"Shi Zhongtian, see it, it's not that it is not reported, the time has not come."

Fang Chuan faintly looked at Shi Zhongtian, who was about to collapse, and then said, "Now, do you admit your crime?"

He pointed to Shi Jingtian again, "Is Shi Jingtian wronged, Xiaoyu's family, did you kill him?"


Shi Zhongtian knew at this time that he was dead, and he had completely ignored it.

He looked at Fang Chuan with a sullen look, "What if it's me, you kill me, am I afraid of you?"

"In that case, the truth is clear."

Fang Chuan looked at Shi Jingtian and then at other people, "You understand now, don't you?"


"We know that Shi Jingtian is not a murderer!"

"The real murderer is Shi Zhongtian!"

All the villagers began to shout, excited.

"Thank you God!"

Shi Jingtian flopped and knelt on the ground, "Thank you, thank you!"

"All right."

Fang Chuan waved his hand lightly, "What to do, you do it yourself, I'll wait for you at the entrance of the village, I have something to tell you."


Shi Jingtian nodded, looked at Fang Chuan, and pondered for a moment.

Then he watched Fang Chuan and they left the entrance of the village.

He just turned around and said to everyone: "We have been wronged, and the debt is in the hands. Today the gods give us a chance, let Shi Zhongtian blood pay the debt!"

"Yes, blood debt is paid!"

"Kill Shi Zhongtian!"

"Copy home!"

All the villagers also broke out and rushed towards Shi Zhongtian.


Shi Zhongtian let out a stern cry. He originally thought that he would die just like his son.

Fang Chuan let him end the pain with a single sword.

However, he did not expect that Fang Chuan would not do anything to him at all, but hand it over to these villagers.

Can these villagers hate him easily?

Therefore, his fate was very miserable. By the time he turned into a corpse, it was already late at night.

And, bruised all over.

There are even a lot of impressions on the body.

It can be seen that his usual atrocities have done much harm to the villagers?

He was alive and dead.

After that, the home is ransacked!

Shi Zhongtian's house is the largest house in the village. There are also many servants and a few wives in it.

I just don't know if it was he who lost his conscience, or his body had a problem, he was just a descendant.

And these wives are usually domineering people.

One by one was also very miserable.

This farce continued until the next morning.

It's dawn.

Shi Jingtian came down from the grave of his parents and came to Fang Chuan, with tears on his face, kneeling on the ground: "Shangxian, thank you!"

As he said, he knocked his head a few more times.

Fang Chuan accepted this head.

Because this is grateful to him.

Fang Chuan nodded, looked at Shi Jingtian, and said, "What do you think you are living for?"


When Shi Jingtian heard this, he was a little stunned.

He wanted to be a scholar, a top pick, and an official.

But later, the environment became worse and worse, and he couldn't afford to read books, so he began to help the family with farming, preparing to marry and have children with Xiaoyu.

After a lifetime.

Even if he became a high official, he didn't understand what he was living for.


Shi Jingtian sighed, "I, I don't know."

"If a person has no goals and no lofty ideals, he just lives to live."

Fang Chuan shook his head, he thought of the earth in his memory.

Everything is good there, and the system is good.

However, there is a big problem with values.

In other words, not just the earth, but also in other places. Most people work hard for profit and money.

Gradually, all people are for money.

A person, if only for money, will gradually go astray.

There are two situations. One is that if you make enough money, you start to lose your life, and you don't know what you should do next.

The second is that you have been unable to make so much money, and the goal of making money is not so clear.

Will feel sorry for themselves and gradually become a zombie.

He looked at Shi Jingtian, "Do you know, what is the most important thing in a person's life?"

"I don't know." Shi Jingtian is very confused now.

Fang Chuan smiled and said: "A person, a lifetime, mainly for resources, for the sake of benefit, without a single person, it is impossible to leave material and money."

"However, material, benefits, and money are only incidental."

"He is not the only one."

"If a person can establish enough ideals, perhaps money is not so important, and failures and setbacks are not so important."

He said lightly, but Shi Jingtian was still a little confused.

Fang Chuan said again: "Others, I won't say much, you understand it yourself."

"I said that our Xuanmen is authentic, cultivation is as important as maintaining the righteous way, acting chivalrously, and punishing traitors and evil."

"My ideal is to make everyone in this world equal, so that good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and that the world will be fair."

As he said, he waved his hand, "You have roots and will, and you are more destined. You still have something to do now. After you're done, you come to me."

"If you want, you can worship me as a teacher."

He smiled slightly and looked at Shi Jingtian, "Understood?"


Shi Jingtian was a little surprised, but more of a surprise, because he can be said to be a lonely man and his future in life is bleak.

Xiuxian is the best choice.

It is also a fate that no one else has.

He knocked his head at Fang Chuan several times before leaving.

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed.

Shi Jingtian asked someone to rebury his parents, sold the family property, and then came to the entrance of the village.

"You came?"

Fang Chuan looked at Shi Jingtian and smiled faintly. In the past few days, Shi Jingtian's performance has been seen in his eyes and he feels good.

First of all, Shi Jingtian hated Shi Zhongtian, but he did not overly ravage Shi Zhongtian.

Secondly, the wives of Shi Zhongtian's house, although they are usually domineering, they did not do anything to hurt the nature and reason.

The villagers were so excited that they wanted these wives to be buried with them, but Shi Jingtian stopped them.

Third, he finally helped Shi Zhongtian and his son to collect the bodies and buried them.

When people asked him, he just said that people die like a lamp, and the debt is cleared after death. Exposing the corpse to the wilderness is not a good thing.

Therefore, Fang Chuan is very satisfied with Shi Jingtian's character.


Shi Jingtian knelt in front of Fang Chuan, "Master, please take me in and pass on my spells."

"it is good."

Fang Chuan nodded, smiled, and waved his hand. Shi Jingtian was lifted up by him, and said calmly, "The manners of the disciple can kneel, but you can't always kneel. You can bow and arch your hands when you have anything to do." "Yes. Shi Jingtian nodded.

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