The big ship drew ashore soon.


Some sword immortals upstairs in Hejiang also jumped down.

Came to Fang Chuan's side.

Chong Yunzi frowned and said, "Liu Danyang and the others came suddenly, I don't know why."

"Watch the change."

Xuan Xiao smiled slightly, then arched his hands to everyone to show his gratitude.

Everyone returned the gifts.

Although most of the people present were from the Immortal Dao Heavenly List, Xuan Xiao's weight clearly far exceeded them.

Xuan Xiao is so polite, they must also be polite and courteous.


Not long after, Liu Danyang, who was tall, thin and long-haired, lightly tapped the bow and jumped down to the dock.

He carried a long sword behind his back.

Simple in shape.

Vaguely exudes fierce air.

He bowed his hand to everyone, "Everyone, long time no see."

He looked at Xuan Xiao again, "The Immortal Xuan Xiao, long time no see!"

Xuan Xiao returned the gift and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I saw you."

Liu Danyang said again: "Yes, we haven't met since my wife died under the Xuanxiao sword of Shangxian twenty years ago."

When he said this, everyone was holding their breath and dared not make a sound.

When Fang Chuan heard this, his heart was tight.

He also understood that what Xuan Xiao said before was not a blessing or curse.

"Senior Xuan Xiao."

At this time, a handsome young man had come to Liu Danyang's side from the boat.

He arched his hands at Xuan Xiao.

I saw him with sword eyebrows and star eyes, full of vigor and tall stature.

The body exudes fierce sword aura.

In the eyes, there is a killing intent.

He looked at Xuan Xiao, "Back then, in the first battle of Lin Family Village, Senior Xuan Xiao won a big victory, but your nine-day sunset swordsmanship was too overbearing and killed half of the innocent people in Lin Family Village. "

His murderous aura is even worse.

Xuan Xiao's expression changed.

Fang Chuan frowned.

At this time, Chong Yunzi said: "Nephew Lin, I was also there in the battle in Lin Family Village. The Demon Dao slaughtered sentient beings, and Xuan Xiao went to exorcise demons.

"It's just that the opponent is too powerful, and Xuanxiao Shangxian had to use Nine Sky Sunset Swordsmanship to cause innocent casualties. It was not his intention.

He said again, "You are already among the sword immortals, don't you see through?"

Lin Jingyu sneered, staring like a knife, looking at Chong Yunzi: "Of course I want to kill the magic way, but I must avenge the hatred of Senior Xuan Xiao!"

Everyone could not help shaking their heads secretly.

This matter is hard for outsiders to say.

But I have to say that this account should actually be counted on Modao.

As the future of the Shushan Sword Sect, Lin Jingyu's murderous aura is so serious that it is not good for the right way.


Xuan Xiao suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

The laughter shocked the sky.

He then looked at Lin Jingyu, "Killing a person, and saving the common people, I will never be soft!"

"If I can't even bear this point, how can I achieve what I am today?"

"People are born and destined."

"One day, if I am killed, it will be my life."

He smiled freely and easily, "You want me to take revenge, even if you come, this is my life and yours!"

He said again, "Even if you came from a senior soldier, why should I be afraid? Death, why should I be afraid?"

His words, coupled with the water of the rolling river, have another pride.

After listening, everyone admired it very much.

Lin Jingyu sneered and said: "I'm not afraid of your ingenuity, I am not as good as you now, but one day, I will kill you!"

"All right."

Liu Danyang waved his hand, "Shocked Yu, Hugh is rude."

He looked at Xuan Xiao again, "The Immortal Xuan Xiao made you laugh. The bad guys are very rude."

Xuan Xiao shook his head, motioning not to take it seriously.

He was about to speak.

Fang Chuan stepped out and looked at Lin Jingyu: "There is a good saying, cutting the grass requires rooting, since you are determined to kill my master, my master is better than you now, why not kill you first?"

Xuan Xiao frowned.

Fang Chuan said again, "That's just that my master has the world in mind, not a narrow-minded person like you."

"You may have relatives and friends who died in that battle!"

"But, the word for hatred lies in the heart."

"My master has implicated innocent people in order to save the common people. That is also forced by the situation."

"You should put your hatred in the magic way."

He shook his head and said, "Of course, it's useless to say this now. I'm not telling you what I said, I'm telling the world."

When he said this, everyone was very interesting.

Xuan Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Lin Jingyu was angry.

Fang Chuan said again: "I heard that you are the first genius among the younger generation. Ranked in the top 20 of the Immortal Dao Heaven Ranking?"

He bowed his hand, "I am not talented, but my master has just accepted a disciple for two days, and Tianban is even more unfamiliar with me."

He turned around, "But, you are determined to kill my master, I can't stand by and watch, come on, let me see what you can do!"


Since Lin Jingyu entered Taoism, he has always been respected.

No one has ever treated him so presumptuously.

His eyes flashed, "Alright, I will kill you first, and I will take some interest!"

"Come on then!"

There was a hum.

Fang Chuan stepped away, and in a blink of an eye, he was already in the middle of the river.

He pushed with both hands.

But for a while, a strong wind swelled out, pushing some ships in the middle of the river hundreds of meters away.

These boats ride the wind and waves.

The crew was even more shocked.

Seeing Fang Chuan stepping into the air was like seeing a god, all knelt on the ground to pray.

"Small bugs!"

Lin Jingyu sneered, beckoned, and a flying sword made of sapphire appeared in front of him.

The sapphire sword grows in the wind.

Suddenly, sword energy was in the air.


He looked at Fang Chuan and said, "If you die today, you have to blame yourself!"

"I'm afraid that my master won't let me kill you."

Fang Chuan shook his head, waved his hand, and buzzed. At this time, the blue light sword also flew out.

His sword is not bad in quality.

However, compared with Lin Jingyu's sapphire sword, it was another grade.

However, under Fang Chuan's urging, the Qingguangjian looked very strange.


Lin Jingyu roared and started his hand. As soon as he shot it, the sapphire sword turned into several sword lights and went straight to Fang Chuan's front door.

But Jian Guang just arrived, but he split in four directions.

In the blink of an eye, the sky seemed to be his sapphire sword.

The technique of flying sword is very mysterious.

"But so."

Fang Chuan sneered, controlled Feijian and greeted him.

Under the siege of the green jade sword, the blue light sword is like a lone boat in the river, but every time it attacks, it can collide with the opponent's flying sword and resist the opponent's killing style.

For a moment, the sound of clanging swords rang from the sky.

The sky is full of blue light, like lightning bolts.

At the beginning of their sword fight, everyone on the shore was dumbfounded.

Whether it is the power of sword aura or the subtlety of swordsmanship, they have far exceeded most of them.

Chong Yunzi sighed, "These two people are our hope of righteousness, but there can be no trouble!" He is also ashamed!

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