Chapter 276 Qiu Shiyu’s Awakening

It can be seen that the water vapor seems to have the same properties as the blood of the human body and can sustain life.

“Mr. Yi, we suspect that this is a monster, so save his sanity and prepare to go back to study!” A middle-aged man stood in a rhyme to introduce in a low voice, and at the end, he did not forget to add: “I am Lin Cheng. Director of the Transcendent Administration, Zhong Mou and I were once classmates…”

“Let’s study, I’m just here to see if there is anything wrong with the Green Pepper! Yi Yun is a bit dumbfounded.

He could already be sure that the dog was Qin Yue, but no one expected that Qin Yue, just after being reborn to activate his abilities, would be made into such a state by the people of the Transcendent Administration…

research research?

Don’t think about it, Yi Yun also knows that Qin Yue’s fate will not be much better.

Qiu Shiyu and Yi Yao on the other side were also a little scared by this strange scene, but fortunately, the personnel of the Lincheng Transcendent Administration quickly cleaned up the scene, took the head and body of the dog, and hurriedly left. open.

“This… Mr. Great God, since you are Mr. Yi’s friend, you don’t need to sign the treaty you just made, and your memory can be preserved!” Someone found the stir-fried pork with green peppers and said in a low voice.

Stir-fried pork with green peppers is just an ordinary person. When encountering such a thing, there will naturally be special staff to erase his memory, so as not to cause adverse effects.

As for the stir-fried pork with green peppers, he was obviously confused, and he didn’t know what was going on, but looking at the other party’s posture, he knew that these people were both respectful and afraid of Yi Yun.

“Mr. Yi, then we won’t disturb you!” Before leaving, Lin Cheng’s people did not forget to warn Yi Yun.

They all know what this killing god did in the beginning, and they all know that the current Yi Yun is not something they can mess with.

Instead, it was stir-fried meat with green peppers. He glanced at Yi Yun suspiciously, and then sent the other party away with a smile.

When all the people in Lincheng were gone, Yi Yun continued to laugh and said: “Great God, how could you provoke this thing,”?”

“I don’t know either!” Green Pepper Fried Pork was stunned, thought for a while, and then said in a low voice, “By the way, there is something going on in my hometown today, I’ll transfer some money, it seems that at that time this dog was watching beside…

“No wonder!” Yi Yun nodded.

In the plot he originally wrote, Qin Yue just squatted beside the ATM, found a local tyrant, and successfully grabbed the first huge sum of money in his life.

What made Yi Yun a little dumbfounded was that no one would have thought that in this world, they would actually grab Xiaoqingjiao fried pork.

But when he thought of Qin Yue’s fate, Yi Yun also felt the world’s deep malice towards Qin Yue.

After going through all the hardships and hardships, and trying to cross the dog’s body, it should have swept the six pavilions with great brilliance, but now it has become captured by the Transcendent Authority for research…

While Yi Yun was still crying and laughing, the stir-fried pork with green peppers on the other side hurriedly asked Yi Yun, Yi Yao and Qiu Shiyu to sit down.

“Mr. Yi, what do you think that dog came from? Not only can he speak human words, but he can also breathe fire, which scares me to death!” The stir-fried meat with green peppers had lingering fears, and when I recalled it at this moment, I couldn’t help but sigh: “Thanks to At the time, a friend of mine left me the phone number of the Transcendent Authority, and I knew that they dealt with this kind of thing, so I dialed it secretly…”

“It shouldn’t be a monster, it might be some kind of beast-defying method!” Yi Yun thought for a while, and then explained vaguely.

At the moment, Qiu Shi, who was next to him, was still coming back to his senses. Seeing the appearance of stir-frying pork with green peppers, he couldn’t help but sneer: “Master, you are bragging about how powerful you are all day long. It’s a shame…”

Stir-fried pork with green peppers blushed, looked at Qiu Shiyu helplessly, but asked a little strangely: “Right, why do you look weird today?

“Strange?” Qiu Shiyu was startled.

“Brother, this little sister’s eyes…” Yi Yao next to her also reminded.

At this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a faint light in Qiu Shiyu’s eyes.

On the other hand, Yi Yun could see it more clearly. In the deepest part of Qiu Shiyu’s pupils, there was a pattern composed of countless mysterious symbols, shining with light.

“This is an extraordinary awakening!” Yi Yun was taken aback.

On the way around, Yi Yun just used his mental power to test Qiu Shiyu’s eyebrows a little, and found that Qiu Shiyu’s mental power had not awakened, but how long did it take to wake up?

Stir-fried pork with green peppers is also very novel. Although he has written many novels and each protagonist has one or another ability, in the real world, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

Of course, the previous talking dog doesn’t count.

At this moment, Qiu Shiyu, the halo in his eyes was sometimes strong and weak, and the whole person also stood there dumbfounded, and never moved.

“How’s it going? Do you have any insights?” Yi Yun asked.

Qiu Shiyu raised her head incredulously, her whole body seemed to be extremely stiff at this moment, she stretched out her hand like a machine, and she continued to look at her palm.

“..I…seem to have complete control over my body!” Qiu Shiyu stammered.

What he said also made the fried pork with green peppers feel a little speechless.

Looking at Qiu Shiyu’s movements, it is clear that he is like a newborn baby, and he is still in complete control of his body…

However, just thinking of this, Qiu Shiyu’s fingers flicked and dried at a terrifying speed, and his whole face also showed a bit of excitement.

A bit of surprise flashed in Yi Yun’s eyes.

Of course he knew about Qiu Shiyu’s abilities, but it was extremely rare to master his abilities in such a short period of time.

Qiu Shiyu is an extraordinary person who is mentally complex and can perfectly control his body. That is to say, for the same thing, Qiu Shiyu can control the body to minimize the consumption required.

If Qiu Shiyu can run one brown rice, (Wang Ma Zhao), then now, she may be able to complete the goal of one brown rice with only 100 meters of strength.

Just like at this moment, if Qiu Shiyu’s finger flicking speed is placed on the keyboard, I am afraid that he can hit tens of thousands of words per hour!

This speed is not far behind Yi Yun!

However, this does not mean that Qiu Shiyu is the same as Yi Yun.

After all, although she can control her body, as a girl, Qiu Shiyu’s strength, speed and other factors are limited after all.

For a while, the stir-fried pork with green peppers and Yi Yao in the room were surprised, while Yi Yun was slightly contemplating, but Qiu Shiyu, who was constantly familiar with his own abilities, began to become more and more skilled in his movements.

Seeing Qiu Shiyu, like this, Yi Yun also reminded him from time to time, making Qiu Shiyu’s mastery faster and faster.

It didn’t take long for Qiu Shiyu to be able to make all kinds of incredible movements,

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