The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3284: Star King's calculation

"Fang Chuan, now the fellows of the Eight Tribulations and the Nine Tribulations are striving to break through to the ascension realm. I am afraid that few people are free."

The Purple Sword King looked at Fang Chuan and said seriously: "Moreover, you don't need the Eight Tribulations Earth Immortal to feed you tricks. I will help you apply for the Six Tribulations, or Seven Tribulations!"

What he meant was, young man, don't be too far-sighted.


Fang Chuan listened and smiled: "But, the Six Tribulations Earth Immortal and the Seven Tribulations Earth Immortal, I was killed with one punch. It's boring."


The corner of Zijian King's mouth twitched, and he looked at Fang Chuan seriously. He felt that the other party was not joking. He raised his brows: "Seriously?"

"Of course."

Fang Chuan nodded, and then glanced at the senior Seven Tribulations Earth Immortal next to him: "Senior, did you have anything to say just now?"


This Seven Tribulations Earth Immortal is also an enthusiastic person, because he is grateful for Fang Chuan's contribution this time, so he intends to take the initiative to help Fang Chuan recruit.

However, before he could say anything, he heard Fang Chuan's words.

One hand can kill...

People have said that, what else can he do? Can he continue to bite the bullet and say, I'll give you a trick, can you kill me?

He waved his hand hurriedly, and then thought for a while: "I heard you talk about the Eight Tribulations Earth Immortal, I remembered that Xingchen Douhuang seems to have nothing to do recently."

"Emperor Star Fighter!" The Purple Sword King frowned and looked at Fang Chuan. In fact, he knew Fang Chuan's grudge with Emperor Star Fighter.

Xingchen Douhuang was banned from the position of deputy head teacher because he offended Fang Chuan, and is now an idle elder.

However, he really didn't have much to do recently, because after the last time the Immortal Realm appeared, he fought for an opportunity.

As a result, after entering, because he was too impatient, he was injured in it and almost got his foundation. Now he is healing.

Not for more than ten or twenty years, I am afraid it will not be cured.

The sect also depends on his previous contributions, so he is allowed to stay here, occupy the quota, and shorten the healing time for him.

and so……

He has plenty of time now.

The Purple Sword King thought for a while, nodded and said, "It's okay for the Star Fighting Emperor. The Star King is injured and has nothing to do. You should be able to fight Fang Chuan."

"The Star King was injured?"

Fang Chuan raised his brows, his eyes flashed, and he looked at the Purple Sword King: "Then he, the injured Eight Tribulations Earth Immortal, is just stronger than the Seven Tribulations and weaker than the Eight Tribulations. It suits me very well."


The Purple Sword King suddenly had a bad premonition, and he hurriedly said to the other side: "The Star King is also credited to the Taixuan Sect. You can't push him too hard."

"Don't worry, Senior, I'm not that kind of person." Fang Chuan smiled, and then said: "Or, Senior, you go apply?"

"No need to apply!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice came, and then the burly figure of King Star appeared in front of Fang Chuan and the others.

The aura of the Star King is very strong, even if it is injured, the thin camel is bigger than a horse, and it is not comparable to that of the Seven Tribulations Earth Immortal.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "You are now a sect treasure. The head teacher and the elders are all optimistic about you. I have nothing to do now. Moreover, you created the virtual realm of the immortal world. I can feed you the trick."

He said to the Purple Sword King again: "You don't need to tell me about this."


The Purple Sword King was suddenly one and two big, he was worried that Fang Chuan would do a good job with the Star King, but also worried that the Star King would ruin Fang Chuan.

However, this is really hard to say, because it is offensive to say it.

He smiled: "Okay, then you be careful."

"It's okay." Fang Chuan smiled faintly, then looked at King Star King: "Uncle Xing Chen, trouble you."

"Let's go, go to my space."

Star King's expression was not sad or happy, and when he waved his hand, he headed towards the square.

Since Fangchuan they have captured more than forty barren towers, and these more than forty barren towers have even better results than before.

Therefore, the area of ​​the square has increased tenfold, and some space has appeared.

These private spaces are generally occupied by strong people of the Eight Tribulations and the Nine Tribulations, and there is no longer a need to meditate in the square as before.

Fang Chuan did not have this treatment. After all, this was also a respect for the seniors and the strong.

After a while, Fang Chuan followed the Star King to his Star King's space.


As soon as they entered, the Star King waved his hand, and the space was immediately sealed.

"You are really courageous. You dare to come to my space with me. Neither the master teacher nor the ancestor Jin You can interfere in my space."

The Star King suddenly turned around, looked at Fang Chuan, and smiled.

Fang Chuan shrugged: "What am I afraid of? First, if you are injured now, you may not really do anything to me."

"Second, do you think that the master teacher and ancestor Jin You can't interfere with your space, too much elders can't?"

Fang Chuan looked indifferent: "You don't even know the relationship between the Supreme Elder and me."


Star King's face became very ugly. It was true that he had an antagonism with Fang Chuan, but he was not stupid either.

He just said this just to scare Fang Chuan and want to see Fang Chuan make a fool of himself.

However, Fang Chuan is more confident and slippery than he thought!

He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, the argument is boring."

He paused: "It's okay if you want me to feed you, but I didn't do anything serious. It must be inevitable for you to be injured. If you can eat this bitterness, then we continue. If you can't eat it, let's go."

"Are you retaliating against me on purpose?" Fang Chuan asked with a smile.

"You can understand it this way. Anyway, I won't beat you to a disability, and the clansmen won't care." The Star King also didn't mean to give Fang Chuan falsely.


Fang Chuan smiled: "What you want is your mentality, come on, let's see first, who hurts who!"


The Star King nodded, and a sneer appeared in his eyes. The hatred can be calculated slowly, and now to torture you and make you painful, it is regarded as a little interest.

As he said, he stretched out his hand and slapped Fang Chuan suddenly.

There was a thud.

The power of the Eight Tribulations contained the laws of heaven and earth, and a sword aura was stirred up directly in front of Fang Chuan.

However, because he was injured, he could only display a level of less than 20%, but the 20% of the power of these eight calamities was also stronger than that of the seven calamities.

Therefore, the Star King was still full of confidence and felt that Fang Chuan would definitely be injured by him.

Moreover, this is just the beginning.


However, he thought too much, and Fang Chuan saw King Star making a move, and he didn't hesitate to directly mobilize ten percent of the true energy, and grabbed the void.

A big hand collided with King Star King's sword qi, and with a bang, King Star King's sword qi broke, and Fang Chuan's big empty hand shattered.

A huge wave of air raged.

Fang Chuan stepped back dozens of steps, and the Star King also stepped back several steps.

"What?" The Star King suddenly raised his brows and looked at Fang Chuan. He felt a little uncomfortable. This guy was actually so powerful? He felt he had miscalculated!

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