Chapter four hundred and forty-two Lao Zhang’s doubts

Chapter four hundred and forty-two Lao Zhang’s doubts

Lao Zhang observed the scene again, but he still couldn’t find anything unusual. It seemed like what Xiao Zhang said, the big rock broke suddenly, and the crack was still very new. It was overturned, and it caught fire and exploded, which means that the statement that Xiao Zhang did not have time to save Zhang is also correct.

Looking at the various situations at the scene and Xiao Zhang’s words in such a kiss, Lao Zhang couldn’t help falling into deep thought, even if the police didn’t want to, just talking about the big stone, it’s not something that one person can break, but Lao Zhang didn’t believe it. This is a coincidence, especially the expression on the way around Xiao Zhang is very unnatural. He has seen that kind of unnaturalness a lot, which is the escape of the eyes of the prisoner when he is lying. The easiest thing to do is to look him in the eyes.

According to Lao Zhang’s experience over the years, the eyes that have just been around Xiao Zhang are obviously escaping and fearful, that is, a state of lying, but when he arrived at the scene, his eyes disappeared, indicating that the accident must still be lying here. on site.

Lao Zhang thought and thought. At that time, he kept his eyes closed when he got into the car. After the crash, he fainted. The scene and Xiao Zhang’s remarks were so kissable that he couldn’t find anything wrong at all. At that time, there were only three in the car. Personally, he, Xiao Zhang, and Zhang Yizhu in the back seat, but according to Xiao Zhang, Zhang Yizhu had already been killed in a car accident 727, thinking of this old Zhang went to see “Zhang Yizhu” whose back seat had been scorched, there was absolutely nothing. Clue, what Xiao Zhang said now seems to be true, but he still has a lot of doubts. He closed his eyes and didn’t know the situation at the time. The only witness died in the car. Is the clue just broken?

No, three people, how could it be three people, there was a Yi Yun in the car at that time, but he got in the car later, so that he subconsciously didn’t think that this person was also in the car at that time, Since there was still one person in the car at the time, it was easy, but what about Yi Yun? Where did Yi Yun go after the car accident? Normally, people who don’t know will stop and take a look when they have a car accident, let alone People who are in the same car, how can anyone who is in the same car leave the police after a (bbbf) car accident, but the Yi Yun people are gone, which is very abnormal, according to the Supernatural Authority The people inside said that at that time, only Xiao Zhang went back with a coma on his back, where could there be a young man? This means that Yi Yun didn’t even go to the Supernatural Authority, and just left after the car accident. , The more Zhang thinks about it, the more wrong it is.

“Where’s Yi Yun! What about the young man who was in the car with us at the time?” Lao Zhang suddenly asked the driver Xiao Zhang as if he had caught some clues.

“That person…he went.” Xiao Zhang was obviously bewildered by Lao Zhang’s sudden question, and he hesitated. He was also a little afraid that the matter would be revealed at this time. Now that I think about calling Yi Yun to leave directly, it is really true. This is a wrong choice, because in this case, as long as it is a normal person, it will feel wrong. If there is a car accident, one person is killed and two people are injured in the car, one of the injured is still alive and dead, and the other person just left, even if no one is suspected. Can’t tell.

“Go back?” Old Zhang felt more and more that something was wrong, especially when Xiao Zhang hesitated, he felt that Xiao Zhang must be hiding something from him.

“Where did he go? Isn’t he injured?” Old Zhang stared at Xiao Zhang with a puzzled look, trying to see what he was fishing for from his expression.

“He went straight home. After the car accident, he looked at your situation and tried to run to save the person in the car, but I was pulled by me, and then the car exploded, and then he said he had something to do and left. Besides, how could he be so powerful that he could be injured? At that time, he saw that you were all right and left and asked me to send you there.” Xiao Zhang was not a fool after following Director Wang for so long, but found that Lao Zhang really didn’t know anything at that time. I knew, maybe I was trying to deceive him, so I just looked straight into Lao Zhang’s eyes and said he was caught.

“If you have any questions, you can ask the director. I don’t have the contact information of the young man. The director knows him.” Seeing that Lao Zhang didn’t speak, Xiao Zhang moved the director out to press him, trying to make Lao Zhang compromise.

“This…” Lao Zhang was at a loss for words for a while, and he wanted to cheat Xiao Zhang, but who knew that the other party saw it out and moved the director out to press him. How dare he ask the director? The director just returned home yesterday and handed over all the affairs of the bureau to him. If he calls the director for a day, the director will definitely question his ability to handle affairs.

Moreover, Director Wang had told him before that the position of Director was reserved for him. What would the Director think if he couldn’t handle even this trivial matter?

Besides, Director Wang has almost never had a rest since he became the Director. This is the first time he has gone home to rest because of something. He knows the temper of Director Wang, so he must not be disturbed, otherwise he will It will definitely catch fire.

“Forget it, I don’t have any doubts, just ask casually.” After thinking about it carefully, he felt that he still couldn’t alert Director Wang for such a trivial matter, because he couldn’t do it, and if Director Wang got angry then, he would It’s not about whether he can take the position of the director, he can’t bear the fire of director Wang, and anyway, the one who died in the car is also a prisoner who is about to be escorted to be dealt with, where death is not dead, it saves him It’s good that his own people are not injured, and he can’t be punished because Xiao Zhang didn’t save a prisoner who was about to be executed.

But Yi Yun didn’t know about it. He was taking Zhang Yizhu and Xiaohong to find a way to get out of the Supernatural Administration without going through the gate. After all, this was on human territory, and Zhang Yizhu was a “dead man”. The prisoners who were dropped” could not go out through the main entrance anyway.

After turning around for a long time, Yi Yun and the others were still waiting in the small tree beside the road, waiting for Yi Yun to use his spiritual sense to explore the way. There was no way. Those who want to avoid disturbing the Supernatural Authority can only do this. The Supernatural Authority In fact, the whole is very large, but some places have not been fully developed. For example, in this place, a forest has not moved. In the Superhuman Administration, only this forest has no monitoring, but a road has been built out of the wood, and there is no road beside the road. Surveillance, because it is not easy to set up surveillance in the woods, and there are not many people here, even if it is useless to install surveillance, it is useless to build a road to the woods, and the middle of the woods is just right Even where the prisoners were executed, there was a forest blocking it, so not only could the gunshots not be heard, but also could not be seen from the outside,

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