"Congratulations, brothers and sisters!"

At the end of the second round, eighty people were left, which surprised Yuan Jing. At this time, the number of Xuanmen increased greatly.

Although most people are blue qualifications.

However, this is already pretty good.

He looked to the other side again, one by one, the listless, eliminated people, he smiled slightly, "Don't be discouraged, you guys, you just don't meet the rules of this door temporarily."

"Master has also said that you are allowed to stay here for half a month. You will also have great gains in this half month!"

After he finished speaking, those people were relieved.

At least, compared with the nearly 20,000 people who left before, they are not a waste of time.

"The third round of testing will be conducted in the afternoon to see if there are any juniors who can join the inner door."

After Yuan Jing finished speaking, he led the others away.

"Shangxian, can I test it?"

At this time, Nan Wanran, who stayed beside Fang Chuan, was also very curious about Fang Chuan's formation.

Because she tested the first round of qualification formation before, it turned out to be a red qualification, not as good as Liu Xuer.

However, it is not worse than Yuan Jing.

This made Fang Chuan also very surprised, but think about it, it is not very surprising that the royal family has good genes and strong integration.

"Go ahead."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, he also wanted to know whether this princess could pass the test.

If he can pass the test, he doesn't mind leaving her.

In fact, he and the royal family have no enmity between life and death. If the royal family can accept his ideas, it is best.

If it is unacceptable, the royal family can live in peace without offending Xuanmen.

As for whether the imperial family was overthrown, it wasn't about Fangchuan.

"Thank you God!"

Nan Wanran bounced and ran over quickly. After entering the formation, her whole body was like petrified.

It took a while before she woke up.

"All right."

At this time, Zi Qiong had fallen from the stone gate, and with a wave of her hand, the stone gate had fallen into her space.

"Shangxian, how is my situation?" Nan Wanran looked at Zi Qiong and asked eagerly.

"talk about it later."

Zi Qiong glanced at Nan Wanran lightly, and then walked aside.

"Huh?" Nan Wanran was a little stunned. She looked at Zi Qiong walking by in surprise, frowning, almost getting princess temper.

However, when she thought of Zi Qiong's power, her heart trembled and stopped talking.

She came to Fang Chuan's side, pouting her mouth: "Shangxian, can I join Xuanmen on earth?"

"Didn't Senior Sister Ziqiong say it, I'll talk later." Fang Chuan smiled slightly and waved his hand, "Go and rest."

After he finished speaking, he shrank into an inch and disappeared into Nan Wanran's vision in a blink of an eye.


Nan Wan couldn't help being annoyed. As a princess, wherever she went, she was favored and respected by others.

In Xuanmen, she has no status at all, making her very angry.

However, thinking of Fang Chuan's abilities, she dared not attack.

In the afternoon.

Twelve people present

"Next, it matters whether you can enter the inner door, please, everyone, must be firm!"

Yuan Jing looked at the people below and said to everyone.

It turned out that among the twelve people, eleven had purple qualifications and one had orange qualifications.

Qualification determines the starting point.

Therefore, the twelve of them have a great opportunity to enter the inner door.

The key is to look at will.

Yuan Jing pointed to a formation in front of him, and he said, "This formation will oppress you. If you can persist for more than two quarters of an hour, you can enter the inner gate."

"However, if you persist for a long time, the more likely it is that you will be paid attention to by the uncles and ancestors in the door and accept you as disciples."

"I hope you can take it well!"

After he finished speaking, he waved, "The first one, Zhou Chengfeng!"

Zhou Chengfeng was a purple-qualified disciple. He was also very sensible. He walked out, then walked to Fang Chuan and the others and bowed.

After that, he walked into the formation.

This formation contains powerful spiritual coercion, which is not only a spiritual test for a person, but also a test of will.

Combining their experience of "reincarnation", Fang Chuan knew that a person's aptitude determines the speed of his cultivation.

But a person's will determines the upper limit of his cultivation.

Moreover, strong willpower can create extraordinary miracles.

Therefore, he asked the inner disciples to pass the test of formation.


When Zhou Chengfeng entered it, he felt the overwhelming pressure, making him almost kneel on the ground, unable to move.

He struggled hard, then gritted his teeth and insisted.

One minute and one second passed.

The cold sweat on his forehead grew more and more, and in the end he was covered with sweat.

However, he has been insisting.

"This disciple is good."

Fang Chuan looked at Zhou Chengfeng and nodded. At this moment, Zhou Chengfeng's whole body was shaking like a sieve.

Between heaven and earth, as if another invisible force made him kneel.

However, he would rather die than follow!


Finally, half an hour later, he still knelt on the ground, and at that moment, all the pressure disappeared.

At this moment, Zhou Chengfeng was shaking all over.

Sweat was all over him, as if he had been fished out of the water.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Fang Chuan was very satisfied. He nodded and waved his hand. The light of atmospheric therapy shone through, and Zhou Chengfeng's whole body trembled.

Following that, he felt that his physical strength and spirit were quickly recovering.

He even felt that his dantian had some fever. It turned out that Fang Chuan's help had saved him a year or two of work.

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhou Chengfeng also understood that this was Fang Chuan helping him. He stood up quickly, and Fang Chuan arched his hands and looked respectful.

"You have become an inner disciple. If an elder wants to accept you as a disciple, he will come to you."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "Your qualifications are not good, but if you have a strong willpower and don't give up, your achievements will not be weaker than anyone else!"


When Zhou Chengfeng heard this, he was very excited and was greatly encouraged. Fang Chuan bowed, and under the guidance of Yuan Jing, he went to another place.

Followed by others.

One after another.

However, this formation has a characteristic, that is, it can put pressure on you based on your own mental power.

In the shortest time, reach your limit.

Therefore, people who can hold on to two quarters of an hour are already extraordinary.

Fang Chuan also watched. Among the top eleven people, there are still many who can hold on for a quarter of an hour, but only three can reach a quarter of an hour.

There are only two people over two quarters of an hour, plus Zhou Chengfeng.

"The last one, Yu Zihua!"

Yuan Jing looked at the last person, this Yu Zihua was not too old, he was seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was proud of the spring breeze. Because he was the best among all the people tested this time, except for Nan Wanran.

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