The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3498: Fatal attraction

"Don't come here!"

The ice-type woman was a little flustered, and while shouting, she condensed a handprint, sparking the white light of the ice-type.

With a wave of her hand, the beam of light rose into the sky: "Mom, help me!"

The voice poured into the light, it turned out to be for help.


This space collapsed, and the light flew out, and it had fallen into Fang Chuan's hands.


The next moment, this light was absorbed by him.

The pure ice energy is also of great benefit to him.

He looked at the woman and smiled faintly: "You are an ice elf, and the energy is very good, I am wondering whether to absorb you."

"you dare!"

The woman was stern: "I am the princess of the ice queen. If you dare to absorb me, you will definitely be killed by my mother!"

"is it?"

Fang Chuan smiled: "But, you provoke me first, let's talk about it, even if your mother wants to kill me, it is not that easy. You can enter my territory only because I have no defense. You exist."

"When I'm prepared, your mother won't want to find me!"

As he said, he stretched out his hand and the power of the seal swept away.


The ice girl roared and played a hockey puck with many strange runes carved on it, and then it exploded.

Boom, boom...

This is like a star exploding, actually impacting Fang Chuan's sealing power.

However, Fang Chuan was prepared and went all out.

This woman is indeed amazing, but compared to him, she is still a bit worse.

In the previous battles, he didn't consume a lot, and this woman seemed to be a little tired, and the other was going to go down. This woman was naturally not his opponent now.

With a buzzing sound, the ice-type woman only fought back, and was sealed by Fang Chuan's ice-bound power.

"what did you do to me?"

The ice girl suddenly felt that she had lost her strength, and in this collapsed space, she felt a sense of powerlessness.

She looked at the man in front of her and gave birth to a heart of fear.


Fang Chuan looked at this woman and suddenly had a special impulse. It seemed that she had a natural attraction to him.

This kind of attraction is a kind of legal attraction.

In other words, this is the law of this world, the law of Winter Star.

Only the combination of cold and heat, fire and ice will produce opportunities for life and have a good yearning.

"What are you looking at me, don't look at me with your eyes, you filthy fire-type beings!"

The ice girl yelled, she seemed to sense Fang Chuan's thoughts.

"Bring it back to the cave and talk about it!"

Fang Chuan smiled, stretched out his hand, and the ice-type woman immediately flew in front of him, and he hugged the ice-type woman.

The moment I touched this woman, the special feeling became stronger.

He hasn't felt this way for a long time.

The fire in my heart can hardly be suppressed.

"You, what are you going to do?" The ice girl shook her body suddenly, looking at Fang Chuan, she also gave birth to a panic.

Fang Chuan said calmly: "I'll talk about it when I go back!"

"No!" The woman was shocked and struggling quickly, but without her strength, she was like a lamb to be slaughtered.

There is no room for resistance.

Hh hh...

Fang Chuan recovered the space collapse of the ten golden lotus, and then quickly returned to the underground cave with a few big moves.

This is the cave house of the Vulcan. In fact, there is an array of the Vulcan to prevent the invasion of the ice system.

He also understands now, it's hard to tolerate it.

Although fire is at a disadvantage, it is also guarded against ice, and to survive in this environment, fire must also have a certain ability.


Fang Chuan threw the ice woman directly into the cave, and wisps of flame burned to prevent the ice woman from running away.

At the same time, he began to arrange the formation.

The formation left before the fire is indeed already a relatively powerful formation in this universe, capable of preventing a large part of the strong.

However, it is still a bit worse for Fang Chuan.

Therefore, Fang Chuan continued to bless and strengthen this formation.

One after another handprints continued to be printed, and the whole cave became stronger and stronger, with a feeling of protecting the mountain.


Suddenly, the entire formation merged, and then there was a loud noise, and the formation was completely arranged.

He was sure that even if someone from the seventh and eighth steps of the Ninth Ascension Realm came, he might not be able to easily break the formation.

Moreover, a certain hidden formation principle was used here, making his cave mansion seem to have disappeared in time and space.

If others want to find here, they need constant calculations.

Otherwise, it is impossible to just rely on knowing the way, because this has involved the mysteries of profound space and time.

Exist and not exist.

It is very different from the Earth's Newtonian physical system.

"you you……"

The ice-type woman regretted it. She watched this hateful fire-type creature and arranged the formation of the cave.

Even if she has no power, she can still sense the mystery of this formation.

This is equivalent to being imprisoned in an unknown place, and even her supernatural mother cannot be found for a while.

She just disappeared.

On Winter Star, these ice creatures have almost no opponents, no natural enemies, and their disappearance will not cause too much attention.

Unless, a few hundred years later.

However, hundreds of years later, maybe it has been absorbed by this guy!

Her tears flowed down and formed ice crystals, which fell on the ground, then melted by the flames and turned into pure energy.

Fang Chuan looked at her and smiled slightly: "Do you know that a pure energy body like you is a sweet bun in anyone's eyes."

"Huh!" The ice woman gritted her teeth, turned her head aside, and did not speak to Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan couldn't help the throbbing in his heart. He walked over, held her chin, and turned her eyes to himself: "Don't you think?"


Ice-type women are almost crying, ice and fire are inherently intolerable, but, to a certain extent, because of the law, there is an impulse to merge into one.

Fang Chuan saw her throbbing.

And her Fang Chuan also had an irresistible feeling.

However, she was still sane, looking at Fang Chuan, breathing quickly: "Go away, don't talk to me so close!"


Fang Chuan shook his head: "I have the final say here."

He couldn't help but glanced at this ice-based woman. There were already more than a dozen kinds in his mind, transforming the law and energy of this woman into the methods he used.

This is all mystery.

The secret technique that ordinary monks don't know, the magic technique that is stronger than the technique of imperial immortality.

He thought for a while, waved his hand, and suddenly the whole cave began to change. Under the solidification of his mental power, a huge villa was transformed.

A grassland formed around them.

The sun, moon and stars also appeared.

Farther out, there was a sea, seagulls even appeared, and some cranes gave out beautiful cranes.

This is not an illusion.

It is a real existence, he already has this ability now, especially after the change of the sky blood beads. He hugged the ice-type woman over, causing the ice-type woman to exclaim.

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