Chapter 232 Li Hu’s worries

Why don’t you ask that he climbed up step by step from the bottom, and it is precisely because of this that all his innate realm masters are aware of the difficult feeling, and also have hardships that others have never experienced.

It is also in the process of this, why not ask him to develop a kind of instinct that is almost like a beast. Every time when danger approaches, he can avoid it in time.

When he was in the master realm, he inadvertently offended what he thought was a master of the innate realm. Although that person was not in the innate rankings, he was not someone who could provoke him at that time, and in the process, why not ask because of this Intuition, escape repeatedly.

It’s just that after he stepped into the Innate Realm, he still hadn’t felt this way for many years.

Even when he met Lu Chengfeng, he only felt a little troublesome at most, but he never felt fear.

However, at this moment, Yi Yun’s indifferent look made the cold sweat on the back of why not ask.

Looking at Yi Yun who was back in the Tianzi room, why not ask Ji Ji swallowed hard. He suddenly remembered that there were rumors that when Yi Yun killed Long Lingyun, the opponent had no resistance at all.

This matter, why didn’t you ask or was a little unconvinced, but just for the sake of prudence, he continued to let his own forces withdraw from Handong Province in order to show his favor to the other party.

However, the current He 630 did not ask, but still firmly believed in the rumor.

If it wasn’t so, he really couldn’t explain why he just continued feeling that way.

Ye Qingcang didn’t know why he didn’t ask what he was thinking at this moment, but seeing that the other party was not arguing, he didn’t say more, he just hurried to the office, trying to stabilize Lu Cheng in time. wind.

Compared to why don’t ask, Lu Chengfeng is obviously a lot calmer.

When Ye Qingcang was at the airport today, Ye Qingcang didn’t greet him in person, which was already a sign of the other party’s arrangement for Yi Yun. Now, although Lu Chengfeng was upset, he didn’t say anything, but when his eyes fell on the Tianzi room, he was more A bit unhappy.

For Ye Qingcang’s apology, Lu Chengfeng didn’t say much, just asked a few things about Hong Tianqi, and didn’t say more.

After arranging these people, Ye Qingcang’s gaze fell on the last room with yellow characters.

Although Hong Tianqi injured him, he also severely damaged Zhuang Hun, who ranked third in the Xiantian Ranking today. It is precisely because of this that the helpless Cangjian Villa can only arrange the other party in the yellow room.

After taking a deep look, Ye Qingcang walked to the high platform that had been built a long time ago, and said loudly (bbbf): “Everyone, everyone knows the content of our Tibetan Mountain Villa Famous Sword Conference, Now I announce that the Famous Sword Conference begins!”

For a time, tens of thousands of warriors and extraordinary people in the entire venue could not help shouting in unison.

There are dozens of sects or organizations that have long been waiting to participate in the competition, all staying in their respective areas and gearing up, preparing to show their faces in this conference.

On the other side, Yi Yun was also observing the various forces in the arena.

The Famous Sword Conference was originally a competition for casting technology. Even though the scale has expanded a lot, this first competition is still a magical weapon forged by all parties.

Just like at this moment, a group of warriors named Cangshan Sect took a sword like a star holding the moon.

The pattern on the sword is complicated, and although it looks obscure and dull, anyone can see the sharpness and hardness of the cold light of the blade.

There is also an organization called the Fire Workers Society, which takes out a short sword. Although it is only more than a foot long, the materials in it are all high-quality. The short sword that is forged is naturally extremely sharp.

After just a few glances, Yi Yun retracted his gaze.

Compared with Yi Yun’s flying swords, apart from these more diligent swords, the rest in his opinion are nothing more than rubbish and rubbish district policemen who don’t have much of him.

It is for this reason that Yi Yun stopped watching and returned to his room to continue his practice.

It’s just that at this time, Yi Yun suddenly sensed a few people walking outside the door.

Before they got close, the disciples of Hidden Sword Villa had already descended on each other.

The leader was naturally Ye Lie, who was familiar with Yi Yun.

At this moment, Ye Lie was looking at the tall warrior in front of him with vigilance, and scolded: “Who? Don’t you know this is the room of the innate master? Why don’t you hurry back?

Ye Lie originally thought that the other party was just going the wrong way. After all, this kind of thing happened in previous years. They are here to block the possible disturbance of other warriors for Yi Yun and other innate realm powerhouses.

It’s just that the tall man didn’t leave, instead he took a few steps forward and said, “Brother, please let me know, I’m Li Hu from Qingshui Club, and I’m here to see Mr. Yi!

“Li Hu?” Ye Lie was startled, and his face couldn’t help changing.

You must know that Yi Yun’s name is now well known in the martial arts world in the whole country, and the Qingshui Club that Yi Yun has taken over has naturally risen.

Ordinary warriors and extraordinary warriors are not clear, but Ye Lie clearly knows that the Qingshui Society was handed over to a warrior named Li Hu by Yi Yun, and although this person only has the strength of the dark period, it is said that he has made rapid progress. It is about to break through and enter the Grandmaster realm.

Glancing at the tall Li Hu, Ye Lierao suppressed the shock in his heart, and slightly cupped his hands: “Mr. Li, wait a moment, I’ll report to Mr. Yi right now!

Li Hu nodded, but looked at the other person next to him again and said with a smile, “Brother Xiong, are you nervous?”

This Brother Xiong is naturally Xiong Wu who taught Li Hu the secret book.

Previously, Li Hu was able to escape from death in Yi Yun’s trial, thanks to Nengwu’s help, but when Li Hu finished the trial and was about to return to meet Yi Yun, he was directly sent to him by Yi Yun. Zhejiang Province.

What happened next was unexpected for Li Hu and Xiong Wu.

First, the Demon Society was cleaned up, and Li Hu could only go to take over it himself. Not long after that, Long Lingyun from Guang Province was directly obliterated by Yi Yun, so he had to go straight to Guang Province again until recently. , Following that, the situation in Guangxi has been completely stabilized.

After learning from Xu Xiaoqing that Yi Yun was coming to the Famous Sword Conference, Li Hu also went straight to Zhejiang Province to meet Yi Yun.

But what made him feel a little worried was the Nengwu next to him.

As a master of the Grand Master Realm, Nengwu’s strength is of course needless to say, but he was in private contact with Xiong Wu at the time, and he also relied on Nengwu a lot when dealing with the tasks given by Yi Yun. Rely on extremely.

And Li Hu didn’t have the chance to tell Yi Yun personally about this matter, and naturally he didn’t know what Yi Yun’s attitude was.

After all, if he changed the person, he would most likely think that Li Hu was cultivating his own power, and it was more likely that he would cut off Xiong Wu directly with his hands…

At this moment, Xiong Wu also knew that his position was awkward, but he didn’t have much worry in his heart, he just looked at Li Hu and said in a low voice, “Mr. Yi is so reassuring about you, I think there should be no problem this time!

Li Hu nodded, but his heart was still a little empty.

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