Chapter 283 Chang Xu’s request

A simple bowl of noodles, several people ate for half an hour.

During this whole process, Zhao Hongyun stopped many times, or asked Yi Yun about martial arts, and wanted to know the ability of a higher realm.

Or worry about the domestic situation and want to hear Yi Yun’s opinion.

And Yi Yun knows everything, but what he knows is only some general statements when he wrote the foreshadowing, not too detailed.

After eating a meal, Zhao Hongyun sighed in a low voice: “Actually, our scientists have already discovered something wrong. As early as decades ago, there were already some signs!”

Yi Yun was taken aback, he didn’t understand these things.

And Zhao Hongyun said again: “Scientists in China have discovered the last planet in the edge of the sun, and found that every tens of thousands of years, the nine planets of the solar system will be arranged in a straight line, and every Once this time, there will be a catastrophe on the earth!”

“Is there such a thing?” Yi Yun was a little stunned, he really didn’t write about the last planet or something.

However, Yi Yun also knows that this world is based on four or five books. It is already very different from his original world. Even the earth has expanded four or five times, and there is a ninth planet or something. Not surprising.

“With our current level of technology, although we can calculate the existence of the last planet, we can’t calculate the exact location of the fishing. When the ten planets are arranged together, it may be time for the gods and demons to come!” Zhao Hongyun sighed- Take a breath.

After a slight pause, he continued to look at Yi Yun again, and said, “Yi Yun, our nation has suffered many disasters, and I also know that it is difficult to force you to join us, but I hope you can help us when you need it. Do something for this nation!”

Yi Yun nodded, but didn’t say much.

No matter what position he stands on, he has no reason to reject such conditions.

Moreover, Zhao Hongyun had also promised to support him in terms of resources, and Yi Yun couldn’t refuse because of this alone.

“Okay, on the side of the supreme chief, I will report to him another day. I have delayed you today, and I hope you don’t mind!” Zhao Hongyun looked at Yi Yun, shook hands with Yi Yun again, and then continued. : “One more thing, if you have something in the ruins that you don’t need, you can consider selling it to the country!”

Yi Yun nodded, and Zhao Hongyun didn’t say more, just strode away, obviously there were other important things to be busy with.

After waiting until Zhao Hongyun completely left, Chen Muqing came over again, and sighed from a distance, “Mr. Yi, several chiefs attach great importance to you, and repeatedly told me to maintain a good relationship with you! ”

Yi Yun gave a wry smile and said helplessly: “Minister Chen, I still say that, I hope to live an ordinary life, but if it is something within my power, I will consider it!

This sentence can be regarded as an explanation for Chen Muqing, and Chen Muqing also nodded his head overjoyedly, and then continued: “Okay! I will do my best to make it easier for you at that time!”

Faced with the kindness that Chen Muqing showed, Yi Yun was also quite moved. He was not a white-eyed wolf, and the two of them treated him well, so he naturally wanted to reciprocate.

The two were chatting here, but the Daoist Changxu next to him was always listening quietly, and when Yi Yun was about to leave, Daoist Changxu suddenly opened his mouth and said, “Mr. Do you have the opportunity to visit the Xuanwu Ruins?”

Yi Yun was stunned, Daoist Changxu was now a special advisor of the Transcendent Administration, and his authority could be said to be above all Transcendent organizations, but now he asked himself this, obviously taking into account Yi Yun’s attitude.

For this old Taoist priest from the Qingcheng School, Yi Yun also remembered it very clearly. If it wasn’t for Changxu Taoist priest taking Xu Xiaoqing and Luoshen and others into the ruins last time, I am afraid that Qinglongshi at that time would not be able to withstand Miyamoto Ichiro.

At this moment, Daoist Changxu, after seeing that Yi Yun did not answer, also said again: “Mr. Yi, don’t worry, Laodao just went in and have a look, there are many records about Xuanwu ruins in our Qingcheng School. , the old man is also curiously tight! 11

Yi Yun didn’t say more, just nodded and said, “It would be better to have the help of Daoist Changxu!

Chen Muqing glanced at Daoist Changxu unexpectedly, and it could be seen that Daoist Changxu had this incident on his mind, and he didn’t seem to have discussed it with him.

But he wouldn’t stop it. After all, Daoist Changxu and Yi Yun are getting closer, which is also a good thing for the Transcendent Authority.

Glancing at the two of them, Chen Muqing silently went to arrange a vehicle, preparing to send Yi Yun and the others over.

It didn’t take long for the car to drive to a deep mountain outside the capital, but Yi Yun felt a little strange that there seemed to be more and more pedestrians on the road. Passengers pass by.

··For flowers…

“Yi Yun, is this ruin in a scenic area?” Le Qingcheng asked with some doubts when he saw the sign beside him.

Yi Yun nodded, and Daoist Changxu next to him opened his mouth and said: “Lu is also able to endure, it is said that they have discovered this Xuanwu ruins for a long time, and they have been doing research on their own in silence. , and then figure out the materials and items needed to open the ruins!

“No wonder Lu Chengfeng did that for the materials at the Famous Sword Conference!” Yi Yun chuckled, then continued: “Later Lu Chengfeng and Miyamoto Ichiro walked together, it must be Dongying. Give her the materials from the country!”

“That’s right, when Miyamoto appeared in the medical capital, we were very worried that this person would be detrimental to the chief, and Lao Dao was also cut off at that time, but I didn’t expect that this Miyamoto Ichiro was for the domestic relics. Come!” Zhang Xu Daochang said with a smile.


After a pause, his gaze continued to be a little deep, and he said in a low voice: “The East Ying Wa Kingdom has always been a vassal of our Chinese people, but for the past hundred years, their national strength has been strong, but their area is narrow, I guess this person should be relying on himself. It is the realm of returning to the real world, so I want to occupy the ruins in the country!

“So what? Even if I didn’t make a move this time, I wouldn’t sit back and ignore it compared to Chang Xu!” Yi Yun chuckled again.

The Daoist Changxu shook his head and said, “Onmyoji’s tricks are strange and unpredictable, and the old Taoist was also at a disadvantage at the time, he had more than enough to defend himself, and the attack was not enough, but although he couldn’t defeat the opponent, he could also contain him- Second, no Let him do it!”

“The Daoist Changxu is humble, and everyone knows the technique of flying swords in Qingcheng!” Yi Yun shook his head.

This old Taoist priest is not only as simple as it looks, but the true energy in his body is also strong and peaceful, and he has even reached the late stage of Guizhen Realm. Although Miyamoto Ichiro is also considered to be in Guizhen Realm, his combat power mainly relies on Shikigami. After losing the shikigami, this person is just like a toothless tiger with only appearances.

At this moment, Yi Yun and Daoist Changxu were chatting casually, and they had already arrived at the entrance of the Xuanwu Ruins.

Just looking at the entrance, Yi Yun couldn’t help but laugh.

“Haunted house? This Lu is really interesting! Yi Yun raised his eyes, and Li Hu, Qin Wangchuan and Xiong Wu, who were guarding the entrance of the ruins, hurriedly greeted the people who came up.

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