The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3424: Declare war and plunder

"Then contact your elders and let me tell them how stupid it is to come to the human world."

Fang Chuan said lightly.

The demon nodded, and followed, a black light emerged from his head, which sank into the space.

Then, among a distant planet, a black glow emerged from an altar, forming a whirlpool.


About five minutes later, a huge projection came to this space.

"Rotara, what's the matter?" The elder looked down at Demon Rotara.

Then, he found something wrong, there was a human in the distance, and Rotara was here alone.

Rotala and Herri were the most powerful young fighters in their clan, and Rotara was much more mature and stable than Herri.

Therefore, it is generally impossible for Rotara to summon him in this situation.

"Elder, we have failed. The elite of our clan who came to fight has been killed by this person in front of you." Rotara said angrily.


The elder's anger was extremely angry, and he could feel his anger through the projection. He glanced at Fang Chuan: "You have met such a strong man, so why call me?"

"He wants to find a chance to blew himself up, he wants to die with me, aren't you demons all this way?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at the other person: "I asked him to summon you out to show you that the consequences of invading the human race are not something you can bear."

"Look at it, this galaxy, you have passed nearly ten million demons, and you want to be yours!"

"Then, they are going to die soon!"

After Fang Chuan finished speaking, he flew to the top of the universe with a hum, where he could overlook all the planets in this star system.

He raised his hand, and then an electric light appeared on his hand.

"Mozu, everyone gets it!"

After he finished speaking, with a flick of his fingers, the electric glow rose up into the sky, and then a strand of electric glow turned into dozens, and they flew to various planets at faster than light speed.

When flying over the planet, it turned into tens of thousands.

All of a sudden, the electric glow he condensed turned into millions of strands, and then penetrated these planets.



"so horrible!"

All the demons trembled at this moment, because they were facing a ray of lightning that they could not resist.

When they screamed, the electric light penetrated them like flying knives.

Puff, puff...

Demon races are working hard to create the Demon Race Land, and they are constantly summoning the demons in the demon world, and then they are hit by the electric light, and finally they scream and tremble constantly.

Finally, they fell to the ground.

One by one demons turned into corpses, and for a while, corpses were everywhere.

The tens of millions of demons above the frost galaxy are all devoid of vitality at this moment.

"You bastard!"

The elders watched the Demon Race that they finally transmitted to die here, and became more and more angry.

Unfortunately, he is just a projection, no matter how angry he is, it is impossible to change this fact.

"More than that."

As Fang Chuan said, he waved his hand again, and a bolt of thunder and lightning once again transformed into hundreds, flying towards various planets.

Boom, boom...

In the end, the altars on the planet also turned to ashes under his lightning.

Only a huge altar was unharmed.

However, this was only because Fang Chuan wanted to keep the projection of this elder, otherwise, once the altar disappeared, this elder would also disappear.

"I tell you, why do I keep you Rotara, because I can find the next batch of demons from him."

Fang Chuan smiled: "I want to kill the demons, not just this, I want to kill all the demons you sent here."

"Also, when the time comes, I will return to the Demon Realm, and kill until you are scared."

"I tell you so much, I just hope that you can let other demons come and kill me, otherwise, you will lose a lot!"


As Fang Chuan said, a ray of breath spread from his body and flew into the whirlpool of the altar.

He actually passed his breath directly to the devil world.

He has great confidence in himself.

He looked at the elder: "Remember my words, I am not dead, your demons will suffer heavy losses. I kill a billion demons in a year, I kill 10 billion in a hundred years, and a hundred billion in a thousand years."

"When I kill your demon world and kill your top level, you know that you are afraid, and you will know how stupid it is to invade the human race!"

Every word of Fang Chuan deeply stimulated the elder.

They had prepared for thousands of years before they had a chance to break into the human world, but unexpectedly, they met such a master.

Although the other party spoke too much, but if he were to let him go, the demons would definitely suffer heavy losses, and, because of him, would withdraw the plan.

Even the millennial effort was destroyed.

"Okay, we remember you, our masters of the demons will chase you down, endlessly!"

The elder roared angrily. This is equivalent to Fang Chuan sending them a challenge. Then, in order to maintain the dignity of the demons, Fang Chuan must be killed.

"I'm waiting for you." Fang Chuan wanted the same effect.

If the universe is big, he can't really track down the demons every day, and let them do it themselves, which would be much more efficient.

Moreover, they can plunder their resources.


The elder cut off the projection, and then Fang Chuan flicked his finger and destroyed the altar directly. Without the altar, the demons would not be able to come.

After doing all this, he looked at Rotara and smiled: "Next, I will trouble you. The next batch of demons needs you to sense."

"You dream." Rotara was furious.

However, just as he roared, Fang Chuan's mental fluctuations passed to Rotala's mind.

"Do not!"

"You bastard!"

Rotara roared like crazy, struggling hard all over, but to no avail, he had no room for resistance in front of Fang Chuan.

After a while.

His hideous eyes became submissive, he looked at Fang Chuan, and then lowered his head: "Master."

He was completely enslaved, his spiritual will has been destroyed, and what was left was just a soulless body.

"Induction Demon Race."

Fang Chuan gave the order, and Rotara is now a tool for him, as long as he wants, Rotara can do anything for him.

Of course, as long as he thought of it, Rotara would turn into ashes like a bomb.

"Yes, Master." Rotara nodded quickly, and then sat cross-legged in the universe, with faint fluctuations in his body.

Fang Chuan incarnates dozens and flies to planets. This frost galaxy has many resources before. There are many fairy stones of the ice system, many spirit stones, and some medicinal products of the frost galaxy.

These things are indispensable.

Ten days later.

Fang Chuan finally finished searching the resources of the Frost Galaxy. Of course, he did not plan to release the Frost Dragon.

Because the current frost galaxy is no longer suitable for them to live in, and the frost dragon is already his personal property, he will naturally not let them go.

At this time, there are many more things in his mustard space, and the shopping mall of the world of dantian is even more rich.


This is still not enough for him. The resources that are really useful to him are only some good resources in the space of a few Ascended Demon Races. This is not enough for him to raise a realm...

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