The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3461: The man behind the emptiness

"Nothingness, you are here, don't you say that there will be angels coming, the deity personally tempted them to take action, but didn't find it!"

The Void Dragon that had been injured by Fang Chuan before gave a cold snort, obviously with anger.

Only then did Fang Chuan understand that it turned out that this Void Dragon was meant to lure them into action.

"Before, the people who guard the plane told us that the angels who guard the plane will come down. Maybe they haven't found you yet."

Wu Wushang frowned, "But, I also heard about the true God of the Void, and now it won't help if you go again."

"Then what do you say?" said another Super-Order Void Dragon. This is a female dragon with boundless majesty.

"This Void True God is left to the person who guards the plane to solve it." Xu Wushang said.

"How can you be sure that the guardian of the plane will listen to you?" the male Super Void Dragon asked in a deep voice.

"We have an agreement."

Wu Wushang said indifferently: "One of the agreements is that if the guardian plane angels come, after he kills them, you must be present, and then you will be allowed to admit that you killed the two angels."

"This is naturally no problem." The male Ultra-Order Void Dragon nodded: "But, that Void True God is powerful, you must deal with it as soon as possible."

"Needless to say, I came to your lair this time, firstly to discuss the next big plan with you, and secondly, to wait for the strong guardian to come!"

Voidsor said indifferently: "At that time, your Void Dragon Race and our Void and Eternal Race will divide this abyss. In fact, you don't need much chassis. You need food. We will give you some people."

What they said surprised Fang Chuan and others.

As expected by Fang Chuan, the people who guard the plane really colluded with the people of the emptiness and eternity, and they were about to come.

And this person is mostly Tang Bingao and Tang Shengtu.

"Let's follow."

Wu Wushang talked to the Void Dragons about the arrangement of the war after killing the guardian plane angel and Void True God.

However, Fang Chuan didn't care about these things.

The Thirteen Prince listened very carefully.

Afterwards, Wu Wushang, led by another Void Dragon, went to his resting space.

Fang Chuan and the three also followed.

The palace where the Super-Order Void Dragon was located was very large, and Fang Chuan followed it for a while before he came to an area.

Along the way, with the help of the Hidden Array, they were not noticed, and came to this space very smoothly.

At this moment, Wu Wushang is sitting cross-legged in the void, absorbing the laws of the void, and the breath of the void is circulating on his body.

He seemed to merge with this world, and he seemed to jump out of the category of this world.

The strength of Wu Wushang, among the Void Clan, is considered to be relatively powerful, at the sixth level of the ascension realm.

His combat effectiveness may be stronger than Ziyun.

In the magic kingdom, there is no such a strong person, even in the eternal kingdom of emptiness, he is also the strong one among the strong.

"You come out, in fact, I already knew your existence."

Suddenly, the voice of nothingness resounded in this space, and Fang Chuan's trio were startled, but none of them moved.

"Come out, don't hide it!" Wu Wushang's voice came again.

"He found us?" The thirteen prince was shocked, no matter whether it is the Void Dragon Race or the Void Sorrow, he cannot be defeated.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "Impossible."

"Nothingness, you are really good, no wonder the people of nothingness and eternity sent you over."

Sure enough, after Fang Chuan finished speaking, another voice came from this space, and Fang Chuan and the others saw two people appearing in front of Wu Wushang.

These two people surprised Fang Chuan.

One is Tang Shengtu.

He had expected it before.

And the other person was the one who really surprised Fang Chuan, he turned out to be Xing Luohuo.

This shock is not trivial. You must know that before, he asked Ziyun to contact Xing Luohu to inform him of the situation here.

However, Xing Luohu appeared here.

"Ah!" Ziyun shuddered with fright, because when she contacted Xing Luohuo before, she felt a little strange. She thought it would take a long time, but she didn't expect to contact him soon.

She has told them what happened here.

Fortunately, she only told Xing Luohu about the void dragon clan and the void eternal kingdom, but did not say that they were in the dragon cave, nor did she mention that Fang Chuan was the true **** of Ksitigarbha.

She looked at Fang Chuan, "Why is Xing Luohu here? Why is he with Tang Shengtu?"

"Everything is possible. When these people reach this step, they will definitely focus on their interests. They will have no eternal enemies or eternal friends."

Fang Chuan shook his head, Xing Luohu was with Tang Shengtu, which made him a little disappointed, but it was only disappointed.

Because everyone has the right to choose, and everyone has the freedom to pursue their own pursuits.

However, fortunately, their affairs have not been fully exposed, otherwise, at this moment, they will be very dangerous.

"You are the people guarded by Tang?"

Wu Wushang smiled, looking at Tang Shengtu and Xing Luohu, he clearly felt the terrifying pressure of each other.

But this kind of pressure is a good thing for him.


Tang Shengtu nodded: "We are here to help you, first, to get rid of your confidant troubles, and second, for the Three Void Ancestral Dragons."

"The three void ancestor dragons are extraordinary in strength, surpassing the power of our Tiangang guardianship, and have a great effect on our deployment!"

"And your emptiness and eternal kingdom want to dominate the entire abyss, in fact, it has no effect on us."

"So you must cooperate with us."

Tang Shengtu was as strong as ever, and Wu Wushang frowned, but thinking of their origin, Wu Wushang could only nod his head.

Wu Wushang smiled and said: "In that case, two messengers, what is your plan and what do I need to do?" "You just need to continue with the void dragon clan people to make a false impression, then we will take the opportunity to control the two Super-Order Void Dragon, then, open the seal, twenty-two Super-Order Void Dragons, all allocated to you, the eternal kingdom of nothingness, and the three Ancestral Dragons we bring

go. "

Tang Shengtu seemed to have a well-planned plan, and said calmly: "However, before that, we must kill the two traitors who guard our plane, as well as your so-called Void True God."


Wu Wushang nodded: "We will definitely let the Void Dragon Race to lead out your enemies. At that time, you will kill your enemies and take the opportunity to control them. The Void Dragon Race is ours!"

Having said that, he laughed.

"In this way, we must first prepare something to break the seal, and go first, if you have anything, contact me." Tang Shengtu finished speaking, threw down a sign, and turned and left.

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