"I'm no longer a disciple of the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect."

Fang Chuan frowned and sensed the threat of the weapon in the opponent's hand. He looked at the opponent lightly and said.


Hearing Fang Chuan's words, the man was very surprised. He looked up and down at Fang Chuan in surprise, "What's the matter? Which brother's disciple were you before?"

"Xuanxiao Shangxian is my master." Fang Chuan said lightly.

"Sure enough it is you!"

The man sighed, "I am friends with your master, and I also know about your master. When I came just now, I also heard about your situation."

"I didn't ask senior Gao for his name." Fang Chuan asked.

"You call me no emperor."

This person was named Wu Tianzi, a master of Xixuan Mountain, and had a close relationship with Xuanxiao Shangxian. This time I heard that Xuanxiao Shangxian was in a dangerous situation, so he came to Longhushan.

He briefly explained his situation to Fang Chuan.

He said again, "When I arrived at Longhu Mountain, I saw that Longhu Mountain was like an enemy and was on guard. Later, when I met a disciple of Senior Brother Xuanxiao, I learned about you."

"What did they say about me?" Fang Chuan smiled slightly, "Do you mean I am a spy of the devil's way or a traitor?"


Wutianzi smiled and looked at Fang Chuan again, "However, I still want to hear what you say."

"No need to say more."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, "Since Wu Tianzi has a good relationship with my master, then I can't do anything with you."

He said again, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave."

"You don't want to save your master?" Wutian asked with a smile.

Fang Chuan stared at Wutianzi: "Where is my master and what's wrong?"

"You follow me, and I can let you find your master." Wutianzi smiled.

Fang Chuan took a closer look at Wutianzi, only to feel that Wutianzi was unfathomable and extraordinary. He didn't know his details.

He thought for a while and said, "Then ask Senior to wait for me for a while, I will do something, and I will go back, how about it?"

"Okay!" Wu Tianzi was also looking at Fang Chuan's expression, feeling that Fang Chuan's expression was sincere, but he didn't even suspect him.

He waved his hand, "Go and come back quickly."

"it is good."

As Fang Chuan spoke, he cast a spell that shrank the ground into an inch, and in a moment, he galloped towards the southeast.

Not long after, he had already arrived in a mountain a hundred miles away, and his divine consciousness scanned it out, and indeed he did not find Wu Tianzi to follow.

Then he made a big circle before returning to the cave where Zi Qiong was.

He was going to refine the collected medicinal materials into a pill, and give it to Zi Qiong, so that she could stay here to cultivate, and he went with Wu Tian Zi.

He is confident that his formation will allow Zi Qiong to recover safely here.

Once Zi Qiong recovers, the world is so big that not many people can threaten her.

However, when he came back, Michelle was not found in the cave.

His brows were furrowed, his formation was intact and it was not destroyed, and it was impossible for ordinary people to find her.

He went up and down and searched it again. There was no trace of Zi Qiong within a few kilometers.

This made him a little anxious.

But after thinking about it carefully, Zi Qiong probably left by herself for some other reason, otherwise, it would be impossible not to destroy the formation.

He then searched around the mountain for a long time, and when it got dark, he didn't find any trace of Zi Qiong.

He can only give up.

"We can only go to Wutianzi, and save the master first." Fang Chuan quickly made plans.

He shrank into an inch and headed towards Wutianzi.

But on the other side he was thinking, "Once I rescued Master, what should I do? Continue to stay in the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect?"

He couldn't help shaking his head.

The things before, let him understand that the right way is not a quiet place.

However, if he doesn't go to the Dragon Tiger Sword Sect, what should he do to return to the world and live with Ouyang Na?

Get married and have children?

For the rest of your life?

For a time, his mind was complicated, and scene after scene flashed through his mind.

A bizarre world appeared in his mind, and battle after battle appeared in his mind.

Many memories seem to be revived in his mind.

The fog in his mind seemed to be slowly disappearing.

"So that's the case!"

"These memories should all be memories of my previous reincarnation."

"Master said not to think about it, but more and more memories make me have to face it!"

The more he observes these memories, the more it makes him feel uncomfortable and painful, and there is not much fog in his mind.

But it still hid his last memory.

His memory has come to the point where he crosses the heavenly realm passage and comes to the heavenly realm. No matter how much he thinks about the following things, he can't remember it.

He felt more and more weird.

But no matter how I think about it, I can't remember the next thing.

Just like in the world of mortals, there are endless obstacles that he cannot overcome.

Not long after, he had arrived at the place before, but he was gone.

"Senior without emperor?" Fang Chuan couldn't help shouting.

It was dark, and he could see things at night, but he was not very comfortable. Being in the wilderness gave him a special feeling.

Shouted, no one answered.

He was about to continue shouting again, but suddenly heard something not far away, he walked quickly with his sword, swished, and flew over.

He just flew over and saw Wutianzi in Taoist clothes, talking with a purple-robed woman.

He fixed his eyes, and it turned out that this woman was his senior sister Zi Qiong.

He didn't show up and listened carefully. It turned out that Zi Qiong had also received a message from Wutianzi before rushing over.

It's just that I encountered a fierce beast on the way, but fortunately, Wu Tian went to rescue him immediately.

At this time, Wu Tian Zi was also talking to Zi Qiong about saving Xuan Xiao Shangxian.

"Senior Sister."

As soon as Fang Chuan stepped, he came before the two in the blink of an eye and looked at Zi Qiong, "You leave a message without leaving a message, let me look for it for a long time!"

Zi Qiong was also very happy to see Fang Chuan, and quickly smiled: "I was walking too busy at the time, which made you worried."

She pointed to Wutianzi and said: "I have seen the uncle Wutianzi. When the uncle Wutianzi was in Hongchen, he was a brother-in-law with our master."

"That's it."

Fang Chuan looked dazed, and arched his hands at Wutianzi.

Wu Tian Zi waved his hand: "Don't be polite, we've seen it before."

After that, he told Zi Qiong what had happened before.

Zi Qiong heard that Fang Chuan could surpass Wutianzi in swordsmanship, and she couldn't help being surprised because Wutianzi's strength was extraordinary.

Wu Tian Zi immediately said: "Zi Qiong, your injury is too serious, it is better to keep your cultivation, and Fang Chuan and I will save people."

"No!" Zi Qiong looked decisive, "Master has the grace to nurture me, I can't help but go, even if I die, I'm not afraid."

No emperor was a little embarrassed for a while. Fang Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have already prepared medicinal materials for Senior Sister Ziqiong. After refining and taking the medicine, Senior Sister Ziqiong will be with us, no problem."

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