At this time, the battle became more fierce, and thunder and lightning burst out from the cloaked man like a dragon and snake.

The entire surface of the river was sprayed with layers of water mist.

The thunder was rolling.

Xuan Xiao's body was shining with gold, and his sword aura rose to the sky.

Feijian kept flashing.

However, he was also a little embarrassed and was beaten back and forth.

Fang Chuan was shocked when he saw it.

He has already fought with the 23rd strong man on the Demon Dao Tianban, consciously there is still some gap between the opponent and himself.

However, this Xuanxiao Immortal Dao ranked eighth.

The strength displayed was extraordinary, and Fang Chuan felt it was inferior.

The opponent has a thunder spell, but can suppress people at the level of Xuan Xiao, which also shows the strength of the opponent.


At this time, a **** thunder and lightning blasted in front of Xuan Xiao.

Xuan Xiao's golden flying sword flew immediately.

A loud noise.

The golden flying sword was shaken and flew out backwards.

But the second **** thunder and lightning struck again, Xuan Xiao used her body skills, Xuan Zhi You Xuan still avoided.

But when the opponent's third **** thunderbolt struck, the angle of attack was very tricky, and it seemed that it was already considered good.

"not good!"

Xuan Xiao was shocked, and hurriedly used the body protection technique, with cash shining on his body, it seemed that he had to carry it hard.

He has no bottom in his heart.

A triumphant smile appeared on the other side's face.

These three thunders are also exquisite. It is a secret technique of the magic way, not only the angle is tricky, but also the powerful.

Once Xuan Xiao was smashed, his whole body was paralyzed, and at that time, let him kill him.

He has won!


However, just when this person thought it would be stable, a blue light flashed from the night sky, like a meteor, blocking the thunder and lightning.

There was another loud noise.

The green light sword flew back in front of Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan's chest felt tight, as if he was slammed with a hammer, almost vomiting blood.

"Fang Chuan!"

Xuan Xiao was shocked when Fang Chuan helped him pick up a thunder and lightning from the opponent, for fear that Fang Chuan would be seriously injured.

But at this time, there was a **** flag in the opponent's hand and waved at Fang Chuan.


Another thunder and lightning came.

Xuan Xiao was shocked and was about to use Feijian to resist Fang Chuan.

"Master, attack him, I can do it!"

Fang Chuan said quickly, and at the same time, squeezing the sword tactics, the blue light sword unexpectedly met the opponent's thunder and lightning again.

The entire sky was flashing with lightning.

Fang Chuan flew upside down another hundred meters.

But it didn't matter.

But at this moment, Xuan Xiao also understood that the opportunity was not to be lost at this moment, and immediately ran the flying sword and attacked the man frantically.

His flying swordsmanship has played to the extreme.

The power, coupled with the smell of sneak attack, made the opponent unable to resist for a while, forming suppression.

That person released waves of thunder and lightning, but was pierced by Xuan Xiao's flying sword.

Once Xuan Xiao gained the upper hand, his killing style became more fierce, and the situation immediately reversed.

At this time, Fang Chuan had finished adjusting his interest rate. He was attacked twice by the opponent and suffered some injuries.

But he found that his recovery ability is extremely strong.

Only for a while, he was already full of energy, and he even recovered to the peak.

He immediately stepped on the water, like a white horse passing through.

In a blink of an eye.

He had already reached the person's back, and after that, he ran the blue light sword, forming a combined attack with Xuan Xiao's flying sword.

Hh hh...

In an instant, he had already cut seven or eight swords on that person.

His attack angle is also very tricky.

The thunder and lightning of that person was constantly released, but they couldn't fight back from the other side.

Moreover, there was Xuan Xiao's flying sword beside him.

This person is very anxious. Under the combined attack of the master and apprentice, he may be pierced by a sword if he is not careful.

He is getting worse.

"Xuan Xiao, you are eighth on the magnificent Immortal Dao's Heavenly Ranking List, and fighting against my ninth demon Dao's Heavenly Ranking List, you actually want disciples to help!

He roared, soaring into the sky, hitting the magic tactics in his hand.

Boom boom boom...

One after another thunder and lightning, like a long dragon, struck away in a long distance, and Fang Chuan attacked fiercely, only to split some strength against Xuan Xiao's flying sword.

He wants to take Fang Chuan's life!

Xuan Xiao was shocked.

The opponent's move was sudden and harsh, and used the opponent's most powerful force.

"Be careful!" Xuan Xiao roared, and was about to run his flying sword to meet Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan smiled, "Master cut him!"

After finishing speaking, his blue light sword, a masterpiece of light, also contains the power of thunder, and the thunder and lightning are extremely fusion with the other party's thunder and lightning.

Rumble continuously.

He led the thunder and lightning into the river one by one.

The great river oscillates, swelling out infinite waves.

Fang Chuan was very relaxed.

"not good!"

The man roared and backed back again and again. It turned out that Xuan Xiao's flying sword had already released the most powerful force.

After slashing again and again, he had already split his strength against Fang Chuan.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chuan led thunder to Jiang.

And he was forced to retreat again and again by Xuan Xiao's flying sword, and his chest was chopped by the sword energy, and the blood surged.

The jade crown on his head was also cut off, disheveled, and very embarrassed.

But it was also because of his strong strength that he avoided Xuan Xiao's fierce killing style, took a life, and flew into the air.

He watched Fang Chuan guard and apprentice.

At this moment, Xuan Xiao had already rushed to Fang Chuan's side and patted Fang Chuan on the shoulder: "Not bad!"

He did give Fang Chuan a cold sweat just now.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "I just found out that I also have the ability to control the thunder."


The man snorted coldly, "Xuan Xiao, it's a pity that I can't kill you today. You immortal way, but that's nothing more!"

Xuan Xiao glanced at him faintly: "If it wasn't for the blood demon ancestor who killed me, would you just want to defeat me?"


The man smiled disdainfully, "If the ancestors weren't self-reliant on their identity and couldn't beat them, then they would stop attacking you. You have already become a dead soul, can you still live?"

"You go today."

Xuan Xiao waved his hand, "No matter how nonsense you are, my master and apprentice will kill you!"

The man snorted: "There will be a period later."

After speaking, he couldn't wait, driving a flying sword and quickly disappeared into the horizon.

Seeing that Xuan Xiao hadn't stopped Fang Chuan, he didn't say anything anymore.

Xuan Xiao looked at him with a smile and said, "He is the ninth in the Demon Dao Ranking. He hates Tianjun Fenghe. He was originally my defeated man.

He sighed again, "Luckily you are here tonight, otherwise, I would be really dangerous."

He asked again: "Why are you here?"

Fang Chuan immediately said about Jin Chengzhi.

Xuan Xiao nodded: "You can defeat the little blood demon Jin Chengzhi, and you have cut off his arm. It's pretty good."

He smiled again, "However, if you let him go this time, it won't be easy to kill him next time."

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "Master also let go of Hengtian Jun Fenghe?" "We are the same." Xuan Xiao waved his hand, "Go back, tomorrow I will go to Hejiang Tower to thank those colleagues. ."

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