"It turned out to be so."

"It's almost enough for the major galaxies to produce one by one."

"They are working independently, and they certainly can't fight against the main world."

The eight forces present, plus a dozen of Taixuanmen, made a total of 108 people, and everyone was a genius.

Some people are older than Fang Chuan and others, but lower than Lang Yunqing and others.

They have not come into contact with people from other galaxies in the Overlord World, but they can understand this truth.

"Everyone is the pride of the sky. Naturally, these galaxies are not comparable to us." Shen Yuekui said with a smile.

"Don't belittle yourself."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Well, let's take a look at the vanguard mission this time."

"it is good."

Shen Yuekui nodded hurriedly, and then led the leaders of the eight major forces, Fang Chuan and Feng Wuxie, to the conference room.

Others are familiar with their daily lives by following Tian Jupiter.

"Master Fang Chuan, this is your meeting room. If your spiritual power is integrated into the core, you will understand the operation method here."

Shenyuekui briefly introduced Fang Chuan to the functions here, then bowed his hands and left respectfully.

"These people can't believe it all."

When Shen Yuekui left, Feng Wuxie said seriously: "The more they obey, the more unreliable I think."

"But these are people trained by the Holy Master. Although they are at the bottom, there should be no problem with loyalty?"

The Void Empire shook his head hurriedly.

"Credible and not completely trustworthy."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "It's okay for them to be in the Overlord World. It's okay that there is no problem. Once we encounter a crisis, they may not be able to reverse the situation. Just pay attention."

"it is good."

Wu Wuji was just expressing his own thoughts. Seeing Fang Chuan say this, he naturally had no opinion.

Feng Wuxie also nodded: "Such a big Tianba still needs their maintenance. This is also true, and we can't make them feel that we really don't trust them."


As Fang Chuan spoke, he had already used mental power to communicate with the core of Tianba, which also had a super agent.

However, this agent is not as good as Nada, but it does not matter, because Fang Chuan's current mental power can completely replace the agent.

One of his distractions can absolutely control Tianba.

Therefore, at this time, he had already controlled almost all the powers of Tianba, and how to use it.

"Look at the task."

With Fang Chuan's spirit moving, a burst of blue light burst into the entire conference room, and then the entire conference room formed a virtual scene.

Among the clouds, the three void figures are very magnificent from a distance.

"Three Holy Masters!" Feng Wuxie said quickly.

Feng Wuxie is the only one among the eight of them who has come into contact with the three great masters.

"Dear geniuses of the Vanguard, this time your mission is not easy, and there will even be death. I hope you will be careful, complete the mission, and achieve a worldless cause."

One of the magnificent figures said: "Now, your first mission is to go to the Heavenly Dragon Star Territory, find the Heavenly Dragon Emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Empire, and ask him for the Star Map of the Heavenly Dragon Empire.”

"The tasks are flexible and changeable, but they must be completed within six months of arriving in the Sky Dragon Star Territory."

"After you complete the task, we will release the second task."

After that, the scene disappeared 4 and disappeared.   "Is this task too vague?" Wu Wuji frowned.

Yue Nanli of Tianyue Gate also nodded: "We have never seen the Heavenly Dragon Emperor of the Tianlong Empire, and we don't know where it is."

"I know." Fang Chuan waved his hand: "I have been to the Heavenly Dragon Empire, and I am familiar with it. At that time, we can go directly to the Heavenly Dragon Great Emperor. Before I leave, I only know that he is a strong man who crosses the tribulation realm. It’s not clear if there are other means, or

Whether there are other masters is not clear for the time being. "

"It's good to know where it is." Feng Wuxie glanced at Fang Chuan suspiciously, and then nodded.

"Others needless to say."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Next, we set off."

After he finished speaking, he called Shen Yuekui through the core of Tianba, and then asked Shen Yuekui to execute the flight command.

Although he can control the overall situation, why should someone help to do it himself?

It takes a lot of mental power to control such a large spacecraft through the star field.


Under the control of Shenyuekui, the Tianba flew out of the Overlord Continent at an extremely fast speed, and if it teleported, it arrived at the Nabu.

The size of the Nabu was twice as small as that of the Tianba.

However, it is also a behemoth.

Shenyuekui was carrying out Fang Chuan's orders, so they stopped in front of the Nabu. Under Fang Chuan's guidance, Fang Chuan led the others over, and Fang Chuan put the Nabu away.

"What a big spaceship."

"Much better than our Nabu!"

Feng Yueqiu and others arrived on the Tianba and were immediately shocked by the Tianba.

They visited the Tianba and were then incorporated into the staffing of Tianba by Fang Chuan.

Tian Jupiter arranged for them to live in the main area.

"Who are they?"

When Wu Wuji and others saw this situation, they hurried over to ask.

"They are some of my friends in the Tianlong Empire, and they are my servants." Fang Chuan said bluntly.

"Fang Chuan, should you explain to us?" Feng Wuxie frowned, looking at Fang Chuan and asked.

"I can't explain to you."

Fang Chuan looked at them and smiled faintly: "The people at the top know my situation very well, you don't know it."

Feng Wuxie and others frowned.

For some of Fang Chuan's performance, they are now very puzzled, such a long distance, to fight with a distrustful conquest.

This is a great threat to them.

However, Fang Chuan's words made it impossible for them to continue questioning.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled at this time and waved his hand: "Although I don't need to explain to you, but you want to know, I will tell you too."

Feng Xie and others listened, and then he was relieved.

Fang Chuan smiled and said: "I myself come from a very remote galaxy in the Tianlong Star Territory. Although this galaxy is remote, it is not an unknown place.

"This galaxy has produced a lot of powerhouses. Among them, the strongest one I know for the time being is Elder Lang Fanyun. He is my fellow."

"Second, it's me for now."

"The rest of the Tribulation Realm also appeared several times."

He finished speaking and looked at everyone.

Feng Wuxie was taken aback: "Elder Langfanyun is also from the Sky Dragon Star Territory, but he is still your fellow, how did you come here?"

"Break the void." Fang Chuan said indifferently. He didn't intend to explain too much. It's impossible to say that he was chased and killed?

He said again: "This is normal. Many people in the Overlord World came from the broken void of other worlds."

"Well, this is indeed." Xu Wuji nodded, he knew something about it, there were vague records in the royal library.

"Then, for me, the Heavenly Dragon Empire does not have a sense of belonging compared to the Overlord World. Their people were planning to attack our galaxy before. Later, I arrived at the Heavenly Dragon Empire to solve this trouble." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and looked at They: "Moreover, I have a lot of grudges against many of them. I have already expressed to high-level officials that my hometown galaxy does not allow anyone to destroy it. Otherwise, just fight in the Sky Dragon Star Territory!"

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