Chapter 273 Xiao Hui is exposed!

In the beginning, Yi Yun refined flying swords, killed Hua Xueyi in Shenhuaji, and became famous in one fell swoop.

In the later years, Yi Yun also incorporated a lot of materials into Feijian, but the treasures of heaven and earth are extremely rare, and Yi Yun’s Feijian was always only a prototype and could not exert its true strength.

However, it is completely different now. After the fusion of a large amount of materials and the sword spirit Qinglong, the current Qinglong sword, even without Yi Yun’s control, has a very strong combat power.

“Yes, now there is a little fairy sword sewn!” Seeing the blue dragon in the air constantly changing its shape, he was also quite excited and said with a smile: “Let’s go, let’s find a place to test your power!

Just as he was about to leave, Yi Yao’s voice suddenly sounded outside the room.

“Brother, are you okay?”

Hearing that it was Yi Yao, Yi Yun continued to stop, opened the door, and saw Yi Yao standing pretty at the door.

But when Yi Yao saw Qinglong in mid-air, the whole person was stunned.

“This is… a dragon?” Yi Yao looked at Qinglong in disbelief, with a little more fear in her expression.

As a human being, the image of the dragon is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but if this legendary creature appeared in front of him, I am afraid many people would feel awe.

“I’m afraid, this is the Azure Dragon Sword I just refined. Since you’re here, come with me to try its power!” Yi-yun said with a light smile.

Yi Yao was still a little unbelievable, but at this time, Qinglong let out a low whistle and regained the shape of the fairy sword, but it was more than two meters long and wide enough.

Seeing the shape of the Azure Dragon Sword, Yi Yun was also vividly satisfied.

This is one of the advantages of having a sword spirit. With the help of Qinglong, Yi Yun doesn’t need to control the flying sword by himself. He only needs a thought, and the sword spirit can help him complete it.

Just like now, Yi Yun just wanted Yujian, but Qinglong had already taken into account Yi Yao’s factors and took the initiative to expand the size.

“Come on! I’ll take you to experience it!” Yi Yun took Yi Yao’s little hand and stepped onto the Azure Dragon Sword.

In the next second, the entire Azure Dragon Sword roared up, rushing directly into the sky from the balcony.


The gust of wind suddenly howled, making Yi Yao unable to open her eyes, and the whole person was even more startled by the sudden change, so she could only hug Yi Yun tightly.

“Afraid!” Yi Yun comforted in a low voice, and at the same time, his spiritual power slowly opened up, enveloping Yi Yao and himself.

After doing all this, Yi Yao Ji Neng looked around and suddenly couldn’t help but exclaimed: “This… is this our Jingzhou?

It was already late at night, but the entire Jingzhou City was still brightly lit, and now Yi Yun and Yi Yao were located in the sky above Jingzhou City.

“It’s so beautiful!” Yi Yao couldn’t help but sigh, but after a while, he found the location of Xiangshan Garden, and couldn’t help but be surprised: “Brother, look, it’s us!

Yi Yun nodded, but he didn’t have the time to appreciate it, he just nodded slightly and said, “Qinglong! Let me see how fast you are!”

Under an order, the Azure Dragon Sword roared again and flew straight into the distance.

However, only ten minutes later, there was a winding Yangtze River in the distance, and there was a small town by the river, which was much smaller than Jingzhou, where Yi Yun was located.

It’s just that when Yi Yao saw the landmark buildings in the city, he couldn’t help but stunned: “Brother, it shouldn’t be Lincheng here!

Yi Yun nodded and said with a smile: “Yes, this is Lin Cheng!” After a slight pause, Yi Yun continued with a smile: “It seems that the speed is not bad!”

Yi Yao was speechless.

The last time they came from Jingzhou to Lincheng, they took the car for a long time, but now, in no more than ten minutes, the two have already traveled from Jingzhou to Lincheng. At this speed, it is not bad. ?

“Since we’re here, let’s try Lincheng’s local food! Yi Yun is obviously in a good mood.

Naturally, Yi Yao would not object.

Finding a place where no one was, the Azure Dragon Sword slowly lowered, and when it landed, it automatically formed a streamer and got into Yi Yun’s ring.

