Boom, boom...

Everyone shot together, breaking the formation one by one, emitting a dazzling light, and constantly hit the gate.

The formation on the gate also violently shakes.

At this time, Fang Chuan's side was even more dazzling.

In this dark night, he seemed to be a **** and Buddha descending from the sky, making people feel sacred.

If you look down from above the sky, you can see that the palace as a whole is covered by a thin film.

This film is the expression state of the formation.

At this time, because of Fang Chuan's attack on breaking the formation, he was shaking constantly.

The roar continued to spread.

The ripples on the gate of the palace became stronger and stronger, and even burst at any time, and even the place where the palace connected to the earth was shaking.

Everyone was very happy.

Their tactics for breaking the formation hit the gate, which was different from the previous reaction. Instead of rebounding, it worked.

In addition, Fang Chuan's progress is very rapid.

They actually formed a formation based on Fang Chuan's instructions.

Moreover, because Fang Chuan found the weakness of these formations, they were able to contain the strength of the formation at the gate where they were.

There was a bang.

Suddenly, the central gate where Fang Chuan was located was broken.

Then, like an overcharge, the sound of Bobobo was continuously transmitted.

The formations broke open one by one.

Everyone also received a backlash and immediately took a dozen steps back.

Then, they discovered that the formation covering the palace had completely disappeared.

The light of the palace is even more dazzling.

"Hahaha, finally broken!"

"This formation is really powerful, Mr. Fang can't crack it by himself!"

"However, this technique taught by Mr. Fang has benefited us a lot!"

Everyone laughed.

Ziyunzi, Yong Wei and others were even more delighted. After using them just now, they also had a certain understanding of the breaking formation formula.

Later, they encountered formations, and they used the tactics to break the formation against the enemy, which might have a very good effect.

"come on."

Fang Chuan's voice passed.

It turned out that although this dark night suppressed all information transmission, Fang Chuan did not have much problem.

Therefore, everyone can hear it.

Because of the Jiazi Sky Lantern, they soon came to Fang Chuan's side.

"This is the real entrance." Fang Chuan said, pointing to the central gate where he was.

At a glance, everyone saw that the gate was magnificent, and the ground was made of a special material.

The floor is like a mirror, reflecting the contents very clearly.

There are some lines everywhere, with a sense of sacredness.

Obviously, in addition to being a relic, this palace may have been a temple for people to worship before.

"The real entrance?" Su Fang raised his brow and looked at Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan nodded and said, "If you enter the other entrances, you will be attacked by the formations inside. Under the true immortal, you may die if you enter."

When everyone heard it, their scalp numb, and then they were afraid.

Had it not been for their continuous help along the way, Fang Chuan would have developed a sense of trust for his own safety.

They probably entered directly through the gate where they were in order to enter the ruins first.

Go in and die!

What a terrible thing this is.

Fang Chuan glanced at them lightly. In fact, he had thought before that people like Mr. Liuyun and Ling Bozi would probably get ahead.

Unfortunately, these people did not do this.

He didn't know that Mr. Liuyun and the others felt the danger before, so how dare to stay too far away from him.

Now, although they also want to benefit, they are more to save their lives.

"Okay, let's go in."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and stepped into the palace with everyone.

The palace was spotless, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years, but it didn't receive a bit of decayed power, and it looked full of sacredness.

After walking through a corridor, their eyes suddenly opened up.

Come to a hall.

This hall is as wide as a hundred miles, and at a glance, it looks like a huge plain.

However, there are many murals in the sky and underground.

These murals also tell some special stories, as if they are not from this era.

Everyone looked at it, but there was another feeling of swaying mind.

Chen Wei fluttered and knelt on the ground, before bowing to a statue in the middle of the hall.

Tianxian Ziyunzi couldn't stand this feeling either, so he knelt down.

Xuanxian and the others were taken aback, because they saw the heavenly immortal class kneeling down, and they also felt like they wanted to worship.

Su Fang frowned.

As a true immortal, he was also affected.

Flop, flop...

Just when the Su Fang felt strange, Zhou Wu, Yong Wei and other Xuanxians actually knelt on the ground and began to worship.


Su Fang was shocked. This was the first time he encountered this situation. For a time, he didn't know what to do.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "It's okay."

He paused, "This idol has been psychic a long time ago and possesses power to worship."

"Their realm is shallow, they can't resist, and it's okay to worship."

As he said, he arched his hands at the idol, and Su Fang quickly bowed his hands at the idol.

By doing this, he felt a lot more comfortable.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "It's not that it forces you. If you don't do it, it won't affect you much, but you will feel uncomfortable after all."

"It's as if we were a guest at someone's house, and when we saw the host's house, we had to say hello and bow."

"When you see an elder, it is normal to bow your head and worship."

When he said this, everyone understood and relaxed a little, thinking that he had suffered a demon.

The demon is serious, so don't dare to neglect.

However, Ziyunzi and others would not take Fang Chuan's words to heart, thinking that Fang Chuan was self-proclaimed.

In the heavens, with the exception of those who are inherited from teachers and blood relatives, everyone is based on their strength.

For example, Fang Chuan, if he has nothing to do with Ling Bozi, Ling Bozi will call him a senior.

Even if his age is younger than Ling Bozi.

In the heavens, the concept of age is actually very vague.

However, because of the inheritance, Ling Bozi and Fang Chuan are equivalent to the same generation. Of course, if Fang Chuan doesn't recognize it, Ling Bozi can't help it.

At this time, Su Fang said: "Listening to Mr. Fang, I can be sure that this ruin should be from the time of Emperor Gutian!"

"Because, in the days of Emperor Gutian, there was a habit of temples!"

"In this era, the temple began to slowly decrease!"

When he said this, everyone was shocked. Ziyunzi also exclaimed: "This ruin actually existed millions of years ago?"

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