Chapter 140 Eavesdropping (2/4)

After leaving Le Qingcheng’s office, I went to see Yin Shiyan jumping over.

Seeing Yi Yun from a distance, Yin Shiyan pouted and took a few steps forward: “Why do you have to call you to the office in class? What are you doing?”

Yi Yun was stunned for a moment, looked at Yin Shiyan who was full of jealousy, and explained helplessly: “It’s not a big deal, it’s just that Teacher Le is a little uncomfortable! 11

“Uncomfortable?” Yin Shiyan glanced at Yi Yun suspiciously, got a little closer, took a few breaths with her little nose, and then said with confidence: “It’s okay, I thought you were doing something. Incredible things!

Yun looked at Yin Shiyan helplessly, and asked, “What strange thing?

Yin Shiyan’s face turned red. When she saw Yi Yun walking out of Le Qingcheng’s office, she had already made up a whole love action movie by herself, but now she smelled that there was no Le Qingcheng on Yi Yun. After the smell, Yin Shiyan felt relieved.

Now being asked by Yi Yun, Yin Shiyan also shook her head a little embarrassedly, and changed the subject: “I’ll go to you tonight, okay! 99

Yi Yun was stunned, and then he was speechless: 11 “The math competition is over, you don’t need to make up lessons anymore, why are you going to my house? 33

Yin Shiyan laughed and said, “Can’t I go and play with sister Yi Yao? What? You’re not welcome?”

Yi Yun spread his hands, this reason can be said to be impeccable, and he has no way to refute it.

Seeing Yi Yun’s expression, Yin Shiyan said unhappily: “It’s not like you don’t know about my mother, she is going to be annoying to her every day at home, why don’t you go and find Xiaoyao to play with, and Xiaoyao? Pure, can still chat! 9

Yi Yun was deeply touched by Yin Shiyan’s words. When he thought of Xu Yafen’s excessive enthusiasm, Yi Yun also had some lingering fears.

Looking at Yin Shiyan meaningfully, Yi Yun continued, “That’s ok, you go, I don’t have to cook!”

Yin Shiyan’s little face showed a little excitement, she held her small fists in a cheering gesture, and said, “Don’t worry, when I have mastered my cooking skills, you can wait to eat the food I made!”

Yi Yun was also a little surprised by this reaction. He suddenly found that Yin Shiyan seemed to be a little too fanatical about cooking recently.

At this moment, although the voices of the two of them were not loud, they were clearly heard by the surrounding classmates.

Seeing the happy Yin Shiyan and Yi Yun leave together, countless male classmates around looked at Yi Yun with envy on her face.

School beauties like Yin Shiyan, if they are fortunate enough to come to their home, I am afraid they will be offered as fairies, for fear that the other party will suffer a little.

Who would have thought that Yi Yun just treated the other party as someone who could cook.

The most unbearable thing for the surrounding classmates was that Yin Shiyan not only did not feel any unpleasantness, but looked rather flattered. At this moment, a group of students looked at Yi Yun with great envy, and some couldn’t help but sighed at the beginning: “People are more mad than people!”

“Yeah, the food made by the school flower must be delicious for the special police, right?” Some people envied.

“You also said, I heard that Yin Shiyan brings love lunches to Yi Yun every day! Someone broke the news.

And this revelation once again set off a storm of discussion in the whole school.

Yi Yun could hear these exclamations clearly, but now Yi Yun was completely immune to this kind of envy, jealousy and hatred.

After taking Yin Shiyan not far, Yi Yao and Xu Xiaochun also followed Xiao, and they left the school chatting and laughing and returned home.

After returning home, Yin Shiyan also hurriedly went to the kitchen with Xu Xiao and started to work. It was also a braised lion head. Yi Yun tasted it for the second time, and naturally he was not too surprised.

And Xu Xiaochun and Yi Yao praised them again and again, and Yi Yao even pulled Yin Shiyan to learn how to do it.

In this regard, Yi Yun supported it with both hands, and even said with a smile: “Xiao Yao’s cooking skills really need to be learned-learned, Shi Yan, your cooking skills have improved so fast recently, if you have any secrets, don’t keep them secret. !”

When he said this, Yi Yun couldn’t help but think of the dark dish that Yi Yao cooked Yunlai. And Yi Yao also blushed, glared at Yi Yun and said with anger: “Eat, eat, and eat, wait until I can cook!

After that, Yi Yao still made a face at Yi Yun, as if she was still unhappy.

“Okay, when you cook delicious food, I will eat as much as you cook!” Yi Yun said with a smile.

This scene also made Xu Xiaochun and Yin Shiyan feel cola.

While the four of them were joking, there was a knock at the door, and at the same time, Le Qingcheng’s voice rang out. “Yi Yun, are you ready?

With a simple sentence, both Yi Yao and Yin Shiyan raised their heads vigilantly and looked at Yi Yun.

Yi Yunxiang and Le Qingcheng talked about this matter in the office today after school, and wanted to help Le Qingcheng control his mental power quickly. On the way here, Yi Yun already had a rough plan in mind.

So Yi Yun took a few steps forward, opened the door and said, “That’s it!

Le Qingcheng nodded tiredly, then walked to the door of his room opposite, and urged, “Come on, I’ll change my homework later!”

Yi Yun responded, then turned around and explained that Yi Yao and Xu Xiaochun were going to wash the dishes, and then followed into Le Qingcheng’s room.

Seeing Yi Yun’s actions, Yin Shiyan and Yi Yao were in no mood to wash the dishes. After the door of Le Qingcheng was closed, Yi Yao and Yin Shiyan both looked at each other, and both saw the doubts in each other’s eyes.

“What do the two of them want to do?” Yi Yao looked at Xu Xiaochun.

Xu Xiaochun and Yi Yun were in the same class, but Xu Xiaochun didn’t know anything about this. Wei Wei recalled, and Xu Xiaochun said, “Mr. Le asked Brother Yi to go to the office after school today, I don’t know what happened next!”

Hearing Xu Xiaochun’s words, Yin Shiyan also nodded and said, “Yes, I saw this with my own eyes, and now that they are together again, there must be something wrong with Ken 587!

“Yeah, now that the math competition is over, it’s definitely not a make-up lesson!” Yi Yao, with a face full of suspicion, quietly approached Le Qingcheng’s door and whispered, “Let’s hear what they want to do!


“Ah? That’s not good!” Yin Shiyan said with some embarrassment, but her body approached the door very honestly, propping up her ears and listening carefully.

Even Xu Xiaochun curiously posted to the door of Le Qingcheng.

For a time, the three beautiful girls held their breaths, wanting to hear what was going on in the room.

It was just at this time that the door of Le Qingcheng’s room suddenly opened, and a figure was also hooked at the door, leaving Yi Yao, Yin Shiyan and Xu Xiaochun all stunned and stunned.

Yi Yun, on the other hand, had already sensed it when the three of them arrived at the door, and now he was looking at the three of them with a dark face and reprimanded: “What are you three doing here?

“I…I…” Yi Yao jumped away like a frightened bunny, and hurriedly said, “I’m going to wash the dishes, I’m going to wash the dishes!”

After speaking, he hurriedly pulled Xu Xiaochun away.

On the other hand, Yin Shiyan hung her head with a flushed face, her small feet kept stepping on the ground, and muttered, “Ant…there are ants…”

Yi Yun didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, pinched Yin Shiyan’s little head, turned back, and exhorted, “You three go to play, I have something to do with Teacher Le! 33

Yin Shiyan hurriedly nodded like a goose pecking at rice, hurriedly fled back to Yi Yun,

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