The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3342: The preciousness of the pass


Fang Chuan had nothing to hide. He smiled and looked at Mrs. Qin: "Even, I am not from your planet."


Tai Qin was taken aback, and then suddenly realized, nodded and said: "I said why you are such a strong man, and we don't know it!"

He said again: "Mr., what are your plans next?"

"Go to your palace and get a pass to exile the Dragon Terrace." Fang Chuan said bluntly.

"Pass!" Qin Tai raised his brows, and then solemnly said: "The pass in the restricted area is often only used by the emperor of every dynasty. It is impossible for ordinary people to get a pass."

He sighed: "Sir, although you are strong, but my father has already ascended to level five or more, you should not be his opponent, so if you want to get the pass, I am afraid it is extremely difficult."


He changed his conversation: "I have a way. Although it takes longer, it is not impossible."

"Say." Fang Chuan looked at Tai Qin, and his heart sank. Great Qin was so powerful that it was impossible to grab it.

But if you want to exchange with him, he may not have something that can fascinate the other party's king!

"When I become the Great Emperor Qin, I promise I will give you the pass." Tai Qin said, looking at Fang Chuan with scorching eyes.

"Wait for you to become the Great Qin Emperor?" Fang Chuan glanced at Qin Tai, then smiled: "This is a way, but how long will it take for your father to abdicate?"


Qin was overjoyed, seeing that Fang Chuan didn't say no, he knew there was a show.

He hurriedly said: "In another fifty years at most, my father will leave Dongsheng Kingdom with his pass and go to the restricted area!"

"Fifty years?"

Fang Chuan shook his head: "It's been too long."

Tai Qin said seriously: "This is the only way, sir, think about it, my father is not someone who just makes people change their minds."

He added: "The pass is very important to him!"

"What about you?" Fang Chuan asked rhetorically.

"It's also important, not important!"

Qin Tai smiled and said: "The biggest advantage of the pass is to go to the restricted area. There is a rumor in this world that only by going to the restricted area and comprehending the ultimate law of heaven and earth can you ascend to the heavens."

"And, the pass is not a certificate, but a gift from heaven. During the reign of an emperor, there is a chance to pray once every 100 years. Although the probability is low, there are opportunities."

"It took nearly five hundred years for my father to get such a pass."

"Think about it, how could he easily give you such a valuable thing?"

"But I am not the same. My strength is not strong, and the chance of fighting for the throne can only be regarded as second, but compared with my elder brother, it is much worse.

"If you help me, I will have more opportunities. I will become the Great Qin Emperor, and there are still many years to go."

"I have also heard that some great emperors have had more than two passes in their lives, so I can promise you that the first pass is for you!"

Qin Tai hurriedly explained his value and his intentions.

He also understands that to communicate with people like Fang Chuan is useless, but to speak out the values ​​and requirements of each other directly is the best choice.

"It will take fifty years for your father to leave, and it will probably take hundreds of years for you to get your first pass."

Fang Chuan shook his head after listening. He couldn't wait so long.

The world can't wait too long!

The catastrophe is coming, where does so much time come?

Even if the place of exile of the dragon clan can jump beyond the five elements, it is impossible for Fang Chuan to be in a corner here.

He smiled and said, "I can't wait so long."

He paused, then added: "Of course, this is also a follow-up method."

"and so……"

After hearing Fang Chuan's words, Tai Qin's heart sank, but the words behind Fang Chuan made his eyes light up.

Fang Chuan smiled and said: "If I have time, I can help you become a prince. I have calculated before that you have a chance to become a prince, and you are also fighting for the position of prince."


"You need to help me get a pass!"

"You can inquire about the news from your father, if he has any needs, I can help."

"If it doesn't work, I won't rule out using strong means when my strength allows."

Fang Chuan's tone was a little indifferent, but Qin Tai couldn't help being stunned by the strong confidence.

If the strength allows?

Who can reach the fifth level from the first level of the ascension realm so quickly?

Why don't you wait another fifty years?

However, since Fang Chuan had this idea, he was also willing to trade with Fang Chuan, and Fang Chuan helped him ascend the crown prince.

And he helped Fang Chuan get news from his father.

As for Fang Chuan's tough methods, he almost ignored them directly, maybe he was bragging!

Tai Qin nodded: "Okay, I can help you inquire about my father, and I can also help you connect."

He looked at Fang Chuan: "In this case, sir, are you and me now a cooperative relationship?"


Fang Chuan nodded: "A mere prince of Dongsheng Country, if I help you, you will have a chance."

"it is good!"

Qin Tai was waiting for Fang Chuan's words, but he didn't know the true meaning of Fang Chuan's words.

He just thought he had found a powerful collaborator.

However, Fang Chuan's ability is not only in combat.

Fang Chuan glanced at the excited Qin Tai and smiled: "In this case, when I get to your Kyoto first, I will count on you. As long as you can help me, you will definitely have unexpected gains."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the cabinet.

"So confident?" Qin Tai was stunned, but still very worried, because his eldest brother also had the powerhouse of the Second Ascendant Stage.

A Fang Chuan can at best help him increase his strength.

Soon, Fang Chuan returned to his home. The space inside the flying dragon boat was huge, and everyone had their own room.

Luo Yao naturally shared a room with him.

After seeing each other for so long, they finally had a chance to be alone.

"How about it, are you talking about it?" Luo Yao watched Fang Chuan come in and asked gently, stepping forward and holding Fang Chuan's hand.

Fang Chuan smiled: "It's almost done."

He put his arms around Luo Yao: "Now I want to talk more about our business, do you miss me?"

"What about you?" Luo Yao asked with a flushed face.

"If I don't want you, would I come back as soon as I can and kill the dignitaries in the Heavenly Dragon Palace, and then come to this place?"

Fang Chuan said, steadying Luo Yao's mouth. After a long absence from the newly married, the two once again performed the double repair technique, making the entire space full of harmony and beauty!

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