The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3305: Warden-Law Enforcer of Heaven

Void creatures appeared again, and the whole world seemed to be in apocalypse, and the power of the void was confronting the power of the sky.

The Tianlong Supervisor shook frantically, and flashes of lightning continued to pour down, like a pouring rain.


"How could this be!"


"The Sky Dragon Supervisor was swallowed by this void creature!"

Screams came out from the criminals in the Dragon Prison, and some people even knew the void creatures, knowing that the void creatures might devour the entire planet if they continue.

At the same time, all the criminals who had touched the terrible thunder and lightning were turned into powder.

No matter how strong the tribulation realm is, under this kind of disaster, it is still so weak.

"Waiting for the Tongtian Tower, only the Tongtian Tower can protect us."

The Eight Tribulations Earth Immortal had already rushed to the Tongtian Pagoda at the first moment, and when the other people saw this, they rushed over.

However, their sins were so serious that they were immediately suppressed when they entered the Tongtian Pagoda, and it was impossible to climb up.

Wow, wow...

Red raindrops with black void matter fell from the sky, and then became denser and more dense.

In the end, this raindrop formed a terrifying rainstorm.



Everyone who was washed by raindrops immediately appeared as if they were penetrated by a bullet, with holes in their bodies.

In the end, these people turned into silt and died completely.

Boom, boom...

Fang Chuan and the others are located at the top of the Tongtian Tower, the place closest to the void creatures and the sky, the deafening thunder, they feel the most intense.

That feeling of fear made them lose their thinking at all.

"Void air has spread in!"

After about ten minutes of confrontation, the void creature tore open the opening in the sky, and then, the safe passage before, was filled with wisps of void air.

Everyone backed away quickly.

The wisps of void air turned into a avatar of void creatures, and the void creatures roared and rushed towards Fang Chuan and the others.

Boom boom boom...

In this place, the power of the sky can't be touched at all, so the clones of the void creatures do whatever they want here.


Fang Chuan waved his hand casually, blasting a large thundery sword aura, smashing a clone of a void creature.

However, another void creature clone had already rushed into a servant's body.


This servant immediately became void, and the whole person became hideous and terrifying, exuding a strong breath of void and death.


His strength soared, and he rushed towards Fang Chuan.

Not only him, but also other void clones, also directly attacked.

Their goal is Fang Chuan!

"Could it be that I had spied on him with my spiritual sense before, so he came here? Impossible, I am nothing, why did he dare to come to the real universe from the void for the sake of me?"

Fang Chuan was extremely surprised, and he thought about it while he was fighting each Void clone.

Boom boom boom...

Their battle was extremely fierce. His whole body was covered with the golden light of the Shifang Divine Mirror.

At the same time, the Ten Directions Sacred Sword turned into golden light in his hand, and the sharp blade continuously slashed out.

His consumption is huge!

But, fortunately, he has built wood and other treasures in his body, constantly absorbing energy from other dimensions, allowing him to continuously increase his recovery ability.

In a moment, he had already killed more than one hundred void clones, but more void clones rushed from the passage.

And the emptied servant had already turned into ashes in the first place.

This is also no way, because once he is emptied, he will completely die and no longer be a human.

"You all get back!"

Fang Chuan said to everyone while fighting the endless void clone.

Everyone also understood that at this level of combat, they could not give Fang Chuan any help at all.

Therefore, they quickly retreated to the 108th floor of Tongtian Tower!


Fang Chuan waved his hand, the golden light penetrated the entrance of the 108th floor, and the entrance was immediately sealed.

"Why come and kill me?"

Fang Chuan already understood that this void creature was just to hunt him down. He pierced through a void creature with a sword, radiated out with mental power, and roared.

"You must follow me to the void."

The ethereal and frightening voice of the void creature came from outside the sky, with a strong echo.


Of course Fang Chuan understood that once he was brought into the void, he would no longer be him, but the next new void creature.

He didn't know exactly how the void creatures survived, but he knew that from now on, they were separated from the real universe.

Moreover, his pursuit has also vanished.

Even his life is equivalent to the end.

"You can't fight me!" The special voice of the void creature continued, and at the same time, Fang Chuan was already wrapped in the clone of the void creature.

They turned into all kinds of lives, using the power of the void, Fang Chuan launched an attack.

There was a golden shield in front of Fang Chuan.

The void power of the Void Clone hit the shield of the Shifang Divine Mirror, and it exploded continuously, causing waves of ripples.

However, Fang Chuan can persist for the time being.

Fortunately, he had already broken through to the Eighth Layer of Mahayana, otherwise, he might not be able to resist this time.


He can't hold on for long.

But he also has hope. The void creatures are completely opposed to the reality of heaven. If the void creatures dare to enter the real universe, the reality of heaven will definitely hit him head-on.

The key is that Fang Chuan must persist until that time.

Boom, boom...

Fang Chuan's battle continued, and the sky was also fighting against the void creatures, and the violent explosion continued to resound.

The earth has been completely submerged by the water of the sky.

The Tongtian Tower has been submerged to the third floor.

"In this way, how many criminals are left?"

Standing on the high platform, the warden sighed as he watched the fierce fighting and the doomsday scene in the distance.

He looked at everything in front of him like an outsider.

He shook his head: "If the sky is broken and these people run away, it will be useless for me to stay in the Dragon Prison. The catastrophe will eventually affect me!"

He sighed again, then stretched out his hand, and a one-meter-long ruler appeared in his hand.

"Heaven comes, I am a law enforcer, Evil!"

The warden roared, and the mysterious ruler turned into a red dragon, flew into the sky, and then flew back from the sky for a moment, and penetrated into his body.


A pair of blood-colored sky wings spread out behind him, his eyes were blazing blood-colored flames, and his hair was constantly surging.

At this moment, he became the incarnation of the law enforcer of the law of heaven.

"Kill!" He roared, with a spear in his hand, and rushed straight to the sky.

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