The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3352: Qin Tai's helplessness

"A weak person who wants such a high salary, does he think he is too high?"

Fang Chuan looked at Fengxian coldly after shaking Fengxian to vomit blood.

Feng Xian was a little hairy by his eyes.


When Tai Qin saw Fang Chuan's arrival, although he had the confidence, he was worried that he would offend these people and lost so many helpers.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Needless to say, if these people just want to fight the autumn wind, they will only go to work afterwards."

"Blood spurts!"

Fengxian roared angrily: "We are only fighting for our own interests, but once we invest in the three princes, we will naturally take money to do things."

"Yes, are we that kind of cunning villain?"

"Although this gentleman is powerful, don't frame us!"

"Sir, please don't underestimate us!"

The rest of the people also said loudly. Obviously, they felt that they had been treated unfairly.

Fang Chuan looked at them indifferently: "Who can prove what you said, of course, I don't need your proof."

He waved his hand: "If you are not that kind of person, you shouldn't speak loudly, improve your treatment bit by bit, look at your abilities, and obtain resources based on your achievements. Do you dare?

"Why not dare!"

Fengxian is indeed a little angry, but when I think about it, this person's thoughts are not unreasonable.

He did have a big idea before.

"That's good." Fang Chuan nodded, and said to Tai Qin on the side: "Three princes, since they all agreed, you will first give them a soaring pill. Then, post the task and let them do it. If you do, you will have Feishengdan and other resources.

If you can't do it, you can only blame yourself for incompetence! "

"Good." Qin Tai nodded, Fang Chuan's method is also good, and Fang Chuan came forward and said that it is also a good thing for him.

At least, it's not that he offended these people head-on.

This Mr. Fang is simply the noble man in his life!

He bowed his hands to everyone: "Everyone, this is Mr. Fang Chuanfang, the strongest man in King Kang's Mansion. What he said, if everyone can accept it, we will make a contract. Next, you will definitely feel mine. sincerity."


Fengxian and the others saw that Qin Tai was talking about it, and there was nothing to say. After all, the third prince was always polite to them.

Moreover, it is already good to be able to get another Feisheng Pill, and with the following tasks, they are also eager.

Besides, isn't there another Fang Chuan who is eyeing here?

They knew it was a carrot and a stick, but they also had to recognize it.

Soon, Mrs. Qin asked people to bring the book of contract, which was similar to the contract on the earth.

It's just that the contract on the earth is based on the law, and the validity of this contract is based on the majesty of Emperor Qin.

In Dongsheng Kingdom, the majesty of the Great Qin is everything.

Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary people to violate the book of contract at will.

Of course, similar to Hou Wenbo, the book of contract is not too useful, and only the contract of heaven can restrict him.

Because Hou Wenbo is not a native of Dongsheng Country, he has a bear heart and a courage.

This can be seen from the fact that he dared to come to King Kang's Mansion to kill the third prince.

In a short while, these people signed the book of contract, and then they formally joined the Palace of King Kang and became the doormen.

Mrs. Qin soon settled these people in the Palace of King Kang.

King Kang's mansion is like a small palace, even if there are a hundred more people, he can arrange the people properly.

Although these people’s accommodation is not as good as Fangchuan’s, it is much better than their other places in Kyoto.

Only Fengxian has a foundation in Kyoto, so he doesn't need to stay in the Kang Palace, just the third prince is on call.

Hou Wenbo, under Tai Qin's order, arranged for those strong in the first level of ascension.

Tai Qin looked at Fang Chuan with joy, and arched her hands again: "Thank you, Mr. Fang, for helping me out of troubles. You are the one sent by God to help me!"

"Don't say that."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, he and Qin Tai were nothing more than everyone taking what they needed.

He looked at Qin Tai: "Long Wuao's ancestors have sensed that something has happened to Ban Longtai. If we can't go to Ban Longtai in a short time, I can't leave the place of exile."

He smiled faintly: "If I can't leave the place of exile and return to my hometown, then I can guarantee that the whole place of exile will not be peaceful, and no dynasty can be safe."

Ta ta ta...

Tai Qin was photographed by Fang Chuan's powerful aura, and he involuntarily stepped back several steps, shaking all over.

Fang Chuan has been helping him for this period of time, and he almost forgot, what a terrifying person Fang Chuan is.

Fang Chuan was already a little angry when he said that, and also a little impatient.

He said that, he must be qualified to do so.

Qin too deeply understands what kind of person Fang Chuan is!

He is a person who can make continuous breakthroughs in a very short time. If given him time, there are not many people who can defeat him in the exile.

At that time, he could really set off a **** storm.

At that time, even if he was the prince or the emperor, it would be of no avail.

He looked at Fang Chuan to the end: "Mr. Fang, give me some time, I will go to the palace to negotiate with my father."

"No need."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "You don't have much right to speak in front of your father. Your father, including your elder brother, will not discuss with you."

"You take me to the palace, and I want to see your father. Although he is strong, he can never kill me if he kills me!"

"I still have this ability!"

What he said is very confident, but it is also true. First, he has a heinously powerful body.

Second, he has blood beads in the sky.

Third, he still has many back players who explode with super strength at the expense of himself.

He looked at Mrs. Qin who was already a little dumbfounded, and said: "Of course, you can rest assured, I will not argue with him when it is not necessary. Then, you take me there, and you report it first, saying that I have a good chance. Give it to him."

"it is good……"

That's all Fang Chuan said, and Qin Tai didn't dare to say anything against it. Anyway, this was beyond his ability.

Then, he can only take one step.

After all, Fang Chuan was not one of his, but a terrifying person, which he almost forgot.

"Let's go."

Fang Chuan ignored Qin Tai's painful look, waved his hand and said to Qin Tai. Tai Qin nodded, called someone, and then led Fang Chuan out of the Palace of Kang, and soon came outside the palace.

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