Pulling Yi Yao and walking a few steps, he stopped a car rental car, Yi Yun took Yi Yao and wandered around Lin City.

On the other side, Le Qingcheng looked at Yi Yun’s empty room speechlessly, and then continued to sigh, “Xiao Chun, are you sure you have changed to Xiao Yao?

“I saw it with my own eyes!” Xu Xiaochun nodded heavily, and then continued, “Xiao Yao should have gone out with Brother Yi!”

“It should be!” Le Qingcheng was a little weak, this time when Yi Yun came back, they just met once, Yi Yun was busy practicing swordsmanship, but the two of them didn’t even say a word.

Now, Le Qingcheng can only pin his hopes on what Xu Xiaoqing said last time.

Thinking of Xu Xiaoqing, Le Qingcheng became even more puzzled, glanced at the time, and then asked, “Where’s your sister? Usually this time should be ushered in!

“My sister has gone to Shiyan. Shenhua Ji has a big project in Jingzhou, and I need to report to Secretary Yin!” Xu Xiaochun said according to Xu Xiaoqing’s previous explanation.

And Le Qingcheng didn’t think too much, just chatted a few words with Xu Xiaochun, and the two went to their respective rooms to rest.

At the moment, Xu Xiaoqing was chatting with Yin Shiyan in Yin Shiyan’s portrait.

··For flowers…

“Sister? How’s the situation on your side?” Xu Xiaochun asked through telepathy.

Xu Xiaoqing sighed and continued in a low voice: “I didn’t find anything, Xiao Huihui is not here!”

In normal times, even if there is something to do with the government, Xu Xiaoqing would choose to do it during the day, but this time, she deliberately made an excuse to come to Yin Shiyan’s house, trying to figure out what Yin Shiyan and Xiaohui had. kind of contact.

It’s just that after searching for a long time, Xiao Hui has never been found.

“Xiaoqing, why don’t you just stay here today, my dad is going to be very late again!” Yin Shiyan asked Xu Xiaoqing.

Xu Xiaoqing shook his head, and then continued to point out: “I don’t know, President Yi’s cat seems to have a clue, I have to go check it out!

“Ah?” Yin Shiyan was stunned, Yi Yun only had one cat, and that was the little ash she transformed into in front of Yin Shiyan, but Yin Shiyan didn’t use the little ash clone at all recently, how could there be any clues?

Bewildered, Yin Shiyan couldn’t help but ask: “Yi Yun’s cat? It… didn’t it run away by itself?

“Yeah! I ran away!” Xu Xiaoqing’s eyes flickered slightly, Xiao Hui and Yin Shiyan had never met, and Xu Xiaoqing could confirm that Yi Yao and Xu Xiaochun had not mentioned this to Yin Shiyan.

And now Yin Shiyan’s reaction is almost the same as not attacking herself.

A little smile flashed on his face, Xu Xiaoqing said with a round smile: “The last time I ran away from my hometown, I heard from the people nearby, it seems that someone has seen it, if this can be found, Mr. Yi must be very happy!

“I didn’t expect that Yi Yun likes pets so much!” Yin Shiyan felt a little impulsive in her heart, and almost subconsciously wanted to transfer Xiao Hui’s avatar.

But after thinking about it, Yin Shiyan decided not to be so impulsive. After all, when they were at Yi Yun’s house last time, Yi Yun and Xu Xiaoqing could see the weirdness of Xiao Hui.

Glancing at Xu Xiaoqing, Yin Shiyan continued in a low voice: “Unfortunately, I haven’t seen Xiao Hui yet, but I also like kittens!

Xu Xiaoqing nodded, but stopped talking to Yin Shiyan, the two chatted casually, and Xu Xiaoqing left with an excuse.

Just ten minutes later, a cat jumped out of Yin Shiyan’s portrait and ran wildly in the direction of Yi Yun’s hometown.

“Right now, I’m just using my clone, so I shouldn’t be discovered by the other party!” Yin Shiyan was apprehensive, but she was still concentrating on controlling the clone and running with all her strength.

It’s just that she didn’t notice that behind Xiao Hui, there was a car following unhurriedly, and there were even a few figures in front and behind, driving other stray cats and dogs around for her to avoid being attacked by the other party. people,

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