The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3826: Suffered a sudden change

"Go to Beijing to rush the exam?"

A blank look appeared on Fang Chuan's face.

He now has a sense of a dream, everything is empty.

He suddenly asked: "Are there any immortals in this world?"


The woman suddenly giggled, "My son, I'll just say you scholars like crazy thinking!"

"Are there any immortals?" Fang Chuan asked again.

"If there are immortals in this world, then not everyone is like a Taoist priest, asking for immortals."

The woman smiled and said, "Who will grow the grain, who will guard the border, and who will govern the world?"

"Huh?" Fang Chuan raised his brows, "Do you understand this?"

The woman smiled again: "My son, don't underestimate me. My ancestor was a court official."


Fang Chuan nodded, his mind becoming more confused.

He suddenly couldn't remember many things.

He was surprised, "Where did I come from?"

"My son, don't scare me."

A look of horror appeared on the woman's face, looking at Fang Chuan, "You wouldn't have choked on the water when you fell into the water and got confused?"

She quickly said, "My grandfather is a doctor, you follow me."

She immediately accelerated the speed of the bamboo raft.

Above this big river, her bamboo raft is very stable.

She chattered all the way.

He said that he had met few outsiders, his ancestor was a high official, and he also had some connections with the court. He also said that his father was a master of martial arts, and he learned some martial arts.

It is very interesting.

But Fang Chuan felt more and more confused as he listened, and he couldn't remember where he came from and where he went.

It's like dreaming.

The best way for a person to judge whether he is dreaming or not is to trace the source.

Where did I come from and what did I come here for.

Once you can't remember or understand, it is dreaming.

However, Fang Chuan felt that the dream was very real at this time, and he heard the girl say that he fell into the water just now, for fear that it hurt his brain.

He also said that he was the one who entered Beijing to rush the exam.

Asked his name, but he also knew his surname Fang Mingchuan.

Not long after, the bamboo raft drove into a tributary, turned around, and after a while, came to a small island among the reeds.

This small island is just a house, a little field, and some poplars, locust trees, plum trees and so on.

It is also a good place to live in seclusion.

"It's a really nice place," Fang Chuan said with a smile.

The woman smiled and said, "You scholars, you like these, and my grandfather also likes these, so I chose this position to live in seclusion."

As she spoke, she led Fang Chuan to the small dock and tied the bamboo raft.

Then Fang Chuan followed her to the front of the house.

Suddenly, a **** smell came over.


The woman's face changed, she hurriedly took Fang Chuan's hand, her palms were a little cold, "I don't know if something happened, you follow me."

She said, opening the door.

She exclaimed.

It turned out that it was a man who looked like a small servant, fell into a pool of blood, covered in blood, and was dead.

Fang Chuan subconsciously squatted down and touched the corpse.


He hurriedly said, "I just died soon."

The woman bit her lip, did not speak, and continued to walk in.

After walking a few courtyards, I saw three corpses, all of them killed with a single knife, lying in a pool of blood, their body temperature still present.

The further the woman walked in, the tighter her brows frowned.


When she came to the innermost big house, she saw two more gorgeously dressed corpses. She threw on her and burst into tears.

Fang Chuan looked aside, worried.

Don't know how to persuade.

After a while, the woman's eyes were red, and it looked even more pitiful to me.

She hurriedly went inside.

I saw a corpse again, she herself was fifteen or sixteen years old. This corpse looked like a boy of thirteen or fourteen.

He was cut off from Yintang with a knife, but his head was intact.

Like a blood line, from Yintang to chin.

But the man is dead.

She burst into tears again. It turned out that this boy was her younger brother.

After experiencing tragic changes, she suddenly fainted.

Fang Chuan was even more at a loss.

Seeing this murder, his heart swayed, a little flustered.

He tried to remember who he was, but he only knew that he was Fang Chuan. He seemed to be a scholar who went to Beijing to rush for the exam.

Something is vaguely wrong.

He couldn't tell the reason, so he could only think about the fact that the falling water broke his mind.

He recalled again, but he could not remember the reason why he fell into the water, nor the details of falling into the water.

He was a little nervous.


At this moment, a sudden sneer came from behind him, and two men in black appeared with knives.

There are blood stains on their knives.

One of them looked at him and smiled: "It turns out that there is still a man and a woman who are brought back to be severely tortured. I don't believe in the whereabouts of the'Blood Sword'. Ouyang Congzhou did not tell his descendants!"

As the man said, he stretched out his hand to catch Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan retreated subconsciously.

The man just caught time, he said, obviously surprised that the other party could escape: "A little bit of effort!"

As he said, the man took a few steps forward.

It's fast.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Fang Chuan. At this moment, he stretched out his hand but grabbed it at Fang Chuan's collar.

Fang Chuan was flustered again, but he stretched out his hand and hit the man's throat with a punch.

The shot is extremely accurate.

Snap it.

With a scream, the man flew out and hit the wall.

His companion exclaimed, and when he looked over, the man in black had his throat broken and he had vomited blood to death.


The man was furious, and raised his knife with his backhand to strike Fang Chuan.

The speed is so fast that the blade light is like lightning.

However, Fang Chuan was surprisingly calm. He pointed with the sword in his left hand. Before the blade hit his head, he had already hit someone else's wrist.


The man only felt like an electric shock on his wrist, exclaimed, and followed, feeling a strong force coming from his wrist.

Teng Teng Teng...

He was shaken back more than a dozen steps, and the sharp blade in his hand slipped away.

He spouted blood.

With Fang Chuan's finger, he vomited blood and injured his internal organs.

Kang Dang——

At this time, the knife fell to the ground, and the man was terrified.

He could see that Fang Chuan's shot showed extremely clever martial arts and strong internal strength.

He is not an opponent.

He was terrified and ran for his life reluctantly.

Fang Chuan looked at his hand, and for a moment he was a little surprised.

Aren’t you a candidate who went to Beijing to rush the exam?

How can martial arts?

and many more……

Martial arts?

His mind was chaotic, followed by a little pain, and his mind seemed to be covered with a mist, becoming more and more at a loss.


At this time, Ouyang Na was already awake.

She looked at Fang Chuan in surprise, "You are so powerful and martial arts so brilliant?"

"That's martial arts?" Fang Chuan frowned.

Ouyang Na sighed: "You may have lost memory because of falling into the water."

She blushed again, "My parents, my brother, and Ahao..." At this point, she cried again.

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