher Midnight asked.

“Thunder attribute quirk, the specific power has yet to be verified.” Aizawa Shouta’s eyes narrowed.

“It’s actually a thunder attribute quirk. We don’t seem to have heard of this kind of quirk. There seems to be a player named Kaminari Denki. He is just electricity. Isn’t it much different from thunder?” There was a little star in the eyes of Teacher Midnight, as if looking at him. When it comes to something that interests her, it’s normal.

In addition to talking about Chi Feng, Midoriya’s quirk is also very curious for all teachers. This powerful power burst type is somewhat similar to All Might, but this type is not rare, it is just a problem of power gap.


U.A High School Heroes has an entrance competition rate of over 300 per year. Except for the four recommended places, the normal number of students admitted through the exam is 36, 18 students in a class, and only 2 classes in total.

Chi Feng packed his backpack and came to school. The previous Pingchuan Junior High School was just a cutscene. Now he needs to focus all his attention on the Heroes Class A.

Originally, there was a class of 18 people, and according to the truth, there was no Chi Feng’s share, but Chi Feng, as a recognized dark horse among teachers, was specifically added to the Heroes subject A class.

For this, Chi Feng was not surprised. The quirk he showed was enough to join the Heroes Class A. As for what the teachers think is their business, Chi Feng has never even heard the word ‘dark horse’.

However, some students knew something about Chi Feng as a dark horse.

“A-1.A-1…the place is too big…” Chi Feng came not too early, and heard Midoriya talking to himself before entering the class.

“You are the one who helped me.” Midoriya stopped, he had already seen Chi Feng, and he had also seen Class A.

For Midoriya, the appearance of Chi Feng seems very mysterious. In short, he feels that Chi Feng is very unusual, which belongs to his intuition.

“You’re welcome, everyone will be classmates and take care of each other.” Chi Feng laughed and patted Midoriya on the shoulder.

Midoriya was a little shy, and when he heard Chi Feng’s words, he suddenly said in surprise: “Are you also in Heroes Class A?”

“Yes, it’s obvious.”

“My name is Midoriya Izuku, please advise me.” Midoriya lowered his head and said sincerely.

“It’s the same as worshiping the handle. Get up.” Chi Feng helped Midoriya’s shoulder. He knew it was the respect of the other party, but he was not used to it.

“My name is Chi Feng and I come from China. No matter what happens in the future, I will be optimistic about you.” Chi Feng said seriously.

At this moment, Midoriya felt like Chi Feng knew that he had One·For·All, but it was obvious that the other party could not know. At present, only All Might knew about this in this world.

However, for Chi Feng’s encouragement and support, Midoriya was still very moved. After all, he was just a quirk-free person before, and he was always at the tail of the crane.

His heart desires to be praised and recognized by others. Chi Feng’s encouragement is undoubtedly a kind of praise to him. This is a good start.

“Don’t need to say thank you, let’s go in, all the classmates should be here.” Chi Feng patted Brother Midoriya on the shoulder, and opened the door first and walked in.

Midoriya became a little nervous, he didn’t want to be in the same class with those strange people.

After Chi Feng entered, he just glanced at the classmates present, and then came to the last position of the class by the window to sit down. He has to keep a low profile now, otherwise a good relationship with these classmates will expose his 2B character.

That would not be cool.

Some classmates also glanced at Chi Feng and wanted to say hello, but seeing Chi Feng seems a little cold and feels embarrassed.

Some people are also quietly discussing Chi Feng about the dark horse.

“Don’t put your feet on the desk!” Ida Tenya said loudly to Bakugo Katsuki.

“Huh?” Bakugo Katsuki grinned.

“Don’t you think it’s very sorry to do this. The predecessors of Heroes still have people who make desks?” Ida Tenya said gesticulatingly.

“I don’t think, which junior high school do you guys come from!? One of the little supporting actors.” Bakugo Katsuki said scornfully, a tripod swaying on the desk.

Midoriya stood at the door and his face turned dark. As expected, everything that should have come was here. The two people he didn’t want to see were all here…

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