Chapter two hundred and ninety-three

This scene also caused everyone to look at each other in dismay.

No one would have imagined that Daochang Changxu’s seemingly transparent and small Asking Heart Sword would actually be used in such a way.

After more than ten seconds, the pain in Miyamoto Ichiro suddenly stopped, but the pain that people could never forget, made Miyamoto Ichiro’s body still twitch involuntarily.

After breathing heavily for a long time, Ichiro Miyamoto calmed down, but when he was looking at Daoist Changxu, there was already a little bit of fear in his eyes.

Even if he is using Lu Chengfeng’s body now, even if his current strength is not good, at least the former Miyamoto Ichiro was a real master of returning to the real world. On the way of Miyamoto Ichiro’s growth, he also encountered many lives and deaths. On the occasion, the most critical time, the whole body was smashed.

However, compared to the pain at that time, Ichiro Miyamoto felt happy just by recalling it.

And now this kind of pain can be felt from every cell.

Breathing heavily, Ichiro Miyamoto’s eyes drooped, staring at the ground, not knowing what he was thinking.

It was at this time that Daoist Changxu shook his head and said in a low voice, “It seems that your heart is still unwilling to answer!”

Miyamoto Ichiro was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to let Daoist Changxu stop, but at this moment he was just tortured by the pain that no one could bear, and the whole person’s reaction was half a minute slower.

Just as Miyamoto Ichiro was about to speak, the incomparable pain suddenly rose again and again.

And this time, Miyamoto Ichiro simply fell to the ground, his eyes were about to roll to the sky.

And this time the pain was more than double the last time.

Although it only increased by more than ten seconds, for Miyamoto Ichiro, one second of that pain may be as long as a century.

It is precisely because of this that when Ichiro Miyamoto regained his sanity, without any hesitation, he hurriedly shouted: “I said… I said… I said everything!

Changxu Daochang smiled and looked like a child who could be taught.

On the other hand, Ichiro Miyamoto did not dare to try that kind of pain, and hurriedly said: “It’s from Europe. It is said that there are several demigods in Europe, and I also summoned them at that time. The fifth shikigami, so they came to me, wanting to join forces with the United States and our Dongying to thoroughly clean up the world of martial arts and the extraordinary


After a slight pause, Ichiro Miyamoto showed a somewhat ingratiating smile, looked at Yi Yun next to him, and then continued, “Master Yi Yun, as long as you forgive me, I can help you restore the yin and yang of the entire Eastern Japan. Master and ninja are in our hands!”

Yi Yun was silent.

However, Daoist Changxu’s face turned cold, and he seemed to be laughing and shouting, and then he said: “It seems that you want to try the ability of asking Xinjian to distinguish the truth from falsehood! 99

As soon as the words fell, Miyamoto Ichiro fell into the boundless pain once again.

After the pain was over, Ichiro Miyamoto only felt that he was going crazy.

Do not say, to torture.

Lies, to torture.

Although Wen Xinjian was extremely painful, it did not cause him any harm from beginning to end. However, the kind of damage left on the spirit and soul was terrifying.

When Miyamoto Ichiro was freed from the pain, he was completely paralyzed on the ground, looked at Yi Yun with blank eyes, and murmured in his mouth: “Kill me, please kill me. me!

At this moment, Ichiro Miyamoto no longer has any trace of pride in his eyes, and the so-called glory of Onmyoji has also been left behind by him.

The path of Onmyoji is destined to be an extraordinary life for Miyamoto, and it is also destined to be filled with countless hardships.

However, everything, he Miyamoto survived.

Not only that, he also became the first person to summon five high-grade shikigami in the Japanese country, and he also became the most powerful Onmyoji in the entire Japanese country, and was sought after and worshipped by countless people.

In the circle of Onmyoji of the Japanese country, many people call Miyamoto “the first attached Yang teacher in the five rough years”.

Regardless of whether there is a five-pot year in the history of Japan, Ichiro Miyamoto has a strong interest in this title, and is often proud of it.

But now, this so-called arrogance has been torn to shreds, and the so-called glory has instantly become worthless in the face of torture.

In this unbearable pain, Ichiro Miyamoto finally chose to give in.

He… really doesn’t want to die!

Self-inflicted humiliation “!” Chang Xu Daochang snorted coldly, but did not say more.

And Miyamoto Ichiro was clearly trembling, and he knew in his heart that he didn’t dare to tell lies.

··For flowers…

“Speaking of which, what power does the Japanese country have! Tell me roughly!” Yi Yun chuckled, he knew about the Qingcheng faction’s Wenxin Sword, but he didn’t expect the effect to be so good.

And at this moment, after hearing Yi Yun’s words, Miyamoto Ichiro didn’t dare to hide anything.

“The more powerful forces in the Japanese country, Iga, your ninja, Miyamoto’s Onmyoji, Yamaguchi’s Bushido, and the Shintoists in the hands of the Emperor…”

After finishing speaking, Miyamoto Ichiro shivered again, and hurriedly added: “Also… and there are people in front of the gods. Although those guys have bad intentions, their strength should not be underestimated.

This time, Miyamoto Ichiro was like pouring beans in a bamboo tube. He said everything he knew, even who was in charge of each organization, what needs to be paid attention to, and what advantages and disadvantages are there. Come.

After speaking in one breath, Ichiro Miyamoto waited anxiously.

When he found that the excruciating pain did not come, Ichiro Miyamoto breathed a sigh of relief.

But when Miyamoto finished speaking, he found that Yi Yun was a little lost.

At this moment, Yi Yun did not think of the people Miyamoto said, but a dog.

Qin Yue!

A few days ago, Yi Yun and Yi Yao met the dog that was being sliced ​​and studied by chance in Lincheng City.

In the book “Rebirth of the Godly Dog”, after Qin Yue’s strength soared, he once came to the Japanese country for a free excursion to slaughter the major forces in the Japanese country. Now, the major forces mentioned by Ichiro Miyamoto are naturally the rebirth of the country. The setting in the book of the god dog is set in.

And what made Yi Yun a little lost, it was Miyamoto Ichiro who was particularly hooked.

Because Shenqian also has an extremely talented Fuyang teacher, Shenqian Shiori.

And Shiori’s talent is countless times stronger than that of Miyamoto Ichiro.

However, what makes Yi Yun a little curious is that the current Ichiro Miyamoto obviously has other feelings for Shiori’s family in front of the gods, and even when he said it, he still carried a bit of hatred.

As soon as his heart moved, Yi Yun asked, “Tell me about the situation of the Shenqian family!”

Miyamoto Ichiro dared to refuse, hurriedly opened his mouth, and hooked up all the affairs of the former family of the gods one by one, and even the things he once suppressed them, did not miss anyone,

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