Chapter 257 Lu Chengfeng’s Choice

Qin Wangchuan and Xiong Wu wanted to lie down, but when they came in, Yi Yun flew them directly with a flying sword.

Even if they wanted to leave, they couldn’t fly to the hole hundreds of meters above their heads.

Furthermore, when he came, Yi Yun would rather take a detour from the side rather than land directly from the entrance of the cave. It can be seen that even Yi Yun is not willing to provoke the trouble at the entrance of the cave.

It is precisely because of this that even if Nengwu can calculate the path back, the two of them are helpless.

After receiving the news, Xu Xiaoqing on the other side immediately notified Li Hu in Qinglong Mountain to prepare.

Seeing that Xu Xiaoqing kept informing all aspects of staff deployment, Luoshen also felt a little admiration.

Although she has been in charge of Lingyaoji for a long time, and she is familiar with these things, but Xu Xiaoqing is different from her. You must know that a few months ago, Xu Xiaoqing was just a student girl working in a foreign fast food restaurant.

And now Xu Xiaoqing has grown into an out-and-out strong woman.

“Xiaoqing, how is it?” Luoshen asked with concern.

Xu Xiaoqing shook his head helplessly, and then continued in a low voice: “Li Hu has already sent a lot of people to explore it, but the entrance to the ground is very deep, and the first group of people who went in has already disappeared. Connected! »

Speaking of these 640 miles, Luo Shen’s eyes also sank slightly, and he said helplessly: “We are Luo Xiang’s fault for this matter, if it wasn’t for the password that my grandfather passed on for the first time, I’m afraid Mr. Yi would not… ”

Hearing Luoshen’s words, Xu Xiaoqing shook his head and said, “Mr. Yi mentioned this matter before, and now it’s not clear if President Yi has an affair, but I think it should be all right, otherwise Qin Wangchuan and Xiong Wu There is no way to send us a message there!

Luoshen nodded and sighed in a low voice: “I hope so! If President Yi is due to our Luo Xiang’s mistake…”

Halfway through speaking, Luoshen was also a little absent-minded. The current medicine collection set and Shenhua set have been thoroughly practiced together. Once Yi Yun is gone, I am afraid that Luoshen will collapse along with them.

But what Luoshen couldn’t accept the most was not these, but the complicated traditions of his own strongest president.

This suddenly appeared complex, the ultimate goal of the strategy is Yi Yun.

What’s more, after Luoshen met Yi Yun, there was a large-scale inquisition from both sides, and then Yi Yun’s hand rescued Luo Qinghe. The help of these several times also made Yi Yun stay in Luoshen’s heart. Very deep impression.

Even unconsciously, her unmoved heart began to change quietly after she met Yi Yun.

At this moment, Luoshen has long lost the calmness of the past, and various images flashed in his mind, and his expression was even more complicated.

“Sister Luoshen, don’t think about it, let’s wait until we find a way to enter the underground ruins!” Xu Xiaoqing rubbed his eyebrows softly, thinking about what to do in his heart.

“It can be like this now!” Luoshen lowered his eyes, glanced at the time, and whispered around his mouth: “In ten minutes, we can go to Hangzhou Xiao, hope we can find a way to get in! 22

Xu Xiaoqing was silent.

For a while, the two were silent with their own thoughts, and the entire cabin fell into silence because of this.

That is, when Xu Xiaoqing and Luo Shenlai were thinking hard, several other people arrived at the foot of Qinglong Mountain in West Lake.

“Mr. Miyamoto, this way please!” Lu Chengfeng smiled and was full of energy.

But beside him, He Differing was full of haze and solemn expression.

In front of that person, a short, breathless man was frowning at the scenery around Qinglong Mountain.

This person has a very obvious oriental face, but anyone can see that the moustache represents that this person comes from another country that is only a strip of water… Dongying.

This person is the master of the Returning Realm of Dongying, Miyamoto Ichiro.

At this moment, Ichiro Miyamoto, although he did not reveal any qi, but he had a thick smile on his face (bbbf): “Mr. Lu, I heard that you have had the way of formation since ancient times, here is obviously the A great formation!

Speaking of this, the smile on his face became even stronger: “Mr. Lu’s family wants to develop the Xuanwu miracle, but turns a blind eye to the most thrilling Qinglong ruins, isn’t it a waste of time?

Lu Chengfeng nodded slightly, and said with a light smile, “Thanks to Mr. Miyamoto’s help, or else we, Lu, you would have made the wrong bet!

Lu Chengfeng was in a very happy mood at the moment.

After the last time he went to the capital, Ichiro Miyamoto found Lu.

It’s just that Lu Chengfeng didn’t know where this Miyamoto Ichiro got the news about the Qinglong Mountain God and Demon Ruins, and he also knew the news about the Xuanwu Ruins that Lu had explored.

That is, when Lu Chengfeng felt a strong threat and thought that Miyamoto Ichiro was going to deal with their Lu fisherman, he unexpectedly learned of the other party’s intention.

“Mr. Lu, I only have one sentence. You help me enter the Qinglong Ruins, and I will personally conquer the white-bone Qinglong inside. You Lu will need to develop the Xuanwu Ruins of heaven and earth treasures, and I will personally help you solve them!”

After Miyamoto Ichiro showed his ability to return to the real world and dismissed such favorable conditions, Lu Chengfeng agreed immediately without any hesitation.

It is also for this reason that after Lu has made sufficient preparations, he will bring Ichiro Miyamoto directly to Qinglong Mountain in the West Lake, preparing to enter the ruins.

At this moment, on Qinglong Mountain, hundreds of warriors and extraordinary people have already been deployed. Although most of these people’s strengths are only dark or bright, but such a large number is enough to become a big force.

Needless to say, Lu Chengfeng also knew that these people were members of the Qingshui Society.

“Mr. Miyamoto, do we have to take a break before going in?” Lu Chengfeng asked.

Miyamoto Ichiro shook his head slightly, and then took a deep look at the Hidden Sword Villa not far away. Although he didn’t answer, he raised his foot and walked towards Qinglong Mountain.

And at the side, why don’t you ask Lu Chengfeng angrily at the moment, and whispered, “Lu Chengfeng, do you really want to do this?

Seeing the expression on why you didn’t ask, Lu Chengfeng couldn’t help but chuckle: “When Yi Yun left, he didn’t say that people couldn’t be explored, and besides, Mr. Miyamoto is also in the realm of return to the real world. How can the younger generation of the realm have the strength to resist when facing the strong ones like them?

He was different, but his face was still indifferent. He watched Ichiro Miyamoto’s figure vigilantly, and then whispered: “Lu Chengfeng, you can kill yourself, why do you have to force me to be with you?”

After a slight pause, he continued, “Do you think this Japanese is Yi Yun’s opponent?”

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