Chapter four hundred and seventy-two visits

Chapter four hundred and seventy-two visits

“Let’s go first, I’ll talk later.” Director Wang was obviously afraid of disturbing the tall and thin man in the interrogation room, so he mouthed to Yi Yun, and pointed at the interrogation room at the same time, indicating that Yi Yun should not be too loud big.

Yi Yun quickly understood, no longer disagreeing, and walked away lightly.

“It’s true. From his expression, it’s obvious that he wants to see us follow the words we just went around and make mistakes. He must know the inside story, which means that the man behind the scenes must not be the brother who experienced that thing with me before. Until After walking a distance, Director Wang continued to speak.

It looks like it is, that is the guess I just made around, there are other people who know this matter besides you, so who else would think against you?” Yi Yun continued Director Wang’s words and continued. .

“It’s hard to say. If the matter is really known to a third party and is leaked out, I really can’t think of anyone else who wants to deal with me. The scope is too large, is that person’s friend or you? We don’t know the person or the news that someone bought it with money, we don’t even know who that person is.” Director Wang shook his head, his expression a little dejected. In his opinion, such a big investigation Surrounding is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

“Then what else is there to do? Yi Yun has no main point for a while.

“Actually, there is another way, but it sounds a little unfeasible.” Director Wang said suddenly and earnestly.

“Is there any other way? If it’s not feasible, I’ll try it. A dead horse should be a living horse doctor.” Yi Yun immediately cheered up after hearing Director Wang’s words.

Since Director Wang has said that there is a way, it is estimated that there is a way, but he also said that it is not feasible, which means that Director Wang’s method may not be very good, but it seems that their current choice is only this one, If it is not feasible, it means that there is still a way. As long as it is not impossible at all, they must find a way to overcome it. After all, this may be their only hope.

“That’s right, you see, according to our current analysis, we can basically confirm that Li Guofeng did not intend to be our enemy, and the man behind the scenes is not him, if we really have no clue, we can go to Li Guo (bbbf) Talk to Feng, if you want me to say that negotiating with him is much better than negotiating with the enemy Zhou Yu.” Director Wang said to Yi Yun after a slight pause.

“This…” Yi Yun was a little speechless after hearing Director Wang’s approach.

I have to say that Director Wang is really good at dealing with this aspect. This method can also be imagined. If Yi Yun is the one, he will definitely follow the order of finding to the end, and in the end, he will still fall into the quagmire as he is now. It has been found that there are too many people involved. Li Guofeng must have asked his subordinates to investigate this matter, but this matter was leaked later. Director Wang can be sure that the leaked matter was not with him back then. The brothers who experienced the incident did it, and Li Guofeng didn’t let anyone know about it, so the conclusion is obvious. The person who leaked the secret must be the person Li Guofeng sent to investigate the incident, but Li Guofeng’s subordinates There are so many people under his command who can leak secrets even more. How are Yi Yun and the others going to investigate? There are too many people involved. According to the normal method, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. The method can be said to be the best method, but it is somewhat imaginative, and it will be more difficult to implement.

“You can try, it seems that there is nothing good except this method now, we can’t check one by one, so many people can’t check it. Yi Yun said after thinking for a while.

“Actually, there’s one more thing I’ve thought of, that is, whether Li Guofeng is really targeting us or not, it’s just behind the scenes, and on the surface, he still has to pretend, and he will definitely pretend that he doesn’t know anything. You can’t make us suspect.” Director Wang suddenly patted his head.

“Hey, what you said is true, it’s not too late, let’s go find him now.” Yi Yun was also refreshed after hearing Director Wang’s words.

“Let’s go, get ready to do something, and then we’ll start with chatting, and then slowly switch to this matter. It’s just lunch time.” Director Wang took out his car keys. Around him, he didn’t plan to take the driver Xiao again, and prepared to drive by himself.

“Wait, if he’s going to die, don’t let the tall and thin man go for the time being. We’ll let him go when we find out the news, so that he won’t be alarmed and let the other party be vigilant.” Yi Yun seemed to have suddenly thought of something.

“Then let’s wait until we welcome you, and then go to buy something first. You can’t go empty-handed when you come to visit.” Director Wang paused for a while, and said after thinking about it.

“It seems that Director Wang often goes there?” Yi Yun smiled.

“That’s right, after that happened, we often visited Li Guofeng. We had nothing to do with the old couple, so as to make up for the guilt in my heart. Director Wang’s voice was a little choked, and it seemed that he thought of some sad things again.

“Uh, let’s see what to buy first.” Yi Yun realized the seriousness of the topic, and immediately opened the topic.

“Let’s buy some tea, Li Guofeng likes to drink tea, and if his wife is concerned, just buy some skin care products, just in time to have lunch soon.” Director Wang also realized his gaffe and quickly adjusted his state.

After speaking, Director Wang took out the hook key and walked to his car. Yi Yun also followed. The two drove to the mall to buy gifts for Li Guofeng and his wife. After some selection, the two bought the gifts they liked and left the mall. .

Li Guofeng, “I’m still working in the government now, so I think I’m still busy in my work unit. Let’s go directly to his house. His wife should be at home, take the gift first and then go to his work unit to pick him up.” Director Wang Speaking of opening the door.

“I’m fine, I’ll listen to your arrangement.” Yi Yun nodded. He didn’t understand what Director Wang said about Li Guofeng, so he simply followed what Director Wang said.

“Okay, let’s do some planning.” Director Wang Chang heaved a sigh of relief and started the car, as if he had made a great determination.

Yi Yun can actually understand Director Wang’s mood at this moment, and it would be a little hard for anyone to change it. In fact, Director Wang is good, at least he can control his emotions. People’s children died because of themselves. At first, they were not broken and friendly, but later they were secretly competing, and Director Wang pretended to be ignorant to inquire about the news.

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