However, the evil spirit here is nothing to Fang Chuan.

It only took him a moment to set up an array at random, the barrier rose up, and the demon spirit was immediately isolated.

"Oh my God!"

Suhar and Wutianzi were shocked when they saw the enchantment in front of them. They didn't expect that Fang Chuan still had this hand.

"Junior Brother Fang, do you even know how to deploy?" Zi Qiong looked at Fang Chuan with an admiring look.

She could feel that the evil spirit outside, instead of continuing to flow in, was filtered into pure spiritual energy.

Here, it suddenly became a holy place for righteous people to practice.

Her injuries are much better.

"It's nothing."

Fang Chuan shook his head, he had recovered more than half of his memory, but he still thought he was a samsara soldier.

The fog in my mind is still very heavy and cannot be lifted.

He looked at Zi Qiong and said, "Your injury is not too serious. If you continue to rest here for a while, you can heal."


Zi Qiong nodded repeatedly, then glanced at Xuan Xiao who was placed in the room, and asked, "What about Master?"

"The words of God Xuanxiao..."

Fang Chuan frowned, remembering the various crises he had experienced in the demon desperate situation before, he also experienced many difficulties before he rescued Xuan Xiao.

That can be said to be a life of nine deaths.

Fortunately, he has the memory of ‘reincarnation’, and he can get out of trouble by using various methods.

However, Xuan Xiao was seriously injured.

He sighed, "I can only take care of it slowly. Not only is his body damaged, but his soul is also damaged."

"Then what to do next?" Wutian asked quickly.

He was also very nervous about his brother.

He looked at Fang Chuan with anticipation on his face. Now Fang Chuan is an almighty existence in his eyes.

"I will refine some pills first, strip the fire poison in his body step by step, and then heal his soul."

Fang Chuan said lightly, and looked at Suhar again, "You can now spread the news that the Xuanxiao Immortal was rescued."


Both Ziqiong and Wutianzi were surprised.

In their view, they are here to avoid the pursuit and killing of those of the Dragon Tiger Sword faction.

"This..." Suhar looked shocked, and took a closer look at Fang Chuan. It seemed that Fang Chuan was not testing him.

He nodded, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

Soon, Sohar turned and left.

Ziqiong looked at Fang Chuan and asked, "Junior Brother Fang...why did you do this?"

"Since they want to come, then I will fulfill them."

Fang Chuan looked indifferent, "It's impossible for the people of the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect to catch them all at once, but I can satisfy them by sending them to death in batches."

There was a strong murderous look on his face.

Wu Tianzi couldn't help sighing secretly. He already understood that Fang Chuan was full of deep hatred for the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect.

The loss of the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect is not a missed genius.

Rather, it offends a terrifying existence.

He even felt that the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect was about to change completely.

"Junior Brother Fang..."

Zi Qiong felt a sense of powerlessness. She wanted to persuade Fang Chuan, but she couldn't say anything when she reached her lips.

She understood the unfair treatment Fang Chuan encountered in the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect.

She also could not understand the Dragon Tiger Sword School.

But, after all, she grew up in the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect, and she has feelings for all of the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect.

"I will heal Xuanxiao Shangxian first."

Fang Chuan didn't intend to talk to Zi Qiong more, anyway, almost no one could change what he decided.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and came to Xuan Xiao's body.

The divine consciousness surged, and for a moment, he felt that the fire poison on Xuan Xiao's body became more and more fierce.

There is a burning feeling in his spiritual consciousness.

He immediately concentrated, stretched out his hand a little, and a True Qi tool turned into a golden needle, piercing a big hole in Xuan Xiao.

There was a hum.

Xuan Xiao's whole body suddenly shook, and strands of enchanting fire rushed from Xuan Xiao's body to the golden needles, condensing but not scattered.

This anger was only the moment it came out, making Zi Qiong and Wu Tianzi all stunned, feeling a great threat.

This is the magma fire poison of the demon desperate situation.

Only then did they understand how bad Xuan Xiao's situation was.

If it weren't for Fang Chuan's extraordinary methods, other people would probably only get burned.

In a short while, Fang Chuan shot again, and Xuan Xiao's 24 large holes were all sealed by golden needles.

The whole hall was filled with uncomfortable heat.

"You go out."

Fang Chuan turned his head and looked at the two Violet Qiong, knowing that they could not bear it, and waved his hand, "I will come out later."

"it is good."

It was true that Zi Qiong couldn't bear it. Hearing Fang Chuan's words, he said something and immediately left the hall.

Not long.

Fang Chuan also left the hall.

"How's it going?"

Zi Qiong greeted her and asked anxiously.

"Temporarily suppressed the fire poison of Immortal Xuanxiao."

Fang Chuan said lightly, "Don't enter the hall without my permission, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Good." Michelle nodded and asked again, "What can I do?"

"Heal your wounds."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and looked at Wutianzi, "Senior Wutianzi, I'm going out to find the spirit grass, please sit here."

"No problem." Wutianzi agreed.

Soon, Fang Chuan walked with sword, penetrated into the sky, and then disappeared.

Zi Qiong sighed. She wanted to talk to Fang Chuan about the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect, but she never said it.

No emperor did not say much.

Soon, Wu Tianzi stayed here, and Zi Qiong went to another room to cultivate.

A blink of an eye, three days passed.

In the past few days, Fang Chuan has used Xuan Xiao's "returning golden needle technique" every day, and also performed air therapy on him.

At the same time, one furnace after another was refined and melted into Xuan Xiao's body.

At this time, half of the fire poison has been dispersed.

Xuan Xiao's expression also improved a lot.

Zi Qiong also recovered to its peak.

On this day, there was a sound of breaking through the air from not far away.

Fang Chuan's eyes lit up and he smiled slightly and said, "They're here."

"Huh?" Zi Qiong's expression changed.

Wu Tianzi also showed worry.

Fang Chuan looked at Zi Qiong: "You stay here as long as I go."

Michelle has no choice but to agree.

In a moment, Fang Chuan jumped and walked with his sword. In a moment, he flew hundreds of kilometers and reached the top of the Demon Valley.

At this time, Suhar has also followed.

Not long after, they saw several strong men from the Dragon Tiger Sword faction coming together.

"Do you know these people?" Fang Chuan asked lightly.

Suhar shook his head and said, "I only know Lei Xufeng in a dry day, and Flame Hammer Zhongxiao. I don't know these people."

He looked at each other and said, "They may be the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect, masters of the same generation as Xuanxiao Shangxian."


Fang Chuan nodded.

At this moment, the other party of six people, each of them, carrying a big sword, flew in front of them with sharp eyes. Very arrogant.

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