"I'm back, where are you in the district?"

When Fang Chuan returned to the third district again, Ziyun sat cross-legged in the air, seeming to comprehend the way of heaven.

Seeing him, Ziyun accepted the exercises and flew to his side.

Fang Chuan nodded: "The fifth district, if it is forced to pass, the sixth district should be able to do it, but it is somewhat dangerous."

"What are you planning now?"

Ziyun had always been curious about what Fang Chuan was going to do, and she was also curious as to where Fang Chuan's confidence could kill the Prince of Heaven.

"I met a person in District 5, Wu Xinghai, do you know his origin?" Fang Chuan asked rhetorically.

"Wu Xinghai?" Ziyun shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

Immediately, she frowned: "The people who can reach the fifth district in Tianmen should be the top figures. Maybe he has hidden his real name. You can show me his appearance."


Fang Chuan nodded and waved, Wu Xinghai's projection appeared in front of Ziyun.

Ziyun looked carefully for a moment, became more puzzled, and shook his head: "I haven't seen this person either. I don't know if someone has hidden his image, but generally not. Isn't there a strong man in the heavenly passage?"

"Do you know the guardian city?" Fang Chuan asked again.

"I haven't heard of it." Ziyun thought for a while, and shook his head: "At least, I haven't heard of this place in the Tianmen."

"This Wu Xinghai claims to be a guardian. He said that the emperor escaped from the guardian city." Fang Chuan threw out this shocking message.


Ziyun was stunned and unbelievable: "The emperor didn't come from the heaven. Is he the one who guards the passage of the heaven?"

"Who heard this?" Fang Chuan asked again.

Ziyun thought for a while, was stunned.

From the beginning to the end, the news came from the emperor and the prince. No one ever raised any objection, and no one doubted it.

Because the inside of the Celestial Passage is too mysterious, they have no chance of contact.

Ziyun sighed: "The emperor said it."

"If what Wu Xinghai said is true, then there is another great place in the passage of heaven."

Fang Chuan suddenly understood why the holy lord of the three holy places of the Overlord World had to launch a big expedition to the Heavenly Dragon Star Territory.

Perhaps, they are here to protect the city.

The expedition to the Tianlong Star Territory is just an excuse, they are using the power of the entire Overlord World to attack the Tianmen.

One holy place or three holy places may not be able to conquer the heavenly gate.

Moreover, without a suitable excuse, other people in the Holy Land will not go all the way to death with them.

Perhaps, protecting the city is their real goal.

The three holy masters wanted to ascend to the heaven without hope, so they found another way, looking for the guardian city, and found the opportunity.

Perhaps part of the initiation of the catastrophe came from these three holy masters.

Of course, the catastrophe spreads over a wide range, and it is impossible to cause them entirely, and they are just pawns of heaven.

"I want to visit the guard city." Fang Chuan thought for a while and said, if he could go to guard the city, staying in Tianmen would not make much sense.

"But how do you know that it is true?" Ziyun frowned and asked coldly.

"Even if it is fake, I have to try it." Fang Chuan shook his head.

Ziyun looked at him and thought for a moment. She actually wanted to explore the Guardian City, but her strength was too weak and entering the fourth zone would be very dangerous.

Fang Chuan also understood Ziyun's thoughts, but he could not receive Ziyun into the Dantian world.

Because Ziyun's realm was too high, the world of Dantian could not withstand her destruction. Once she had a malicious intention, Fang Chuan's foundation would be completely destroyed.

The Dantian World is equivalent to Fang Chuan's back garden and his backyard, so the backyard must not be plunged into crisis.

"Actually I have a way."

At this moment, Wu Xinghai suddenly stepped out of the void, as if walking out of a wormhole, and came to Fang Chuan in one step.

He looked at Fang Chuan, then looked at Ziyun: "You are both good at strength and good fortune. You are going to guard the city, and I can take you there."

The sudden arrival of Wu Xinghai shocked Ziyun.

The pressure radiating from Wu Xinghai almost surpassed the threat of Prince Tian to her, making her feel powerless.

Fang Chuan looked at Wu Xinghai: "Are you following me?"

"Guarding the city is in jeopardy. We have many old men who have been watching and helping each other for nearly 10,000 years and have sacrificed one after another. The talent is scarce. How can I easily miss you when I meet a talent like you?" Wu Xinghai smiled.

Wu Xinghai's words gave Fang Chuan a sense of crisis. Guarding the city is not a peaceful place, perhaps a place full of battles.

However, this also gave him a sense of excitement.

He raised his head and looked at Wu Xinghai, who also looked at him.

He smiled and said, "How can you take us there?"

"With my strength, there is no problem taking you across the sea of ​​silence." Wu Xinghai said with a smile.

"The Sea of ​​Silence?" Ziyun showed suspicion.

"Guardian City guards the passage of the heavenly realm and the end of the human world. The distance between the guardian city and the so-called Tianmen is called the sea of ​​silence."

Wu Xinghai is very patient: "You can regard the energy here as the ocean, the energy tide is the tsunami, and the planet in it is the island."

He waved his hand: "Just as ordinary people are easily buried in the sea, so it is easy for you to be buried in the sea of ​​silence."

"Actually, you can also understand that the guardian city is on an isolated island in the depths of the sea of ​​silence."

He said and sighed, not just for the brother who has passed away, but also because of the loneliness of nearly ten thousand years.

"How long will it take us to guard the city? Will we see the emperor?" Fang Chuan asked suddenly.

"It takes less than a day to go to the guardian city. As for your so-called emperor, Tang Bingao, you may or may not encounter it."

Wu Xinghai waved his hand indifferently: "Tang Bingao escaped from the guard city, but because of insufficient external resources and laws, he must return to the guard city."

"You are the people I recommend. If he dares to move you, it is tantamount to offending me."

He immediately smiled confidently: "He doesn't dare to offend me, so you don't have to worry about him."

After listening to Wu Xinghai's words, Ziyun was already shocked to the extreme. In her impression, the emperor was the strongest person in the world.

However, the person in front of him seemed to have no regard for the emperor.

But, I don't know if he brags, or it is true.

"Are you going?" Fang Chuan looked at Ziyun.

Ziyun was silent for a moment, but nodded: "Go!"


Wu Xinghai laughed happily and waved his hand: "If that's the case, let's set out now, we need fresh blood to protect the city!"

Huh-after he finished speaking, Fang Chuan and Zi Yun were enveloped by the breath of Wu Xinghai, and then watched Wu Xinghai step into the void and enter a black space.

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