
Fang Chuan nodded. He didn't know who General Yanghongbo was, but he knew, and he agreed to it temporarily, and talked about it later.

He looked at the shopkeeper: "Is what I want ready?"

"Already prepared."

The shopkeeper smiled, then waved, a delicate jade slip appeared in his hand, and then handed it to Fang Chuan.

He smiled and said, "This is what you need, sir, but please keep our agreement and don’t show it lightly."

"I know."

Fang Chuan took the jade slip and swept away his spiritual knowledge, and the things in the jade slip immediately entered his mind. There was really a lot of information in all aspects.

However, at the level of his brain development, he had completely absorbed the contents of the jade slip in an instant.

He nodded: "If that's the case, then don't bother you. I will contact you if I have anything later."

"No problem, sir."

The shopkeeper smiled, and then said: "However, sir, if you still have medicines that need to be sold, please consider our inn for the first time."

"This is natural."

Fang Chuan would not refuse this request, because someone from an inn gave him a good impression. Although it felt like sitting on the mountain just now, it was also their style of doing things and did not affect the transaction.

The shopkeeper listened, smiled, exhorted a few words, and then turned and left.

At this time, the onlookers looked at Fang Chuan with more respect, not only the attitude of an inn towards him, but also the general Yang Hongbo invited this person to the dinner.

This is enough to illustrate the weight of this person.

"The general dinner of the city gate guards, will it be dangerous if you go?" Xu Mo asked Fang Chuan in a low voice after the shopkeeper had left.

"Say it."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, first went to see if there was anything to buy, and then decided.

Subsequently, everyone followed Fang Chuan on the sweeping journey.

However, Fang Chuan did two things with one heart, and while shopping, he liberated the situation of chasing dragons.

The jade slips that the shopkeeper gave him were really good, not only about the exile of Dragon Terrace, but also about the city in the forbidden zone.

A complete map is enough for Fang Chuan to learn more about this place.

Moreover, every place is marked with its owner and its owner's information, which is of great help to Fangchuan.

The area of ​​the forbidden city is very large and its forces are complex.

The Exile Dragon Terrace is in a special area south of the city of the forbidden zone. There are no mansions in this area, only altars and towers.

This is the restricted area of ​​the restricted area.

It is said that every altar here represents a Heavenly Dragon. The strength of the Heavenly Dragon is not trivial, and it is not comparable to the five-clawed golden dragon Fang Chuan encountered before.

However, these heavenly dragons were all banished, some were grumpy, and some were murderous.

Therefore, in order to obtain the protection of the Tianlong, the human beings in the exile must contribute sacrifices to please the Tianlong without being affected by the anger of the Tianlong.

Sacrifices include natural treasures, precious metals, superbly crafted high-end products, and beauties born at the special time of the human race.

This jade slip also records that there is a space in the altar, guarded by the dragon, unless it is allowed by the dragon, it is not allowed to enter.

Fang Chuan suddenly understood that this space was the key to leaving the place of exile.

There is a lot of information, including some known information about Tianlong.

"Long Wu'ao, I have found the place to leave the place of exile, what do you do next?"

Fang Chuan asked Long Wuao while shopping.

"As long as I can get into that space, I can use my blood to summon my guardian Tianlong. Under the protection of Tianlong, we can leave here immediately."

Long Wuao said calmly.

He paused, then looked at Fang Chuan: "If it is not necessary, we will go directly to exile Longtai, and we don't need to attend the dinner party of General Yang Hongbo."

"I think so too."

Fang Chuan smiled, and then shrugged: "However, there is a problem that the area where the Exile Dragon Terrace is located is also a forbidden area. Without the permission of the city lord or the general of the city gate guard, you cannot easily go to the forbidden area."

"Can't you go in?" Long Wu'ao said coldly.

"Are you coming?" Fang Chuan sneered: "No one guarding the restricted area is weaker than Qin Wushuang."

"..." Long Wu'ao suddenly had nothing to say.

"Yes, I heard that all the sacrifices are placed in an attic in Longtai, where there are very powerful people guarding them."

Haotian sighed: "If we haven't met you, we can only stay in the city, inquire carefully, look for opportunities, and get in at the latest the day before the sacrifice."

Although he said so, he understood that it was extremely difficult.

He said again: "Mr. Fang, if you guessed correctly, then General Yanghongbo is mostly after your pill."

"of course."

Fang Chuan smiled: "If it weren't for this pill, a general of him could summon me, but this is also an opportunity, perhaps to exchange the qualifications for entering the restricted area."


Haotian knelt on one knee and looked at Fang Chuan: "Mr. Fang, if you have a chance, please help me rescue my wife."

"I Haotian is just a cow and a horse, and I want to repay you."

"But my strength is limited and my ability is insufficient. There is really no way I can do it. I don't know that the strong in this place are so terrifying!"

Haotian red eyes: "Please!"

"I—" Fang Chuan is not a person who likes to grow branches. Haotian's request made him frown.

Luo Yao pulled La Fangchuan's sleeve: "Xiaochuan, if you can help, please help."

Long Wu'ao snorted coldly. If it were him, he would never help.

Li and Du did not move much, but their eyes were obviously moved with compassion, but they could not help.

"Okay." Fang Chuan thought for a while, waved his hand, and a force dragged Haotian up: "If he will propose an exchange with this general, if it is possible, I will help you exchange. If I have the opportunity, I will also Rescue your wife, but if there is no chance, you don’t

Count on me to go out and help you. "

"Thank you sir!"

Haotian hurriedly tried to the end: "Mr. can help me like this. Haotian has already remembered how he would have other ideas."

"All right."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and bought everything that should be bought. With good luck, he bought a few medicinal materials for refining the Super Tianlong Feisheng Pill, and bought a tenth Tianlong Feisheng Pill.

In this way, twenty or thirty Super Sky Dragon Ascension Pills and 70 or 80 Sky Dragon Ascension Pills can be refined.

Moreover, he only spent more than 200,000 yuan in dragon coins before he bought it.

If you sell it again, you will get a few million yuan again! If an alchemist is trained, he is really the richest group in the monk world!

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