"Asshole, I thought you were so good!"

Haotian received the blessing of the mysterious man, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds. He was only afraid of Fang Chuan's power, so he used strategy.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chuan was more difficult to attack than they thought.

He roared, his body gleaming with black light, and then, in the blink of an eye, he rushed to Fang Chuan's back.


He caught it in the air, and suddenly, a black storm appeared behind Fang Chuan, the powerful force almost tore Fang Chuan apart.


"not good!"

Fang Chuan and the others immediately lost control and almost flew towards the storm. Their power was already very powerful.

However, in this case, it still cannot resist.

After all, the other party has reached the fifth stage of the Ascension Realm, and the power of a hate shot can be imagined.

Fang Chuan's eyes dazzled. In this case, he must use the secret method of putting death and resurrection.

He is confident that once the secret technique is displayed, Haotian can be killed instantly by him. After all, he is now also a super powerhouse among the four peaks of the Ascension Realm.

For him, the fifth layer of the ascension realm was not an irresistible existence.


In that way, he would lose the power to resist. Once so, Long Wu'ao would become the strongest among them, and it would be detrimental to him.


As Fang Chuan was thinking, a fiery fireball blasted and blasted the Haotian storm directly.

"Shangxian, I'm late!"

Following that, Jinlong Wusu flew with a few heavenly dragons, and he also flew remotely from the air, defeating Haotian's attack.

Then, in the blink of an eye, they already came to Fang Chuan's head.


The supreme aura blasted down, and Haotian was blasted to the ground again. Under the suppression, Haotian could not move.


Yang Hongbo was furious. Originally, even if he arrived, they only had one chance to kill Fang Chuan.

Better luck, twice at most.

But obviously, their luck was not good, and the support of the Tianlong tribe came faster than they thought.

"Next time, I will kill all of you stupid dragons!"

Yang Hongbo roared, then the man and the gun were united, and a black light flashed, the huge aura forced back the Golden Dragon tassel, and then flew towards the sky.


Jinlong Tassel's eyes dazzled, but he didn't pursue it, because Yang Hongbo's speed was not slow, which made him still worried.

Why can a human being have such a powerful combat power?

He can't figure it out!

However, this is enough to arouse his attention.

"Shangxian, I'm sorry, I put you in danger."

The golden dragon tassel turned into the human body of the dragon head, and fell in front of Fang Chuan, arching his hands.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "I don't blame you, but I should thank you."

With a wave of his hand, a golden light formed a lifelike ancestral dragon, and the ancestral dragon let out a loud roar.

"Ancestral Dragon Statue!"

"This is a visual projection!"

"So real!"

All the Tianlongs were shocked. They had never seen such a real, such a visual projection filled with the breath of the ancestor dragon.

Jinlong tassel is ecstatic.

This is more than ten times better than the projection he imagined, and it proves that what Fang Chuan said is true.

Fang Chuan's body has the supreme status in the fairy world.

Otherwise, he could not have such a real Zulong projection.

"go with!"

Fang Chuan flicked his finger, and the Zulong projection fell into Jinlong Tassel's mind, and Jinlong Tassel's whole body shuddered.

He waved his hand again: "This is the secret recipe for refining your dragon's treasure, the eight Tianlong Pagodas. Although you can only refine some substitutes, this is also very good!"

"If you can ascend the immortal realm, the eight Tianlong Pagodas will be of great benefit to you!"

After speaking, a golden ball of light condensed in his hand flew into the body of Golden Dragon Tassel.

Jinlong Tassel hadn't recovered from the last surprise, and then was overwhelmed by Fang Chuan's gift.

He couldn't imagine that he still had such a gain.


The Jinlong Wusu on the side was also a little shocked, but because he didn't know it personally, he was not as ghoulish as the Jinlong Tassel.

With Wusu’s reminder, Jinlong Tassel came back to his senses, and said to Fang Chuan, "Thank you for the gift. With these two things, our Jin clan will definitely become the strongest clan among the Tianlong clan!"

"Moreover, it won't be long before we can leave this place of exile!"

"And, with these things, I have the confidence to fight the previous person to the end, what kind of existence he is, I feel that their core is stronger than our Tianlong clan!"

Jinlong Tassel looked puzzled.

Because just now that person broke his understanding of human race.

"If I'm not wrong, he should be the **** race of the immortal world. The **** race lives on immortals and is the natural enemy of the immortals."

Fang Chuan thought for a while and said, "Originally, such a race could not appear in the world, but for some reason, he appeared!"

"However, his bloodline shouldn't be fully activated, or his real body hasn't fully recovered yet!"

"He should have hatred with me, but I can't remember who he is!"

"In short, their life level surpasses the immortal, naturally you don't have a soaring dragon, and you are not his opponent!"

"You have these darlings I gave you, there should be no problem with defeating him!"

Fang Chuan finished speaking and waved his hand: "Okay, don't delay, it will change when you are late. If you can fly to the fairy world in the future, we still have a chance to see you."

"Okay, God, thank you, God!"

Jinlong Liusu and Tianlong hadn't reacted from Fang Chuan's words, they saw Fang Chuan waved away, and then he quickly thanked him again.

After a while, Fang Chuan and the others entered the valley passage.

"Elder, what the Shangxian said is true. The gods of the immortal world feed on immortals. Why does such a terrifying existence appear in the exile?"

A golden dragon looked at the golden dragon tassel in surprise and asked.

Jinlong Tassel waved his hand and sighed: "This immortal has no reason to deceive us, but that person is not completely physical, we don't need to worry too much, go back and practice hard, and strive to leave here as soon as possible!"

After speaking, he led the golden dragons to leave in a flash.

"What you said before is true?"

Long Wu'ao, Fang Chuan and others had already passed through the valley, and he finally couldn't help asking, because the existence of the Protoss was too unbelievable.

Fang Chuan glanced at Long Wu'ao, and said calmly: "The world of immortals is not the world of immortals. If you have a chance to go, you will know that the world of immortals is not peaceful!"

He waved his hand: "Hurry up and contact the dragon you said, leaving here is the business!"

He couldn't wait too, because he didn't know what was happening outside, and he didn't know whether Liu Ning and the others had killed all of the palace's people or were killed by the palace's old monsters.

"Yeah." Long Wu'ao took a deep look at Fang Chuan. Fang Chuan became more mysterious, but he quickly walked to the space channel and closed his eyes.

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