Fang Chuan can be sure that he and this person have never met before.

This person is here and wants to accept him as a disciple.

However, Xuan Xiao was the same before.

At this moment, Zi Qiong's expression changed: "Junior Brother Fang Chuan is already a disciple of my master Xuan Xiao."

"so what?"

The man sneered, "As long as he has not formally apprented a teacher, it is okay to join me."

He said again, "Even if he has officially apprented a teacher, as long as he is willing, I will accept him as a disciple!"

"Outside the evil spirit!" Zi Qiong cursed.

This person looked at Fang Chuan: "You still speak!"

Fang Chuan shook his head: "I haven't met you, why should I worship you as a teacher?"

"Have you met Xuan Xiao before?" The man sneered, "You are also a hypocritical person."

Fang Chuan said, "At least, they sent me a letter before to meet me."

He said again, "There is no balance between righteous and evil, of course I won't be with you."


This person laughed, "You fake Taoists are just pretending people!"

He stared, "I just asked you, I originally gave you what you hoped, but unfortunately, I didn't cherish it!"


He was full of murderous aura and stretched out his hand to grab it.

Suddenly, a huge magic hand, like lightning, had already reached Fang Chuan in a blink of an eye.


Between the electric light and flint, Zi Qiong's flying sword has flown past, and it has fought dozens of times with the opponent's powerful magic hand.

Sparks flew everywhere.

The sound of the impact is extremely crisp.

However, in just an instant, the Ziqiong Sword was knocked into the air.

On the body of the Ziqiong sword, the light was already dimmed, obviously polluted by the opponent's devilish energy.


Zi Qiong vomited a mouthful of blood, and black air appeared on her face. It turned out that she had suffered serious injuries just now.

She quickly looked at Fang Chuan: "Junior Brother, you should go back and call Master, don't hesitate, I can only resist him for a moment."

As she said, she stretched out her hand and waved at the Violet Sword, covering her mind.

Obviously resisting hard.

Seeing that the magic hand had been caught, her sword once again slayed the past, and every impact was like a mighty force.


There was another collision.

Zi Qiong heard the footsteps beside her and breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that facing the master of this magic way, even her master would not necessarily be able to defeat it 100%.

She can only resist for a moment.


Just then.

She thought Fang Chuan had already left, but saw that Fang Chuan was manipulating the Qingguang Sword, emitting dazzling glaucoma, and lasing away from the side.

Take the evil demon directly.


Zi Qiong was frightened and furious, so that they couldn't leave at all, neither of them could leave!


When she was about to yell at Fang Chuan, she heard the evil master from the other side and let out a roar.

Take a closer look.

Her face changed.

It turned out that it was the evil person whose left arm was cut off by Fang Chuan's blue light sword.

The man was extremely angry.

He also didn't expect that Fang Chuan, a novice, exploded with swordsmanship so powerful.

If you are not careful, you will suffer!

Amidst his roar, he pinched a magic trick and threw a flag.

The flag grew bigger in the wind, and as the wind blew, five black magic knives were thrown out.

The magic knife slashed.

Fang Chuan was completely locked.


At this moment, because of the distraction, Zi Qiong's sword was grabbed by the opponent's magic hand. She was shocked and tried to explode powerful swordsmanship.

Although shattered the opponent's magic hand, he was also greatly hurt.

A crack appeared in Ziqiong Sword.

"Be careful!" At this time, Zi Qiong, Fang Chuan was extremely worried.


Fang Chuan's eyes drenched, and he subconsciously commanded the blue light sword. In the blink of an eye, the blue light sword struck five magic knives.

Like a clone.

In an instant, the green light sword struck past.

Dangdangdang moment.

The five magic knives spurred by the opponent's evil magic weapon were directly smashed at almost the same moment.


The evil person was hurt because of the magic weapon and vomited blood.

He looked at Fang Chuan and said angrily: "You, you turned out to be the reincarnation of the Sword Immortal Soldier, well, very good, our Magic Sword Sect will never let you go!"

As he said, he ran wildly.

Very fast.

When Zi Qiong saw it, she hurriedly shouted: "Junior Brother, don't let him run away."

"it is good."

Fang Chuan nodded, with a thought, the green light sword flew out again.

The opponent's speed is very fast.

But his flying sword is faster.


The man was hit by a sword, fell forward, and blood was spilled on the ground.

But he rolled on the spot.

With a roar, a flash of blood flashed across his body, the speed increased suddenly, and soon disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chuan waved his hand and took the green light sword back.

He ran over and took a look. There was only a pool of blood over there.

He turned around and said, "Let him run, but he should be seriously injured."


Zi Qiong nodded and looked at Fang Chuan like a monster, "Junior Brother, have you really never practiced swordsmanship before?"

"I do not know."

Fang Chuan shook his head, "I can't remember anything."

Zi Qiong quickly said: "Then you must not think about it, otherwise, just like Master said, you may be greatly affected."


Fang Chuan nodded. He did want to think again just now, but there was still chaos in his mind, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Zi Qiong said again: "Let's go quickly, the demon doesn't know if there is a helper, and there is indeed a strong demon spirit here."

Fang Chuan had no objection, so he took Zi Qiong and returned to the Zhong Mansion not long after.

Xuan Xiao's expression changed after hearing their narration.

I asked them about the person's appearance and characteristics.

He frowned and said, "This person should be the elder of the Demon Sword Gate, without a sword."

"No knife!"

Zi Qiong's face changed, "The Forty-Fifth Demon Dao Ranking!"

"It's him." Xuan Xiao nodded, then glanced at Fang Chuan, "You can even defeat a master of the Demon Dao Tianban."

Fang Chuan sighed, "Unfortunately, he didn't kill him."

The corner of Xuan Xiao's mouth twitched.

The Zhong family members were even more afraid.

If they had known that this man was so fierce, they would not dare to be powerless against him.

The members of the Zhong family are not ignorant. I have heard that the so-called sky list is a mortal list.

Among the three top rankings, it is the least technical.

The other two, one is the magic road and the other is the immortal road.

These two top rankings are incompatible with each other, but the gold content is not much different.

Over the years, the people on the Immortal Dao Great Prosperity and Immortal Dao Heaven List were stronger than the Demon Dao Heaven List.

Xuan Xiao said, "No matter what, you can come back. It's pretty good. People of the magic way are often in groups." He said again: "However, the two brothers of the Zhong family have not been rescued. I will go. "

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